Like it or not, now is the time for war.

Peloni:  War is not what we want, but it is what we are left with.  They want to wreak Jihad upon us every day of the week, and we must face what we have ignored for too long now, and finally deal with these barbarians as if they are barbarians, and to recognize that their only goal is to slaughter us because their only goal is to slaughter us.  There can be no negotiation on these points, no toleration with their plans of future massacres against us.  Whatever it takes, war is being waged upon our people and we must respond with a resolve which is indefatigable and a spirit which is both inspiring and perseverant.

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September 22, 2024 | 2 Comments »

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  1. No need to “clarify” any arguments… There is no argument; they want us dead, for a start. Then everyone else who pisses them off… which is everyone else…
    My salutations to Cheryl. Whatever it takes…

  2. “Industrial strength ” language obscures and does not clarify the argument. However the logic of the piece is right. In action we should concentrate on the warfare or whatever and win. Keep the musing on “the good society” till peacetime.
    Too many forget that all the nice stuff in constitutions is posited on foreign and civil peace first and on everybody keeping to the rules – which jihadis do not.