Nasrallah is Dead

Peloni:  How ironic is it that watching Bibi’s speech before the UN signaling Israel’s commitment to victory was Nasrallah’s final action.  Victory defines security, while capitulating to foreign influences only guarantees future slaughters.

September 28, 2024 | 1 Comment »

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  1. I am finally seeing an Israel liberated and empowered to deal a crushing blow to the genocidal Islamic extremists of Iran and her proxies.

    When I look back at Israel from Oslo onward, I see a fairly large constituency of Jews in Israel and in the US who genuinely thought peace with the Palestinians was possible and achievable. After the second intifada, Israeli Jews began doubting that peace was possible. Over time the political constituency In Israel that believed peace was possible grew smaller and smaller, with fewer and fewer electoral gains over time.

    The purpose of October 7th was to destroy the Jewish State. Instead what happened was that Israeli Jews and many diasporan Jews finally realized the genocidal intent behind all Palestinian attacks, whether involving killing and massacre or involving propaganda that inverted the truth. All the efforts the Palestinians make are intended to destroy Jews and the Jewish state completely.

    Finally the result is that the people of Israel have united behind a determined effort to ensure their peace, prosperity, and safety, even if it means death to the murderers.

    The determination, strength, and courage shown by the Israeli people is the opposite of the weakness, cruel and perverse attempts by the Biden-Harris administration to hamstring Israel and ensure her defeat.

    Once you see the genocidal intent you cannot unsee it. Once you realize those who control US foreign policy at this time are on the side of the genocidal armies, you no longer feel required to jump when they say, “jump.”

    Israel has freed herself from the chains she has heretofore accepted as part of the “deal” of being a US ally.

    Whatever Hezbollah can muster as a response, Israel will be able to answer, because of the degree to which Israel has penetrated the Hezbollah network and because Israelis are united and determined to end their suffering at the hands of these mass murderers.