Sa’ar getting closer to government; Gallant on the way out

T. Belman: If Netanyahu doesn’t accomodate him, he would drive him into the ranks of Bennett who  is challenging Netanyahu with a coalition of Liberman and Sa’ar and others.

IMRA  said : “Thanks to his very active participation in the Knesset Subcommittee on Intelligence, Secret Services, and POWs/MIAs, civilian MK Gideon Sa’ar is up to speed to take the position of defense minister.”

Contacts between Sa’ar and Netanyahu significantly closer. Discussions on options for ministerial appointments. All offices say: ‘There is nothing to report.’

Gidon Sa’ar and Yoav GallantYonatan Sindel/Flash90

Gideon Sa’ar is on the verge of joining the government: Sa’ar’s advisors and Netanyahu’s advisors have been holding intense talks in the last day, including through the night. Sa’ar hopes to get the security portfolio and that is what the main talks between him and Netanyahu are about.

Channel 12 News reported that all members of the New Hope party are expected to receive positions in the government. Ze’ev Elkin will be the minister responsible for the Tkuma Administration in the north and south, and will receive an additional portfolio from Shas – possibly the Ministry of Health. MK Sharren Haskel is due to get the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Michal Buskila will head a Knesset committee.

In addition to guaranteed slots, Sa’ar is also asking for positions for his cronies in Likud institutions, including returning to the Likud Center, after they were expelled from it.

The Prime Minister’s office responded that they deny any publications on the subject. Sa’ar’s office stated: “There is nothing new on the matter.”

Kan News reported that Netanyahu has finally decided to fire Gallant and the move could be implemented within a short time. However, the Likud is considering another option, in the event that Gallant is not removed from his position and Sa’ar receives the foreign ministry, while Israel Katz is compensated with another portfolio.

The possibility of moving Galant while Katz and Sa’ar are rotating in the defense and foreign ministries was also considered. It is still not clear if the chairman of the New Hope party will agree to this.

Likud sources say that as soon as Netanyahu decides to fire Galant, Sa’ar will be ready to enter the government immediately. Justice Minister Yariv Levin, who has a good relationship with both Sa’ar and Netanyahu, is leading the contacts between the parties.

Minister of National Security Itamar Ben Gvir responded to reports of talks to add Gideon Sa’ar to the government, stating that “For many months I have been calling on Prime Minister Netanyahu to fire Galant, and the time has come to do so immediately. We need a decision in the north and Gallant is not the right person to lead it.”

The chairman of the National Unity party, Benny Gantz, was careful not to attack his former partner Gideon Sa’ar and focused on the prime minister. “Instead of the Prime Minister of Israel being busy with defeating Hamas, bring the hostages back home, fighting Hezbollah and returning the residents of the north safely to their homes – he is busy with despised political games and considering the replacement of the Minister of Defense before a massive offensive in the north. This indicates poor judgment and distorted priorities.”

Chairman of the Yisrael Beiteinu party, MK Avigdor Liberman, said that “the musical chairs in the Netanyahu government will not improve the security situation or the economic situation of Israel. It will not lead to the release of the hostages and it will not return the residents of the north to their homes.

Chairman of the Democratic Party, Yair Golan, actually chose to lash out at Sa’ar. “Gideon, unflattering polls are not a reason to throw all your values ??aside. For years you have been preaching how corrupt Netanyahu is and is acting from personal motives – if you join the government you will become exactly who you have been preaching against. Those who do not want elections, know exactly why. When they take place and the public kicks out the defaulting government, we will be there as a clean and applaudable alternative, that does not replace values ??with jobs for all.”

September 17, 2024 | 2 Comments »

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  1. Apart from the fact that Liberman is not being considered, there is no doubt that anything the government does will be considered wrong by him and his party.
    Whoever ends up in the important posts will have to support the Judicial Reform which is a must have. Nothing less will suffice.