Permanent Intersection of the Interests of the Left and the Enemy

Peloni:  This is a very important article.  On reading of Gantz’ and Eisencot’ assurances that the Philadelphi Corridor is not an existential threat to Israel, it reminded me of Yossi Baum’s excellent telling of how the interests of the Left routinely align with that of Israel’s enemies, both after October 7, and long before that terrible event.  To be certain, the despicable assurances being spouted by the likes of Gantz and Eisencot should be added to this list.

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“It’s time to focus on the phenomenon of the perpetual intersection of the left and the enemy’s interests—and its meanings and implications (for advanced readers).

We’ve all noticed this phenomenon, but we must map and analyze it to understand what’s really happening here. Spoiler: this ‘phenomenon’ is going to turn into a terrible indictment with a clear conclusion. Here’s how:

  1. The ‘Iron Swords’ War:
  • The announcement of ‘The People’s Army’ was ordered by the Iranians to an agent who disseminated it within Israel—precisely the military coup the left has been leading for about a year and a half.
  • The note found in the Hamas-Sinwar tunnel, which said ‘Continue the line that Netanyahu is responsible for everything that happened,’ as well as ‘Undermine the Israeli narrative that the ground operation serves the return of the hostages’—these are exactly the messages of Kaplan.
  • The left acted with all its might against entering Rafah—aligning with the Hamas and Iranian interest.
  • The left is promoting a deal to stop the fighting in every way possible—exactly the enemy’s interest.
  • The left demands abandoning the Philadelphi route in the deal, despite the countless tunnels found there—Hamas was delighted.
  • The left threatens that if there is no deal, a regional war will break out (supposedly)—a message aligning with Iranian statements.
  • The left demands that the PA control Gaza ‘the day after’ and that elections be held later (in which Hamas or its proxies could win). A prize for the enemy, a prize for terror.
  • The left’s slogan that ‘Hamas is an idea, and an idea cannot be defeated,’ or simply ‘Complete victory is impossible’—exactly the enemy’s interest.
  • Accusing Netanyahu of “abandoning the hostages” in consistently thwarting the deal, despite contrary American statements, is shared by the left and Hamas.
  • Horrific attacks on Noa Argamani and families of hostages who traveled with Netanyahu to raise international awareness for the hostages—also a shared interest of both sides.
  • Focusing internal and international pressure for a deal—on the government instead of Hamas.
  • The left’s mobilization in various ways for the ‘humanitarian situation’ in Gaza. A shared interest of the left and the enemy.
  • Filing petitions and granting standing rights, not to mention rulings, for terrorists’ rights. A shared interest.
  • The mass release of Nukhba terrorists, including the director of ‘Shifa,’ on various pretexts. A shared interest.
  • The Supreme Court previously required the government to allow the Red Cross to visit prisoners with blood on their hands, even those considered ‘bargaining chips’ against Israeli hostages. It is also working to allow this now. Also a shared interest.
  • The Supreme Court required the government to allow Gaza residents to enter Israel for medical purposes, even relatives of terrorists. Another shared interest.
  • Systematic persecution of IDF soldiers risking their lives in battle. A shared interest.
  • Leftist lawyers impose restrictions endangering soldiers’ lives in Gaza bombings, such as prohibiting shooting at unarmed individuals or those not officially part of Hamas, etc., in a shared interest.
  1. Before the war:
  • Not to mention the draft refusal, including the threats being hinted at or explicitly made even now. Again: a shared interest.
  • Without expanding on the absolute anarchy the left led before 7/10, which according to Hamas encouraged them to carry out the massacre. See the video of ‘The People’s Army.’
  • Turning critical bodies in the IDF, particularly the Intelligence Directorate and Unit 8200, from active and biting bodies to passive and ‘climateist’ bodies.
  • The left relentlessly pushes for the entry of Arab workers into Israel. Again, a shared interest.
  • The left—Gantz, Herzl, Baram, and company—disarmed the readiness teams in the south and north. Another shared interest.
  • Severe negligence by Central Command officers, etc., in countless existing or potential threats in Judea and Samaria. Apropos shared interest.
  • Crippling the rules of engagement years before the massacre, which clearly led to the endangerment and loss of soldiers’ lives. Also a shared interest.
  • “Endangering Golani soldiers for moral reasons,” as Gantz said, in wars and security operations, and the implications of this dangerous perception on the fighting spirit and deterrence capability. Again, a shared interest.
  • Explicit or implicit encouragement of boycotts and BDS or bodies cooperating with such activities. Who said shared interest?
  • Smearing Israel abroad, using blood libels against IDF soldiers and/or the Israeli government, and spreading lies and half-truths.
  • The left’s image war against Netanyahu’s speech in Congress by bodies and/or Israeli emigrants in the U.S.—alongside Hamas supporters’ demonstrations against that same speech…
  • The left’s long-standing war (for years, long before Ben Gvir) against arms possession in the Jewish sector (Google ‘The Gun on the Kitchen Table’ for a taste).
  • Handing over maritime territory with significant diplomatic and economic importance to the enemy for free.
  1. Deep Processes: All the random points above—without going back years to Oslo, the disengagement, the hasty withdrawal from Lebanon, allowing Hamas to participate in the Gaza elections, and so on.And without getting into the details of systemic decisions made by leftist chiefs of staff for cuts upon cuts in tanks, divisions, etc., whether out of misunderstanding/blindness/misjudgment or whatever, which again somehow aligned with the enemy’s interest.

