Peloni:  The US needs to retake the country, and this appears to be an interesting proposition towards beginning that objective on Day One of Trump’s second term in office.

Stand Up America US Foundation

MG Paul E Vallely US Army (Ret)

The Trump Planning Document

US Border Control Plan – 2024

August 29, 2024

This model plan is prepared for President Trump to launch by the Special Operations Command (SOCOM) upon becoming the President after the 2024 election.

It is time for America and the Armed Forces of America to act! This plan is being delivered to President Donald Trump to execute in his first days as President in 2024. He will direct the Department of the Armed Forces of America to conduct military operations to neutralize the Cartels and destroy their worldwide operations, as well as seal the United States border.

You can no longer call these cartels drug organizations. They are a well-organized military that controls vast swaths of territory across Mexico and conducts massive cross-border operations into the heart of America and Canada. The Mexican Government and Military are powerless to stop them as the Cartels own them – all bought off!

If these cartels decide to unite and cross over the southern borderline, our local sheriffs and border patrol would be dusted and rolled over in a heartbeat. They cannot stand up to this kind of firepower. Legislatures and county officials must start allocating resources to local sheriffs and police departments so they can immediately add manpower and equipment to fight this possible eventuality. I have zero faith that the federal government would act quickly enough to stop an organized military engagement on our southern border. Alleged armed members of a Mexican Sinaloa drug cartel are found and arrested on the Texas side of the Southern Border, but many have entered our cities and are known as “getaways”.

They carry heavy 50 caliber sniper rifles, RPG-7, or rocket-propelled grenades, and PKM or Polemist Kalashnikov Full Auto Machine Guns. Both are Russian-made and capable of incredible destructive firepower. Both are heavily used in the war in Ukraine.  US border, from where the cartel also smuggles drugs into the US towns and cities. The weapons given to the Ukrainians by the US have been detected and used against US Border Patrol and soldiers at the border with Mexico.”1

The Mexican Army claims that it has seized hundreds of fully automatic machine guns, dozens of grenade launchers, and a dozen rocket launchers from drug cartels since 2018. Now, Mexico’s top diplomats are demanding that the U.S. investigate to find out how these military-grade weapons are being smuggled into the country.

According to The Associated Press, Alicia Bárcena, Foreign Relations Secretary, called for immediate attention.

“The (Mexican) Defense Department has warned the United States about weapons entering Mexico that are for the exclusive use of the U.S. Army. An investigation into this must be carried out,” Bárcena said.

Ken Salazar, the U.S. Ambassador to Mexico, confirmed that the issue had been addressed in recent meetings and pledged that the U.S. would work closely with Mexico’s Defense Department to resolve it.

“We are going to look into it, and we are committed to working with Sedena to find out what’s going on,” Salazar said.

The weapons were not identified as sourced directly from the U.S. military. Other potential sources for the guns may come from black-market trading or previous conflicts in the region. Mexican laws permit only low-caliber weapons to be owned by civilians, and the sale or trade of these weapons is strictly regulated. Previously, Mexico has filed lawsuits against American gun manufacturers, stating that they were aware that their weapons were being resold on the black market.

While the lawsuit was dismissed in 2022, an appeals court in Boston revived the suit earlier this week. The appeal was granted because the federal Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (PLCAA), which protects gun manufacturers from misuse of their products by individuals, does not extend protection beyond the U.S. border.

In the complaint, Mexico claims that over 2% of the weapons made by the named companies, which include Beretta USA, Barrett Firearms Manufacturing, Colt’s Manufacturing Company, and Glock, are smuggled across the border, amounting to over 500,000 weapons annually. The manufacturers cited as defendants in the suit deny any wrongdoing or knowledge of any activities alleged in the lawsuit.

The lawsuit revival and plea for U.S. investigation come just one month after Reuters detailed a potential gun-smuggling ring in Racine, Wisconsin. U.S. federal arms-trafficking investigators allege that eight people facilitated illegal gun trade to the Mexican cartel Jalisco Nueva Generacion.

