Rabbi Herzog From August 21 & 22

See translation below Tweets


From August 22 Tweet:

Next September is the month of beginnings and wonders. Today’s news is exclusive and shocking about #Jordan first and #Egypt second, and it opens the door wide to all countries. The show is better than Netflix and starts next month and continues until the end of 2026. Today I say everything.

#Jordan is done. And Ikram the fallen is its helm. After him, the matter of Egyptian President Sisi will end, after him the president of a Gulf state, after him the head of the eastern Libyan army, Khalifa Haftar, after him Bashar al-Assad. All of these are fallen no matter how hard they try.

From the names of these presidents, some of them come out horizontally and not vertically, meaning on their backs. Except for President Sisi, he is imprisoned first, and whoever drinks the same drink that he gave others to drink. I see President Sisi crying in the dock. And the prison suit is white. At most, a year after the arrest, he gets a visa to heaven.

The fate of three of these will not be known to the people. The King of Jordan disappears with the Queen and his wife, Aniya. Bashar is the same, and the Arab shooters are like his brother. Everyone thinks that he rules while he is a prisoner, and then a visa to heaven.

Assassination of an Arab ruler that the media will not know anything about, but everyone will be suspicious. It will not exceed the summer of 2025.

Victory, President Sisi’s wife, Queen Rania of Jordan, Rambo of the Arabs, Foreign Minister of a Gulf state, President Sisi himself, President Sisi’s son Mahmoud, Director of Jordanian Intelligence, all of these. Thank you for reading my account yourself, and yes, I can watch you while you read, and thank you for stopping by, and most importantly, you know that every word I say is the truth.

A warning to the Jordanian people: Queen Rania of Jordan and her advisor are working to ignite civil strife among the people by inciting against the Palestinian majority inside Jordan through electronic flies and Yaeraz. I say to King Rania, this matter will not succeed with you because Israel, America and Britain will not allow you to ignite Jordan, O Queen Rania. This is one of the reasons why you will live in poverty in exile. It has been confirmed that you are a dangerous person and spread destruction, O Queen of Jordan.

An important politician is assassinated in Paris. I will not say who, and God’s will passes. The matter has a great impact on the Arab world.

Saif al-Islam Gaddafi gives an interview to an American media outlet that re-establishes him as the real president of Libya. As I mentioned to you before, the collapse of the Dabaiba government in #Libya due to a financial scandal.

Two Arab peoples stormed the royal palaces. The first people had a quick revolution and the second had problems that lasted for seven to eight years.

A migrant drowning accident near the Libyan coast. I warn you against illegal immigration through Libya, especially Moroccans, Palestinians and Egyptians.

A painful scene with a German sports car and the end of a life that brings fire from the sky.

 Marwa Muhammad Hosni Mubarak, daughter of the late Egyptian president, I warn you, there are those who are planning to silence you, and here I say the president’s daughter is not planning to harm herself and does not suffer from psychological problems, and if something happens to her, it is due to an agent and not to the sons of President Mubarak, but to other very evil people who want to establish the image of military rule.

The Central Bank of Egypt has no gold. Where did the gold go?

As for the Egyptian pharaonic queen who will secretly deserve Egypt, no matter how much you complete your souls, you will not find her, and if you find her, she is protected by all the power of goodness and heaven. Woe to whoever thinks of touching her. She will begin to appear in the world after three years.

The next president of Jordan had something happen to him that made him believe my words when I brought them up from those around him in my tweets.

For those who ask, yes, Arab and foreign politicians and very big businessmen consult me ??too.

This coming Ramadan will be different from every Ramadan, full of political events.


From August 21 Tweet:

Today’s information and big news about Egypt, Jordan, Morocco and Europe.

Mahmoud Al-Sisi, the son of the President of Egypt, is sick. God’s revenge on President Al-Sisi in the most precious thing he owns because of his injustice to the sons of the poor people.

The end of life surrounds the ruling royal family in Jordan, which will soon lose its rule. Their life is short, the King, the Crown Prince, Prince Hamzah, Prince Hassan and this relative. 10 years and not a single mention of the ruling family in Jordan will remain on the face of the planet. It is the curse of the Hashemite royal family that haunts them and the price of injustice.

The Queen of Jordan is the biggest person in the world to interfere in stories of magic and magic, even some American movie celebrities asked her to help them in that, so every door in the world was open to the Queen of Jordan, but this is now over. We have entered a new era and she will not be able to do anything anymore. The black control has ended and the Queen of Jordan understands exactly what I am saying.

A new funeral in Iran is more severe than the one before it.

Grief in an important Gulf state before the next Hajj season. The transfer of the king is followed by great joy. For every term, a book is written. A good successor to a good predecessor.

To the gunmen in Nablus who are being swept up, controlled and strengthened by the Jordanian King’s Intelligence. Soon the IDF will turn you into soft knafeh. Your turn has come.

