TBN Israel: IDF DEFEATS Hamas Rafah Brigade; ELIMINATES Elite IRGC Operative In Lebanon

August 24, 2024 | 5 Comments »

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  1. Correction: What I meant to write is that there are some “good haredim” in Israel as well as some “good Arabs,”

  2. There is also an article in today;s Arutz Sheva about a haredi soldier serving in the IDF in Gaza. When chief of staff Gallant was in Gaza reviewing the work of his unit, he initiated a conversation with this haredi soldier. One of the other men in the unit recorded their conversation on his phone and made it available to the Israeli media. In the conversation, Gallant asked the soldier about certain haredi religious customs with which he was unfamiliar and did not understand. The haredi soldier explained it to him; It was the haredim’s very strict customs for observing the Sabbath. After hearing his explanation Gallant said that was fine with him. provided it didn’t interfere with his duty as a soldier. Both are then said to have smiled and “chuckled.” Before Gallant moved on, the soldier asked him, “why don’t you wear a yamukla?

    It is reassuring to know that there are not only some patriotic haredimm in Israel who serve in the IDF as well as some patriotic haredim. Some “good haredim,” who are not anti_Zionist, anti-Israel slackers.

  3. I noticed that one of the IDF soldiers who was killed by a Hezbollah barrage on an IDF outpost near the Lebanese border was a Muslim whose first name was Mahmoud. The Arutz Sheva report described him as a Bedouin from a nearby Bedouin village. His assignment in the IDF was as tracker. Trackers in the IDF are mainly Bedouin. They track down enemy infiltrators by following footprints and other signs.

    I have noticed some other distinctly Muslim names among the 325+ Israeli soldiers and reservists who have fallen in battle sonce Oct. 7. It is comforting to know that there are some Arab citizens of Israel who are loyal Israelis.

  4. I’ve been following Yair Pinto for a while. Besides being a wounded IDF soldier, he is a good news correspondent.