Iran’s Mullahs and Their Deadly Serious Plan: Annihilation of Israel and the US

By Majid Rafizadeh, GATESTONE  •  August 17, 2024

  • This conflict is a battle for survival not only for Israel but for the region, and ultimately for Europe and the United States.
  • Israel understands the stakes: Iran’s belligerency requires an unequivocally committed response from the United States. In that part of the world, wishy-washy means a green light, open season. The consequences are assumed to vary from minimal to non-existent – and often even a profit!

  • Iran has no interest in becoming a sand dune. That is why it has proxies, so that they will do the attacking and take the incoming retaliation, ensuring that their devoted patron, Iran, will not have to. Iran’s proxies are its human shields.
  • “Now, ask yourself, which country ultimately stands in the way of Iran’s maniacal plans to impose radical Islam on the world? And the answer is clear: It’s America, the guardian of Western civilization and the world’s greatest power. That’s why Iran sees America as its greatest enemy…. That’s why the mobs in Tehran chant ‘Death to Israel’ before they chant ‘Death to America.’ For Iran Israel is first, America is next…. When Israel acts to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons…. [that] threaten every American city…. we’re not only protecting ourselves. We’re protecting you.” — Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Address to US Congress, July 25, 2024.
  • Ayatollah Ali Khamenei… has gone as far as proclaiming to the youth of Iran that they will soon witness the downfall of both Israel and American civilization.
  • Has anyone noticed how Russian President Vladimir Putin’s threat of using nuclear weapons succeeded in intimidating the Biden-Harris administration? Why wasn’t the Biden-Harris administration intimidating Putin?
  • As [General Hossein] Salami [chief of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps] boasted, Iran has empowered its Lebanese proxy, Hezbollah, to such an extent that it now has the capability to “wipe out Israel” on its own. —, January 28, 2019.
  • The US should make it unequivocally clear that any entity that attacks Israel will face costs it cannot even imagine.
  • The Iranian regime and its proxies appear to believe they have the perfect opportunity to eradicate Israel. They perceive a weak administration in the United States under President Joe Biden and VP Kamala Harris: the US has released billions of dollars that mainly assist Iran in arming its proxies.
  • The stakes could not be higher. The United States must prevent Iran’s unfathomably dangerous prophecy from becoming a lethal reality.
This conflict is a battle for survival not only for Israel but for the region, and ultimately for Europe and the United States. (Image source: iStock/Getty Images)

The war initiated against Israel on October 7 by the Iranian regime, along with its proxies and terrorist groups — Hamas, the Houthis, Hezbollah, and Iraqi Shia militias — is far more than a minor skirmish or an isolated act of aggression.

The conflict appears to be a meticulously orchestrated campaign aimed at the total annihilation, at this point, of the Jewish state.

The Biden-Harris administration does not yet seem aware of the real gravity of the situation. Although it has recently provided much extremely welcome support to Israel, it has not shown until last week the unwavering support that would have acted as a real deterrent. That is what would have caused the Iranian regime to have second thoughts, stopped them dead in their tracks.

This conflict is a battle for survival not only for Israel but for the region, and ultimately for Europe and the United States.

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August 18, 2024 | 3 Comments »

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3 Comments / 3 Comments

  1. Israel has the means to reduce the Yatholas stay into light green glass. Instantly. Hostages Israel demand for initially 30 live Hostages is based on intelligence.. And jihad Hamas will be completely destroyed. Islam on its jihad version is due for destruction here and or Bangladesh etc.

  2. If Iran were to have nuclear weapons, their target would destroy the holiest site of Judaism and if we think of all of Christianity, their holiest site too. Considering the 1000 years of peace they both hope for, it would be built on a field of radio active ruins. For Islam, or at least part of Islam, one of their most holy sites would also be buried under the above mentioned radioactive ruins. I guess Iran doesn’t care about that, but if they do, they hope their bluff will work. On the other hand, the TM only became so important to Islam less than 100 years ago, so this may simply be teqiya.