All defendants have pleaded not guilty, and a jury trial was set for May 2024. Regarding the indictments, Alejandro Celoria, legal advisor to Mexico’s foreign ministry, said the U.S. firearms business should be more careful to ‘prevent their products from falling into the wrong hands.”  [1]

Some of Mexico’s most feared criminal groups, including the Jalisco New Generation Cartel, use military vehicles in pitched gun battles with the police. Organizations like the Gulf Cartel and the Northeast Cartel use armored trucks to fight each other. Mexican security forces call these vehicles monstrous (monsters), but they are also known as rhinoceroses (rhinos) and narcotanques (narco-tanks). Cartels emblazon the exteriors with their initials or the latest camouflage patterns, sometimes making them hard to distinguish from official military vehicles.

Our southern border continues to be breached by illegal border crossers and the cartel’s movement of drugs to inner America. We must remain vigilant and aggressive and forge ahead with a more offensive-oriented border strategy. You cannot win and defeat this national threat by being on defense. Now is the time for offensive action.

As Commander-in-Chief, the national security staff and military commanders plan and execute a strategy to secure the southern border and allow the US rule of law to prevail. The Department of the Armed Forces of America has been negligent in defending the United States and its citizens against an invasion of our country by external enemies. Destroying the Cartels requires offensive and defensive military operations.

It is time to enforce the rule of law along our southern borders truly. No more excuses…no more delays…no more politics., no more kowtowing to special interest groups or claims by open-border believers and La Raza. The citizens of the USA are in danger daily. They are being killed or families harmed because the border states of Mexico are controlled by thugs and terrorists copying Jihad tactics of mayhem and murder. Once again, the entire area is adorned with upheaval, violence, and lawlessness, as in 1846. The northern states of Mexico, Baja California Norte,  Sonora, Chihuahua, Coahuila, Nuevo Leon, and Tamaulipas, are under rogue control, and the Mexican Police and Army cannot control them. Therefore, it is in the national interest of the United States to restore order on the border and across our borders. Positive action must be taken because of this clear and present danger to US Citizens and our economy.

With the National Security Council, Department of the Armed Forces of America, Homeland Security, Intelligence agencies, and State assets, the US Government can execute an operational plan to secure our southern borders. However, let me provide an executable program of operations for the US Government to undertake with resolve and commitment to protect and ensure the American people for now and in the future.

The problems on and across our southern borders of California, New Mexico, Arizona, and Texas are in the news daily. Not knowing the situation, you must live in a perpetual cave. We have a war of gigantic proportions…illegal invasions, treacherous drug cartels, gangs, human trafficking, drugs (is there not a war on drugs???), smuggling, kidnappings, and corruption of officials on both sides of the borders. The Cartels fully control all levels of the Mexican Border and work with their international partner, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

The plan is essential and advanced unconventional/conventional war planning. This combines the best use of our forces, which will encompass intelligence, targeting, and structural organization of our forces to conduct the mission, base operations, and offensive and defensive operations. First, organize three (3) Border Task Force Groups (BTFGs) and position them in three operational bases: Texas, Arizona, and Southern California. We have existing bases in those states that can be used, such as Ft. Bliss, Texas; Fort Huachuca, Arizona; and Camp Pendleton, California. There is no requirement to create any new operational bases. I will not name these existing bases because of operational security, but the Department of Defense can quickly figure this out! The BTFGs will be organized based on special operations and joint task forces in the Army, Air Force, and Navy. Selected units and personnel will be relocated to these designated bases. I would also declare, with Mexico, a 20-mile “No Go Zone” on the Mexican side of the border. Any group or persons occupying this zone engaging in criminal or illegal activities against Mexico or the United States will be involved on-site.

The command’s mission will be to target and conduct offensive and defensive operations on the Mexican side of the border. National Guard, Border Patrol, DEA, and local sheriff’s units will conduct border security operations on the United States side of the wall. This initiative does not violate any existing Posse Comitatus laws.

The National Guard is and will be an asset to the state governors. It will be used as needed to augment the Active Force BTFGs’ operations on the US border. Coordinate with the current Homeland Security Department until HS assets are transferred to the Pentagon.

Maximum use must be made of our Special Operators, Delta Force, Special Forces, Seals, AF Special Ops, Rangers, Marine Recon, and Special Ops Air Assets, which are augmented by Active Force regular Army, Navy, Marines, and Air Force.

The concerns and anxiety of Americans, particularly in the Border States, have grown significantly in the past year. Changes in law enforcement operations have forced cartel mules trafficking drugs and illegal border crossers into ever more isolated areas, increasing the number of deaths and violence to a point where even the most hardened enforcement officials are overwhelmed.

