12/11/2004–MAJORITY RULE

Resa WARCHICK Kirkland | August 7, 2024

There’s a reason that our forefathers were wise enough to declare that this Republic’s future and fortune be decided by the majority of Americans rather than any of the individual groups of minorities. This was a new nation then, filled with the rejects, the hopeful, the wounded, the ambitious from many lands, and it was important that we come together and start thinking like a united and unique country. For anything to be accomplished in this great experiment called America, people were going to have to be capable of coming to a consensus, regardless of their roots, and voting accordingly.

Logic dictated that the ideas and philosophies that found favor with the most people would be the ones implemented. This is because our forefathers trusted in the good people of this land, and the God who had inspired the most perfect documents ever crafted by the hand of man.

Their wisdom didn’t stop there. They also allowed for minority voices to convince the majority of abuses, neglect, or the need for change in changing circumstances. They knew that America would grow, more people would come, technologies would be created, and this combination would require flexibility and the need to modify.

But they could not foresee what happened in the last half of the 20th century.

The past 35 years are testament to the societal implosion that occurs when the tail wags the dog.

Yes, I’m talking about the wickedness of Affirmative Action, welfare states, environmental terrorists, the ACLU, and the familial destruction of the rabid and ranting femmies. All of these horrible institutions represent run amuck minority rule.

No, I’m not talking about the right to vote, equal pay, or basic human rights. I know of no one–not a single conservative–who doesn’t readily admit to terrible abuses in the past. But no matter how many Martin Luther Kings march and boycott, no matter how many Gloria Steinems piss and moan, the harsh reality that causes liberal blacks and hysterical femmies to burst an artery is that they have what they have because of old, white, European men. They’ll deny it to the hilt, of course, as they do all of the truths that their tantrums can’t seem to erase.

But it IS the truth nevertheless. And when dealing with truth, the bitch of it is that truth isn’t racist, it isn’t sexist, it isn’t biased in any way–it simply is.

Old, white, European-descent men abolishing slavery in America, Januyary 1, 1863

I’m also talking about “equality,” a concept that minorities long ago abandoned in favor of “extrality”–the right to have anything and everything they want, when they want it, the majority–and consequences to others–be damned.

In other words, minorities are no longer about equal rights, they are about extra rights.

How did this happen? How did we go from the logical and reasonable Majority Rule required for a Republic to survive and thrive to the appalling iron-fisted control of a few irrational groups?

I think I can sum it up in one word: guilt.

As with most things, it didn’t start out that way; not by a long shot. Let’s look at the facts regarding the two most prominent–and whiny!–minorities of the past 40 years: blacks and feminists.

Damned white men of European descent!

Blacks came to this country in large numbers as slaves. This flew in the face of a country that cried freedom, and after trying to justify our behavior in such ridiculous mandates as the “3/5 of a man law”, white men in power–Republicans, no less–decided that it was just plain wrong, and eventually a war was fought over the issue–a war in which white men died en masse for the freedoms of black men.

Now some whites (ALL DEMOCRATS, BTW!) tried to stall or even stop blacks from the same rights to vote, land ownership, wage equality (that’s equality, blacks, not extrality), and many blacks protested. There were indeed brave individuals among them, but it was not until whites became involved that anything really significant happened. There were very few blacks in positions of power, particularly in the law-making branch of the government: congress. There certainly were not enough to pass any laws ensuring their rights. It was old white men who made up the majority of governing power who were persuaded to change. They recognized the wrongs, and righted them.

Women came to this country in large numbers as wives, mothers, and daughters. They were the tender face of an emancipated nation, and worked hard along side their men to make this wild frontier a land of religion, schooling, and family values. But simply because they were the “gentler sex,” the full spectrum of rights guaranteed to men were denied to them.

There were reasons–and given the lack of logic and excess of emotional histrionics too often evident in the feminine mind, some damned valid ones–but white men in power–mostly Republicans, no less–decided that this was just plain wrong, and debate waxed and waned.

Now some men (ALL DEMOCRATS BTW!) tried to stall or even stop the changing of laws that would give women the same rights to vote, land ownership, wage equality (that’s equality, femmies, not extrality), and many women protested. There were indeed brave individuals among them, but it was not until men became involved that anything really significant happened. There were very few women in positions of power, particularly in the law-making branch of the government: congress. There certainly were not enough to pass laws ensuring their rights. It was old men who made up the majority of governing power who were persuaded to change. They recognized the wrongs, and righted them.

As the rights of these two groups came into play, an odd thing began to happen. The playing field leveled, then tilted yet again…this time to the other side. Because of old prejudices and new fears still embedded within many Americans, not only was it mandated that you could not deny jobs, education, contracts, etc. to blacks and women, but it began to become a requirement. Preferential treatment was given–by law–to blacks and women in everything.

This new sense of “government sanctioned racism/sexism” was not born of logic or reason in changing circumstance, but due instead to the media’s and Hollywood’s continuing use of emotional tactics to guilt whites and men into submission. It seems that old, white, European men handed over their balls to the hippies in the name of “get evenism.”

This is how the Minority became the power within America, and the majority was sent whimpering to a corner. We allowed this to happen because we truly did feel bad that so many good, decent people had been oppressed and held back.

Well, those days are gone, and this has got to stop. We’ve cried enough.

Blame the white man??? For WHAT? Fighting and building the greatest and freest nation? For fighting and dying for blacks and women to have their rights? Pfft!

For the past 40 years–all because of white, male, and conservative guilt that the left has wretchedly exploited–the hippy faction has been allowed to not only have its say in this country’s direction, but its way, and we have paid a dear price for choosing a temporary salve for our guilty conscience over the longer and more difficult road of actual equality; that is, decisions based solely on your character, your experience, your abilities, your drive, your merit, and NOT on what color or sex you are. It is just as wrong to give preference to blacks and women now as it was to give it to whites and men 50 years ago.

The only difference is that the commie controlled school system has bludgeoned us with the guilt stick for so long, we don’t dare say it. No wonder the hippies want to destroy the Constitution: they got what they wanted, and now they want to ensure that the Right can’t change that, no matter what the circumstance.

They are running scared, and desperate now to deal the final blow. Taking God out of schools wasn’t enough; now the Constitution and Declaration of Independence must be removed for daring to even mention Him.

In the beginning, the left used God against us. Femmies and blacks claimed that good Judeo/Christian people don’t oppress others, and the good Judeo Christian people agreed and took action; the Majority spoke.

Now they have rejected God and decided that we must do as they say simply because they say so; the Minority joke.

It is time for us to take back the country and save our Constitution. The thing that terrifies the hippies is that we outnumber them…there are more conservatives than there are liberals, and they know it, which is why they are so shrill, so insistent. It is time for us to organize, to use the left’s own laws and tactics against them, to write letters, reconstruct the media, disregard Hollywood and dismantle its power, and give it back to the people, to the Majority. And the best part of this is that we can do it, because our numbers are larger, and our cause far more just, far more necessary.

We must do this, and do this now…it is already almost too late. Whites, men, and conservatives in general are NOT the enemy, as the leftists among femmies, blacks, and hippies would have you believe. They are now what they were in the beginning: the last best hope of freedom and humanity, and I cast my lot with them, because if we don’t come together and fight for what we know to be true, we have no right to cry when it is taken from us.

Keep the faith, bros, in all things courage, and no substitute for VICTORY.

August 17, 2024 | Comments »

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