And without addressing the daily activities of the left on countless fronts and details, funded by huge budgets from ‘new’ foundations and foreign bodies, to fully Arabize Israel’s governing systems.

And without analyzing the meaning of the Supreme Court’s qualification of terror supporters in the Knesset, and its impact on the Jewish majority in the Knesset; on every government action from then until now; on the loss of internal deterrence; and so on.

And without elaborating on the media campaign day by day, hour by hour, to brainwash and engineer consciousness, create anarchy, and sow demoralization, using lies, fabrications, case files, and whatnot, to weaken right-wing rule in Israel—a goal that precisely aligns with the enemy’s interest.

  1. Analysis and Conclusion: If these were isolated events, one could attribute them—perhaps—to various explanations. But when you see the unbelievable accumulation, you cannot be satisfied with changing ad hoc explanations. You have to ask what’s happening here, how is it possible that every time—but every time—the moves the left leads align with the enemy’s interest? Could all this be a coincidence?

It’s hard to determine which cases stem from malice, which from negligence, which from misunderstanding, and which from all three. It must be remembered that the core identity of the hard-left is the vision of turning Israel from a Jewish state into a state of all its citizens, hence the anti-Semitic war on prayers or the laying of tefillin in Tel Aviv. And the only way to realize this vision is an alliance with the Arabs at home and abroad—whose leadership naturally favors the enemy’s narrative and identity.

Thus, one clear insight is unavoidable: There is no left in Israel without adopting the enemy population’s interests as the agenda leading the day. There is no escaping this conclusion, which is the only one that fully explains all the absurdities mentioned above.

And let’s be clear: If the left does not adopt the enemy population’s interests as mentioned—it has no chance of ever returning to power (without the Arab parties); it will not receive the massive international backing it gets from the West; it will not have the huge budgets and perks it gets from global progressivism; it will not be able to realize its vision of a state of all its citizens; and most importantly—it will not have a counter-agenda to the right, without which there is no justification for its existence as a ‘left’ opposing a ‘right.’

Only those who internalize the deep meaning of there is no left in Israel without adopting the enemy population’s interests as the agenda leading the day will understand what’s happening here. And those who understand will do everything they can to convey and share this sharp and clear message with the public, so that they open their eyes and understand what we are up against.

*See the attached screenshots showing how deep and influential the identity of interests between the sides is. And most importantly—don’t miss Khaled Mashal’s words after the massacre, brought below in response to the tweet.”

September 4, 2024 | 2 Comments »

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2 Comments / 2 Comments

  1. Just curious?
    What percentage of the murdered and the hostages from 10/7/23 were from the Left or Far Left?
    I have read that the kibbutzim that were attacked were mostly Far Left.
    What about the Pyschedelic Tribe of Nova Trance concert goers?
    If the percentage is 90% or so then perhaps that has something to do with the anti-Netanyahu protests as the victims were mostly fellow Leftists.
    By comparison, what if the victims were orthodox Haredim? Would the protests be as well attended or would there be any at all?

    I can tell you that in the US if the murdered were Trump voters the Biden/Harris administration would have swept it under a rug 6 months ago and the press would have forgotten it.

    I remember after 9/11 listening personally to many Leftists in my state that, “The United States deserved it.”