The political ferment over illegals has never been more significant. Seventy-eight percent of Americans think and know that the government is not doing enough to control our borders; talk shows bristle with demands for action. Additionally, Global jihad and jihadis are a significant threat as they eye the southern border as a path of least resistance to strike inside the United States.

 The Plan: Implementation of the  Strategy

For the implementation to be effective in either an offensive action, a reactive response, or a criminal law enforcement action, a trusted resource should be used to effectively communicate updated intelligence data and incidence response information from the dynamic, ever-changing operating environment of critical event management and planning. We should look to history to find and use an effective “hopper”. In World War II, the United States Navy and the United States Coast Guard were successfully used to protect our homeland as the rest of our military went overseas. The combined effort of these joint forces successfully achieved our nation’s goals for homeland defense by effectively communicating intelligence data and incident reports to the military, law enforcement, and international intelligence directorates. Based on the gaps in coordination and communication in both the working operational and technological environments, let us implement a similar method and combine conventional and special operations forces.

Our Department of the Armed Forces of America must plan and execute offensive operations against the Mexican Cartels and bring our national borders under control. We can no longer wait to secure our nation!

This is a military force action to protect the borders of America.

Contact for interviews: suaus1961@gmail.com.  Released and Distributed by the Stand Up America US Foundation www.standupamericaus.org

[1] American Military New, Mexican Demands Investigation 1.24.2024


August 31, 2024 | 17 Comments »

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17 Comments / 17 Comments

  1. @Honeybee

    Do you know about Santa Muerte?

    Unfortunately I do. When I was in college, before going into the sciences, I was given to believe I would make my way in life thru a career in history, and my mentor was quite involved in the awakening discoveries of the pre-Columbian history of Mexico and South America. It was thru him that I first became aware in detail of this crazy aspect of religious beliefs in Mexico and its unofficial connection to the Catholics there. I had seen the typical figures of Muerte displayed in Mexico and by Mexicans long before this, but the brief inquiry which I had as a boy in reading on this stuff left me more disconcerted than interested. But when I was in college I came to gain a greater appreciation of how and why this sinister aspect of Mexican lore provides a strong essence of what it means to be Mexican, at least for most mexicans. Still, it continues to repel me. Aztecs are very foreign to the Western world, but they remain an essential aspect of Mexican identity, culture, and traditions. And Santa Muerte, formerly the Aztec god Mictlatecutli (underworld god) as I recall, is just one aspect of the Aztec hold on modern mexico/mexicans. As you explained it quite sincinctly, this is Mexico, but I would also argue that it is based in something which is altogether evil, and I mean no disrespect to any Mexicans who find comfort in Muerte’s influence, but I am a Westerner, and whereas I can appreciate foreign culture in the greater context in which it was borne and practiced, I still see such things as I would argue most Westerners would, which is why it still repells me.

  2. peloni1986 The point I am making is that once again, the indigenous tribes of Mexico are battling. Do you know about Santa Muerte?

  3. Michael, This isn’t a “race” problem. It’s a problem of raw evil, on the highest level. Yep, I think your right. As to an earlier rant, you left out Jesus when searching for someone to save us. Not that I have a problem with him. At this point I think most people will take anybody who can stand up and make some much-needed changes to this world.

    But being the realist that I am, with both feet firmly planted on the ground, the only way evil has ever been defeated in history is with somebody doing the killin and somebody doing the dying and that seems to push evil back for a short time. Next 18 months should be interesting.

  4. Hi, Adam

    I think the Mexican people have been well described by the OP: They are Basically decent people, who have, mostly against their will, been subject to some of the most vicious terrorism in the world. My children have grown up with and been friends with whites, blacks, Mexicans, pretty much every race. This isn’t a “race” problem. It’s a problem of raw evil, on the highest level

  5. @Honeybee
    I know many Mexicans, I have been to the US-Mexican border, more than once, and I studied Mexican history and culture for about three years (really two and a half, but I round up). I have, however, never lived on or near the US-Mexican border, and knowing what I know, I would never endeavor to do so. All of this being stated, though, I am not sure what point you were trying to make.

