The coming calamity of Kamala’s candidacy

A cackling candidate is strange, but her changing policies are even more so.

Joan Swirsky | August 20, 2024

When my twin brother and I were children, we had a magical machine called a Victrola. We were able to put 33 and 45 and 78 records––I never learned what those numbers stood for––on the turntable and place the handle with the needle on each record to listen to the music we loved.

But every now and then, the needle, if not perfectly placed, would scratch the record, and that would result in the music being unable to go forward. I remember it once got stuck on Oh What a Beautiful Morning from the musical “Oklahoma,” and all we heard on an endless loop was morning, morning, morning, morning….

Now what in the world does this ancient factoid have to do with anything relevant to the present?

In fact, this is what the entire world has been witnessing in the peculiar behavior of Kamala Harris when she delivers a word that acts, in her brain, like the scratched record I just referred to and she is literally unable to get past that glitch.

Is this a neurological problem?

Is it a psychiatric problem?

Is it a deep-down feeling of insecurity about who she is and what she is capable of doing, and therefore she gets “stuck” and is unable to move forward?

How to explain the last four years––and probably decades before––of this, um, malady?

The Trump campaign has released a video that shows his competition in a less than stellar light. But these behaviors in the woman I have called Kalamity Harris for the past four years, are, pardon the adjective, all too accurate! They demonstrate the extreme oddness of this woman of Indian and Jamaican background––apparently not a drop of blackness in her heritage, although the granddaughter of a slaveowner—when speaking in public, expressing her views, being herself.

Exhibit Number One

Exhibit Number Two.

And this is omitting the cringe-producing and often inappropriate outbursts of cacophonous and compulsive cackling laughter .


Actually, I find odd people interesting, sometimes fascinating, often endearing, and frequently highly accomplished. In my lifetime, I have known any number of people with even a bipolar diagnosis, who once treated with the right medication are very high functioning, just as I have met and worked with doctors who were on the autistic spectrum, and that is not to omit knowing a hedge-fund manager and more than one editor who were “off” but brilliant in their specialties.

But those people were simply living their lives and not running to become the most powerful person in the world.

And if any of them were steeped in the ferocious race for the presidency of the United States of America, I would expect, at the very least, a lengthy and very impressive list of accomplishments.

What qualifies you, I would ask, to be the leader of the Free World, to carry the nuclear “football,” to appoint legal scholars to the Supreme Court, to recommend to the US Congress that we go to war, to issue Executive Orders that can change the very nature of our system, to become a billionaire?

Unfortunately, actually scarily, Ms. Kalamity flunks even the entrance exam. Yes, she has had some fancy titles along the way, but her formidable failures far outweigh her successes. And, as Vice President, she trumped even her former self in the failure department. A look at Mexican border will make that clear.


Here, under this incredible front-page photo and headline, the NY Post has exposed the chasm that exists between the kowtow-to-the-public statements of candidate Kamala and the true beliefs––and no doubt future policies––of the candidate who has said and acted quite the opposite when it comes to just about every issue of importance to the American public.

After spelling out in exhaustive detail the many issues Kamala Harris has flip-flopped on or downright lied about—from immigration to fracking to border security to defunding the police to federal job guarantees to the Green New Deal to support for Israel “except when she refuses to attend the prime minister’s address to Congress….or she criticizes how Israel has responded to Hamas’ terror attacks”–- a NY Post editorial asks: “Does she stand for anything?”

“Or” the editorial continues, “is her only ambition to say and do whatever it takes to get elected, then let the left wing of the party run the nation?

And listen up business people! Here is Kalamity in 2019 promising to confiscate patents owned by individuals and companies for their products.

“Yes, we can do that,” she told the audience. “Yes, we can do that…. I have the will to do it.”

It’s pointless to cite the bizarre choice she made for Vice President––Governor Tim Walz of Minnesota who has praised a Hitler-supporting Imam as a ‘Master Teacher,’ who has visited China 30 times (including his honeymoon), and whose residents are fleeing Minnesota in record numbers, on and on. You get the picture.

Why? Because I don’t think Kamala––or Joe Biden, for that matter––has made any decision since 2020! With this ticket, we are getting a bird’s eye view of the radicals who are really running the show, including the anti-Israel protesters expected to descend on Chicago to steal the spotlight from the Harris-Walz ticket at the Democrat National Convention.


I will not be surprised there are surprises at the DNC, all orchestrated by the real brains behind the circus we’ve been looking at for the past four years.

And that would be George Soros (and his son, Alexander), Valerie Jarrett and Susan Rice, all of it sanctioned by the creature they created, Barack Obama, and sealed with his Seal of Approval!

Joan Swirskyis a New York based journalist and author. Her website is, and she can be reached at

August 22, 2024 | 4 Comments »

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4 Comments / 4 Comments

  1. @Peloni. Thanks for the compliment. As to her genuine stupidity, it is an issue. I would have to know if the California bar exam is much easier to pass than other states’ bar exams because it looks like she did pass it. Shallow, unprepared because of laziness, and maybe drunk a lot of the time – these things could explain The Great Mystery and Debate of the decade: The Kamala IQ.

    But going back to my original point, a chatty food interview she did with Walz supports my notion that the anti-intelligence act is a cover up and distraction, as well as an attempt to appeal to “ordinary folks” by looking like happy daytime TV hosts, instead of insisting on their alarming commie idealolgy. Watch it if you can.

  2. @Madeline
    Great comment.

    Or was she faking supidity in order to disguise her true agenda

    I think it is pretty clear that Harris can’t think her way out of a paper bag, but she can be coached easily enough to land a prearranged punch. Recall for instance the line she played against Biden during the 2020 primary about her being ‘that little girl on the bus’. They were so confident about the response that line would draw that they literally had t-shirts with that line ready to be handed out that night.

    Contrasting with this, when Harris was approached by reporters in regards to Jussie [stupid] Smollet being caught manufacturing his attack, she immediately went silent while looking pensively to her staff to play interference and save her as she simply stood there looking as if all the lights had gone out. Also, do recall Harris’ inability to make a credible response to Gabbard during the 2020 debate.

    In truth, if Harris was faking stupidity, they wouldn’t have needed to have stolen the role of candidate from Biden while Harris did not do so much as a interview to before being ‘selected’ to replace him. Indeed, she wasn’t entered in a single primary nor was she in a single debate, and accordingly, she didn’t received so much as a single vote from a single voter. They literally cleared the board and simply named her his successor without her making any attempt at competing for the role.

    Hence, I would argue that Harris isn’t faking stupidity to disguise her true agenda, but rather, the stupidity which Harris projects is simply the real Harris, albeit, she can land a punch or two, so long as she has be taught what to say and when to say it.

  3. Here’s another thought on Kamala’s lame brain look. She did seem like a total ditz, and maybe a drunk, in her videos before she made the presidential candidate. But in her acceptance speech, she seemed surprisingly coherent and powerful (though totally dishonest, but that is another discussion.) So did she sober up? Did she recover, somehow, the kind of capacity she would have needed to pass her bar exam?

    Or was she faking supidity in order to disguise her true agenda – act as the spearhead for a very very left wing takeover?

  4. Kamala is indeed a disaster. But this article seems spaced out to me. Kamala, as far as I know, has never been a supporter of Israel. The author’s problems with operating a “Victrola” (not the correct name for a turntable record-player, unless you were already listening to records before 1920) are not relevant to the contemporary political scene.