Rabbi Herzog: Messages for Rania and Mudar

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Queen Rania of Jordan ?? is the real ruler of the country, with King Abdullah merely following her lead. She has felt powerful ever since being prepared by George Bush’s family. The king wants to step down peacefully, but the queen refuses as she is the true leader.

Queen Rania has become arrogant, thinking she’s invincible. She got involved in evil activities like arming terrorists in the West Bank (Judea and Samaria). Now, she faces collapse and shock as the powerful figures have abandoned her.

America doesn’t support fallen leaders, Queen Rania.

Britain’s old and new governments won’t help you, Queen Rania.

Europe is bankrupt, and Germany won’t save you, Queen Rania.

France has its own problems, and Macron can’t solve yours, Queen Rania.

President Mohammed bin Zayed can’t buy you a new throne, no matter how much money he spends or uses electronic media.

President Mohammed bin Zayed, until 2028, none of your projects will succeed as long as Mohammed Dahlan and Abu Lolo are your advisors.

Queen Rania has doomed her family and herself to lifelong poverty, irrelevance, and insignificance. She will return to being a tenth-class citizen, standing in line for unemployment benefits in France. ??

Terrorists are still plotting an assassination attempt on an Israeli official in Jerusalem, but they haven’t yet found a workable plan. Their eyes are on Netanyahu and Ben-Gvir, in collaboration with the intelligence of an Arab kingdom ruled by a roulette addict. The first letter of its name is Jordan. ?

A military, security, and maritime earthquake will strike the region, something unprecedented.

Future war crimes court indictments will be issued, though not yet. Among the accused will be intelligence officers from a Gulf state, with international arrest warrants.

The blood of Sudanese children who died because of an adventure by the “Arab Rambo” will haunt him until his death, imprisoned in his palace in less than four years. His problems have already begun.

To the future president of Jordan: These are your enemies. Record this tweet. Pakistan, the UAE, Mohammed bin Zayed, and Egypt’s leader, Sisi. No matter how they flatter you, they wish to destroy you. But we will destroy them for your sake, as the blood of Aaron runs through your veins and is not mere water.

Actress Elham Shaheen, your time is near. And by the way, there will be a secret Christian funeral for her, as she has secretly converted to Christianity, which is, of course, her right to choose her religion.

Egyptian billionaire Naguib Sawiris, your luck will soon turn. Unfortunately, “What goes up must come down.”

The death of an important Muslim Egyptian businessman is imminent.

There is a massive conspiracy against Her Majesty, the Queen of Morocco, involving traitors close to the king and the crown prince.

A bad scene will unfold in London.

Berlin will deport many Syrians in 2025.


September 5, 2024 | 5 Comments »

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5 Comments / 5 Comments

  1. @Edgar

    I wonder how an American-Israeli Tycoon Saudi rabbi comes to know anything about a minor figure in the scheme of things, like Mudar, to mention him by name.

    As you noted, it seems pretty clear that he speaks for MBS, something which Ted has also concluded. As such, this minor figure plays an important role in being an informal spokesman for the Kingdom, one in which he is describing the Saudi narrative rather than any ordained predictions. Recall he has stated often that what he is stating is not predictions but sourced information.

  2. PELONI_

    I thought I’d seen every Herzog fantasia, but obviously must have missed one. Likely it’s not emet.

    I wonder how an American-Israeli Tycoon Saudi rabbi comes to know anything about a minor figure in the scheme of things, like Mudar, to mention him by name.

    If perhaps he’d been in touch with TED then I could understand giving Mudar a boost. Otherwise no.

    No one on this site supports TED/MUDAR more than myself, Yet I’ve been waiting for 5-6 years for him to take over Jordan (next month for sure) against what’s sure to be several other military-minded well supported claimants.

    I’ve noticed that for a long time now a major attendee at the JO Conference who often sent reports to Israpundit as to what’s going on in Jordan, has not been heard from suddenly. Can’t recall his name exactly.

  3. @Edgar

    I saw only a reference to an unnamed “future President of Jordan”.

    Herzog has specified very clearly several times, most recently just a few days ago, that Mudar and no one else will be president of Jordan, hence the reference here is clearly made to Mudar.

  4. @Edgar
    My take away was this.

    “Sinwar is negotiating his and his family’s exit to Turkey or South Africa in exchange for the release of 22 hostages who are with him in the same basement and are being used as human shields.”

  5. HERZOG the Wacko…….I saw NO mention of MUDAR in the nonsensical article.

    I saw only a reference to an unnamed “future President of Jordan”.