Rabbi Herzog: Detailed future of #Jordan, the UAE, and Lebanon

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Record this tweet. Today’s information. These are not predictions. Detailed future of #Jordan, the UAE, and Lebanon.

What happened today in Lebanon is just the beginning. We have more. We are not against the Lebanese people; we will only eliminate the heads of terrorism.

The assassination of a prized target from the high-ranking leaders of Hezbollah.

Lebanon will remain unstable, and Hezbollah will continue to bleed until it is finished.

The Palestinians in Lebanon will return to their homeland, Jordan, between 2026 and 2028. 650,000 of them are already registered in civil records as Jordanian citizens, but the Kingdom of Jordan refuses to grant them passports. The king will leave, and everything will change.

Lebanon will become part of the Greater Republic of Jordan. The Egyptian astrologer Ahmed Shaheen spoke about this, and he was correct. I confirm this.

The monarchy in Jordan will fall, no matter how much its ally President Mohammed bin Zayed tries to help.

The Kingdom of Jordan is a protectorate of the Vatican. The Vatican intelligence service, which is 1,600 years old, is what has been supporting the King of Jordan.

The Vatican can no longer provide anything to the King of Jordan. The wife of the King of Jordan has pleaded a lot with the Pope, Vatican intelligence, the Knights of Malta, and the organization that starts with the letter G. But to no avail. You will leave, Queen of Jordan, and live in poverty, and your end is near, Queen of Jordan.

The Vatican and its intelligence are the ones supporting the regime that oppresses people in Iran, Yemen, the UAE, Lebanon, Egypt, Gaza, and more.

The Queen of #Jordan, in cooperation with the Arab Rambo, is planning a major event against Israel inside Israeli territory. We know, Queen of Jordan, we are aware, and we even know when you enter your bathroom in your palace. Learn a lesson from what happened to Hezbollah today. Advice won’t work with you, and you will see the results with your own eyes.

The Prime Minister of Jordan, appointed by the Queen of Jordan, Jaafar Hassan, will not enjoy his position for more than a few months, perhaps less.

The next president of #Jordan is only one person. I have mentioned his name repeatedly and won’t repeat it. We have agreed on him, and the influential global powers have agreed on him. Let every Arab ruler who fights or considers fighting him know that they are fighting us, and whoever fights us, we destroy.

And I bring good news to the Jordanians and Palestinians: the new president of Jordan will rule for a long time and will bring you a lot of money and treasures.

Anyone holding a yellow card who is a Jordanian citizen residing in the West Bank will be deported to Jordan if they commit any violations or cause problems, and this will start next year.

All terrorists in the West Bank will be expelled to Jordan along with their families. We will not deport those who do not cause problems.

To those who call themselves “original Jordanians,” you are originally Palestinians, and the word Jordan is an invention. You know this better than I do. I advise you not to cause any problems, or else you will end up back in your tents and poverty, as you were only 50 years ago. The new regime in Jordan is backed by the American army, the power of Israel, and the greatness of the Gulf countries. Don’t turn Karak into another Gaza, or rather, an empty, barren land suitable only for building a shopping mall. There will be no mercy for anyone who crosses the line, and your army relies on us for sustenance and doesn’t have enough bullets for two days of gunfire, as you say.

You will see on television how once-proud figures in Jordan are humiliated, and once-wealthy people become poor. You will see ministers, prime ministers, and some of the Hashemite princes in prison, crying and begging from the defendant’s cage.

President Mohammed bin Zayed will pay the price for his meddling in Jordanian and Palestinian affairs. Those who interfere in matters that don’t concern them will face outcomes they won’t like.

I see President Mohammed bin Zayed’s health deteriorating, and he doesn’t know it. His end will come within the next few years. The presidency of the UAE will pass to his brother, Sheikh Mansour bin Zayed, may God protect him.

The Arab Rambo’s adventures will lead to the division of the UAE within the next 10 years, and a large part of it will go to Oman. This is the truth.

The truth, without flattery, is that President Mohammed bin Zayed has created many enemies for himself and has interfered in many things that don’t concern him, especially matters related to Israel’s security and future. Frankly, this is very unfortunate.

From my humble perspective, the biggest mistake President Mohammed bin Zayed is making is his interference in Gaza, Jordan, and Yemen. These three countries have directly impacted peace and Israel’s national project.

President Mohammed bin Zayed, your main problems stem from two Palestinians: Mohammed Dahlan and Abu Lulu. Both are lying to you and working for the Queen of Jordan. You know exactly what I mean, Mr. President.

A legal issue in Europe is looming for UAE intelligence agent Fajr Al-Saeed. Al-Saeed’s health is declining, and she has developed a serious illness.

Some fools say I am a fake account run by Arab opposition figures. I will respond to you tomorrow, you idiots.

#Rabbi_of_Arabia #Blue_Yamamah

September 18, 2024 | Comments »

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