Secretly ousting some advisors to the ruler of the Emirates and then the Emir of Qatar publicly, all of them Jordanians and Palestinians. Advisor Sisi Abu Lulu, I know you read my tweets and yes you will be one of them.

Haddad Khalaf Haddad Khalaf A funeral in Britain, Morocco, Kuwait and America The death of a former president and he also has a funeral. This is of course better than the rulers who will fall and who do not have any funerals and no one will mourn him on Sunday.

The situation in Yemen will remain as it is for the current stage, no radical change and Bab al-Mandab is closed until further notice.

Palestinian President Abbas will not rule Gaza Abbas will not rule Gaza and Gaza will remain under Israeli military control for many years, but we see a strong Israeli presence inside the Strip, both military and civilian.

Your Majesty, my master Mohammed VI, King of Morocco, please do not listen to the Hashemite King of Jordan, he calls for destruction and harm and will make you lose your loyal friends.

Keep the gold but don’t expect to make a lot of money on it. Buy land and real estate in Jordan, especially the city of Elia, or what is now called Aqaba, as this is the new Dubai. I also recommend buying real estate in Greece, where it will rise fantastically in five to six years. Real estate investment in Egypt is good, but you must be patient until the pound regains its value. You will not benefit at all during President Sisi’s rule. Wait for the rule of Alaa Mubarak and behind him the secret energy of the Pharaonic queen. Egypt will return to paradise. Of course, you will not understand what I am saying, but adults understand very well.

I do not recommend investing in American stocks at this stage, and I see a major collapse on the horizon. I hope I am wrong.

These governments will face problems in withdrawing their balances in Western banks due to their involvement in questionable businesses, including the balances of President Sisi’s daughters. Officials of the Libyan Haftar government. Jordan, especially the balances of Queen Rania and some of her relatives. A Gulf state that I will not mention. The issue represents a huge financial blow to these people.

A horrific accident on the highway in Egypt reveals major scandals and mismanagement. And the train problems return again.

August 23, 2024 | 5 Comments »

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5 Comments / 5 Comments

  1. Ted, neither the Saudi government or any Jewish organization or movement has recognized Rabi Herzog as the Chief Rabbi or Saudi Arabia, It is a title he has conferred on himself. However, I am not condemning him. While the Saudi court has not recognized him as a chief rabbi, he does seem to have been accepted as a member of MBS’s cout in Riyadh. While he claims to receive information directly fom God and to be a “seer” whom God has given the power of “second sight,” he also seems to receive some useful information, even if it is mainly gossip, from other courtiers in MBS’s court, or directly from MBS himself.This information makes its way to the Israeli government and many Jewish organizations around the world, including Israpundit. He also claims to pray for and when possible with, some of the many Jews who have become more or less permanant residents of Saudi Arabia, although officially no non-Muslims are permitted to become permanent residents of that country. He also seems to be a conduit for some trade and business btween Israel and Saudi Arabia.. I guess you can say he does some good for the Jewish people, even though he is a bit spaced out.

  2. This is in response to Rabbi Herzog’s X post as follows:

    “Next September is the month of beginnings and wonders. Today’s news is exclusive and shocking about #?????? ?? first and #??? ?? second, and it opens the door wide to all countries. The show is better than Netflix and starts next month and continues until the end of 2026. Today I say everything.
    ?? #?????? His affair is over. And Ikram the fallen is his helm. After him, the affair of Egyptian President Sisi will end, after him the president of a Gulf state, after him the head of the army of eastern Libya ?? Khalifa Haftar, after him Bashar al-Assad. All of these are fallen no matter how hard they try.”

    According to Amir Tsarfati’s telegram channel:
    “A report from a Syrian source:

    President Assad who came to Russia for a state visit stayed in Russia and did not return… he is there with his family members.

    What do the Russians know?
    Is there a fear for the life of the Syrian president?
    Did the fear of a regional war in which Syria would be involved make him stay?”

    In researching this I found that Assad was in Moscow on July 25th, 2024 for a state visit. He has been gone almost a month so far.


  3. @SKatz
    The Rabbi is the Chief Rabbi on Saudi Arabia. The content of his remarks comes from MBS, the heir apparant and current ruler in Saudi Arabia.
    Listen carefully to what he says.

  4. Regarding the Rabbi’s statement, “A new funeral in Iran is more severe than the one before it,”

    From Amir Tsarfati’s telegram channel:

    “Iran confirms what we posted here a few days ago:
    A military adviser from Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Aerospace Force in charge of missiles and UAVs has died of wounds sustained in Syria over recent weeks, the semi-official Fars news agency reported today.
    “Colonel Ahmad Reza Afshari was martyred due to injuries sustained from aerial bombardment from the coalition violating Syria,” said top Revolutionary Guard Commander Hossein Salami.”

    To the Iranians, the death of a Shiite is worth dying for, while the death of a Sunni Muslim, such as Ismail Haniyeh, is not.

    I do not know if this funeral is what Rabbi Herzog was referring to or if he was referring to a funeral for a death which has not yet occurred.