Dennis Prager finally challenges Candace Owens

By Dennis Prager

On September 4, 2024, I sent this letter to Candace Owens regarding many comments she has made about Jews, Zionism and Israel. I have known Candace for about as long as she has been in public life. She began her podcasting at PragerU in 2019 and left in 2021. She left on very good terms. To this day, she often speaks of her respect and love for Marissa Streit, CEO of PragerU, and me.

Within hours of receiving my letter, Candace replied:

“I deeply appreciate this e-mail and I will respond to it thoroughly. Please know that I respect you tremendously and it is difficult for me to reconcile how I feel about you and Marissa and the amazing way in which I was treated by you both, and my new feelings and understanding about Zionism. Please give me a bit of time to respond to all of your points. You can always reach out to me and no matter which side of this or any political debate we wind up on, my love and respect for you and Marissa and your treatment of me will never be swayed.”

As it happens, more than two weeks later, Candace had not responded to the letter. Given the number of subjects covered, the letter’s length, and Candace’s busy family life and career, I did not expect her to. I sent it to Candace to give her the chance to respond and because I did not want her to first see it when it went public.

Last week, after not hearing from her, I emailed Candace that I would be publishing the letter. We then spoke on the phone, she briefly explained why she hadn’t been able to respond in writing, and she in no way objected to my making the letter public.

I wish I did not have to write this letter. But Candace has said many things that need to be answered. The primary reasons I have not spoken out sooner are that I needed to become fully acquainted with all or nearly all the things she has said about Jews, Zionism, and Israel, make sure I quoted her accurately, and that I never did so out of context. That was time-consuming work.

I ask anyone who has been influenced by Candace with regard to Jews, Israel, and Zionism to make the effort to read this entire letter. If you care about truth, I believe you have a moral obligation to do so.

Click here to read the full 15 page letter

Dennis Prager

October 1, 2024 | 2 Comments »

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2 Comments / 2 Comments

  1. In the run-up to the US election, I’m trying to keep track of various personalities, formerly considered generally “conservative”;

    1. Candace Owens: pro-Trump, anti-Ukraine, anti-Israel
    2. Kim Iverson:?-Trump, anti-Ukraine, anti-Israel
    3. Mark Dice: pro-Trump, anti-Ukraine, anti-Israel

    I think I see a trend here, but not much of a sample size.

  2. Bravo Dennis! This is in fact long overdue and while I can appreciate that this was a very difficult step for Dennis to make, I can’t help but maintain that he should have been far more outspoken some time ago. Still, i congratulate him for having done so, even at this late date, and even after Owens was left to openly spew her advocacy for Jew Hatred with an ever increasing and spirited glee with less qualified challengers to contest her having done so.