Hey Kamala

Cheryl E tweeted the following:

Hey @KamalaHarris

“So I have a question for you about your virtue signaling speech today? A few questions actually…

Was it not YOU that threatened us to not go into Rafah? Something about you “reading the maps” if I recall. The only thing you know how to read is a script.

Was it not YOU who has regurgitated the UN propaganda and lies against us, and stayed silent as the UN denied any sexual violence against our women and children on October 7 for a year? And by doing so, you fed that shit to those marching on your streets. And talking about them…

Explain the “we” part? What “we” exactly? You did nothing.

You do not bring to justice those who threaten Americans. There’s 4 million of them running around your streets in masks and with Hamas and Hezbollah flags all while burning our flag and the American flag and calling for our freaking genocide, and you’ve not done a damned thing. In fact it’s YOU that has encouraged and incited them to do it, then defended them and praised them. Between you and Rashida Tlaib, you may as well have joined them.

Darling, you have a hell of a lot of explaining to do because there is no way I’m letting you even think of taking credit for any of this. If we’d listened to you on Rafah or your stupid ceasefire deals, all of those Hamas and Hezbollah leaders WE (as in Israel, not you) took out would still be alive. You’ve literally done absolutely everything in your power to overthrow our democratically elected government, obstruct all our operations, and promote lies and propaganda to win over the very freaking terrorists on your streets that threaten Americans… for the past 12 months!!!

You are the last person that should or will get any credit. We achieved what we have in spite of your attempts to stop us, not because of your help. You don’t help anyone. So stay in your damned lane.”

October 18, 2024 | 1 Comment »

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