Are there really fine people on both sides?

Biden told delegates at the DNC: “Those protesters out in the street, they have a point.” Oh, really?

Ronn Torossian | August 27, 2024

Pro-Hamas protest in the USA

As pro-Hamas demonstrators burnt American and Israeli flags, called for Israel’s destruction and a global intifada President Biden told delegates at the DNC: “Those protesters out in the street, they have a point. A lot of innocent people are being killed on both sides.”

The people wearing Hamas headbands, waving Hezbollah flags, and screaming “intifada” have a point according to the President of the United States. That includes those people praising Hamas and calling for the destruction of Israel from the river to the sea.

And here there are those among us who believe our country, Israel, is killing terrorists who raped, burned, and slaughtered innocent people. The sane among us realize this is not a battle between two sides made up of innocent people. This is a battle between barbarity and civilization, a battle between evil and civilization. A battle which could end if there were decent Gazans who revolt, if Gazans were to capture Sinwar and put an end to the suffering of Gaza.

Simply put, there is only Israel which stands with the West, with Judeo-Christian values, with morality and with decency. The Gazans seek jihad and death and murder.

Vice President Kamala Harris too has shown support for the Anti-Israel protests saying “They are showing exactly what the human emotion should be, as a response to Gaza.”

That human emotion endangers and threatens Jews nationwide and sees Jews in Democrat-run cities in danger and unsafe from NY to LA. Those protests feature symbols associated with terrorist organizations.

While a lot has rightfully been made of former President Donald Trump’s comment in Charlottsville “fine people on both sides”, the Democrats are silent as their leader says “protesters on the street have a point.”

No, they don’t have a point.

Those Hamas USA protestors are a danger to the United States as they burn flags and support illegal terrorist organizations. The demonstrators are anti American, Anti semitic, pro-genocide, and pro-death. The choice has never been clearer It is between good and evil.

August 27, 2024 | 2 Comments »

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2 Comments / 2 Comments

  1. As long as we allow our flags to be burned as an expression of free speech, they will keep doing that to annoy, disappoint and show thei appreciation for all the welfare we stupidly provide. If we were to properly show how insulted we are by their behavior, they might learn not to spit in their and our well.