  6. THanks, Ted and Peloni, for publishing my comment about this article, after a brief delay. My comments are probably less well-informed than Peloni’s, Nichael’s , Honeybee’s and EvRe1’s. However, this issue of America’s border security is so important that I think all opinions, even those not especially inspired or even well-informed, should be heard. We Americans need to secure our borders in one way or another.

  7. HI, Honeybee.

    I stayed a mile from the boder years ago. Does that count? I grew up with Mexicans. I’ve worked alongside Mexicans. I eat lettuce picked by Mexicans. Every time I call on the telephone, the first language I hear is Spanish. What magic are you looking for, what racial excellence? Is “Gringo” the equivalent of “antisemite”? “Chink”? “Kike”? How about “Deplorable” or “Mega Maga”! choose your insult.

    Para inglés, diga o presione 2

  8. I think the CIA has every tool it needs, to utterly uproot and obliterate the cartels. Unfortunately, I think the CIA and the cartels are on the same side.

    If you believe the Master of the Universe is able to deal with this problem, pray If you don’t believe God can do this, then name your messiah, your “bar Koseba”, your Shabbatai Zevi. Maybe Biden is the one 😮 Maybe Kamal-la-la 😮 Just choose your savior. Have at it! Give it your best! Maybe Peloni can save you — or maybe Honeybee… How about Putin?

    How about Xi? Felix would like that idea — Xi is a commie, half Marx and half god! Choose! Choose! Pick your hero!

    or pray.

  9. I don’t think one of you, article authors or commenters, has even been to the border much less lived there. Do you even know a Mexican? Have you studied the history of Mexico their culture, arts? Gringos!!!!!

  10. Ted and Peloni. please rerscue my comment on General Vallely’s plan to deal with the drug cartels that I just posted. in this comment space. It has already disappeared into electronic oblivion.

  11. This proposal was clearly drawn up by private organizations. Yet its authors attempt to create the impression that it is an official U.S. government document. It refers to “the Department of the Armed Forces of America,” which does not exist. The de[artment with over-a;; authority over the U.S. armed forces is named the Department of Defense (DoD. This much said, this proposal for action against the cartels seems like a good idea to me.

    Still, some caution is required . In a somewhat similar situation, the United States invaded Mexico in 1913 in response to a raid into arizona by Mexican bandit cum revolutionary Pancho Villa )he was a bit of both), The U.S. Army never found and captured Villa, but did more or less clease Mexico of bandits. This was before the drug-smuggling era. However, it took a long time for U.S. Mexican relations to get back on an even keel. This and other U.S. interventions in Mexico are still widely resented by Mexicans.

  12. @EvRe1
    Thank you for making these distinctions. As you note there is an unholy alliance of domestic and foreign enemies which has been constructed against the return of the American Republic, and the stakes at risk in defeating them each in turn are quite high.

    As Ted noted previously, I am at a loss for how Trump anticipates to do exactly this. For now, he seems to have chosen to try to bring together the two halves of the American people who actually support a return to America, but the cabal stands ready with the full authority of the American govt to once again be wielded against the American people. It is a important task, and one which must be undertaken, just as it must ultimately be won, from one avenue or another.

  13. @EveRe1
    Great comment. Biden is already making sure that his deep state employees can’t be fired. He wants them ensconced there.

    I have no idea how Trump plans to deal with theat.

  14. This is an excellent beginning. The United States is under attack from without because it has been under attack from within.

    A small group of individuals (The Council) armed with massive amounts of money have planned to destroy our republic and our legal system and replace it with a totalitarian police state.

    They create chaos in cities by allowing criminals to roam freely. They use massive fraud during elections to make sure those who support them will be elected. They use the legal system perversely to persecute those who oppose their plans. They have arranged for an invasion of criminals and military aged men from around the world to flood our country and create crime and chaos.

    They can enforce martial law whenever they want, and remove our liberties at their whim, as they did during COVID.

    There will have to be a plan to defeat and destroy the criminal cartels from outside America as well as a plan to defeat and destroy the criminal cartels from inside our government. In addition, all the enabling NGOs that do the dirty work the government cannot legally do will have to be called to account.

    The members of the Council have committed treason and they know it, which is why they are willing to kill Donald Trump or anyone who plans to hold them accountable.

    If Trump is jailed at Riker’s Island as is predicted prior to the election, or if the election is won by massive fraud again, there will be a need for regime change in Washington and We, the American people will have to make that happen.