Iran’s Revenge: What Happens After Nasrallah?

Peloni: Miri Eisen reminds us of the fact that the victories over the past two weeks have been the work product of many years of planning, and yet, Hezbollah is not destroyed and remains as a very significant threat which can not be met with airpower alone.  She also explains that the armaments shipments from Tehran will be continue to be trucked into Lebanon.  The elimination of the command structure of Hezbollah has not destroyed Hezbollah, but has instead introduced chaos into their organization.  She explains that Nasrallah was an immensely important and charasmatic leader, but that she is concerned about issues related to  overestimation vs underestimation of Hezbollah following the recent successes and that the remaining threat is in the underground network she expects to be located all across Southern Lebanon and that the organization will fall back to small cell attack formation in the current period of leaderless chaos.

September 30, 2024 | Comments »

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