How will Biden-Harris’ America respond to terrorists murdering an American Jew?

Not just words of sympathy, but action. Biden-Harris must immediately urge more and stronger attacks on Hamas. Louder. Now. Today.

were kidnapped and murdered in captivity    Courtesy of the families

The bodies of Eden Yeryshalmi, Carmel Gat, Almog Sarusi, Alex Lubnox, Ori Danino and Hersh Goldberg-Polin, hostages who were kidnapped and murdered by bestial and cruel Hamas-ISIS terrorists were discovered dead.

All of Israel wants our hostages back. All of Israel has had enough bloodshed and murder and as we face enemies on all of our borders devoted to ourdestruction we must all realize that this must in fact be a game changer. We cannot be expected to give up strategic areas such as the Philadelphi Corridor conquered with IDF soldiers’ blood either.

America must especially now stand with Israel and stop pressuring the Jewish nation. Just as America would respond anywhere else in the world to the murder of Americans, there must be full and complete destruction of Hamas. America must not permit a double standard for the murderer of Jewish Americans. Had America not insisted on “humanitarian aid” that strengthened Hamas and delayed the Rafah offensive, much bloodshed would have been prevented and the hostages freed long ago.

Among those found dead today, Hersh Goldberg-Polin was an American who went to a music festival to dance, got attacked, ran for his life, had his hand blown off, was kidnapped, held in dark tunnels and murdered before they found him. This young Jewish-American was murdered by HAMAS-ISIS and the Biden/Harris administration must respond forcefully to ISIS killing Americans as they always have – and if they do not, this administration can only be called Anti-Semitic.

If the response is to urge Israel to capitulate to terror and more talk about ceasefire, one can only say that Biden-Harris believes its acceptable that Jewish-Americans are murdered at music festivals.

Israel was attacked and Biden’s America has urged capitulation to the enemy. Secretary of State Blinken pushes for a ceasefire as Israel continues to fight in Rafah and all the places America urged us not to fight. Unacceptable.

Against that backdrop, let’s review previous acts of terror where Americans were killed by ISIS and responses under Democratic Presidents.

In August 2014, James Foley, a journalist was beheaded by ISIS, and President Barack Obama condemned the act, calling Foley’s killing “an act of violence that shocks the conscience of the world.” Obama vowed to “do what is necessary to see that justice is done” and emphasized that ISIS would be “taken down” for their actions. In response, The U.S. ramped up airstrikes against ISIS in Iraq and began planning a more comprehensive strategy to combat the group.

In September 2014, Following the beheading of journalist Steven Sotloff, President Obama reaffirmed his commitment to fight ISIS. He stated, “We will not be intimidated,” and reiterated that the U.S. would “continue to take action” to degrade and ultimately destroy ISIS. The U.S. continued and expanded its military operations against ISIS targets in Syria and Iraq.

In February 2015, after ISIS announced the death of humanitarian worker Kayla Mueller, President Obama denounced the killing and vowed that the U.S. would “do whatever it takes” to bring the perpetrators to justice.

The U.S. continued and expanded its military campaign against ISIS, including increased airstrikes targeting ISIS strongholds in Syria and Iraq. The operations aimed to degrade ISIS’s capabilities and weaken their control in the region. The U.S. worked with coalition partners to strengthen anti-ISIS efforts, enhance intelligence sharing, and support local forces fighting ISIS. This included increasing pressure on the group through coordinated international actions.

America has taken military actions, increased security measures, and public declarations aimed at both directly retaliating against and deterring more terror in response to the murder of Americans.

Biden-Harris must immediately urge more and stronger attacks on Hamas. Louder. Now. Today. What is America doing to ensure the safety of all of these hostages? And broadcast louder that in fact with these murders Hamas has more to lose.

Why hasn’t America loudly encouraged an intra-Palestinian civil war in Gaza? Why doesn’t America publicize bounties on the heads of Palestinian leaders to stop the murders of American Jews and others?

All Jewish-Americans must also ask themselves where is America’s actions added to outrage for this innocent young man who has been murdered?

It is clear that Israel can only rely upon Israel to take clear action. It is clear that never again is a promise that only Jews can ensure is kept.

Jews face an Anti-Semitic double standard in Biden-Harris’ America. And a Harris presidency is a disaster for the state of Israel and the Jewish people.

May the memories of each of these hostages be a blessing.

Ronn Torossian is an entrepreneur and philanthropist.

September 2, 2024 | 1 Comment »

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