David Starkey: Mass migration has destroyed the Britain I knew

Peloni:  An important discussion by Historian David Starkey regarding the tyranny of the minority which is being accellerated in England to dominate and control the English people in support of the anti-English immigrant cleft being introduced in historically unprecedented numbers in that nation.

August 9, 2024 | 5 Comments »

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  1. However, I hope and pray that things never get this awful in “England’s Green and Peasant Land.”

  2. If political conditions deteriorate to the point where the government becomes an outright tyrany, the most propable source of arms to overthrow such a tyranical government would be the territorial mioitias, These exist in every county in the land. During World Wars I & 2 they British government reorganized them as the home Guard, entrusted with repelling a possible German invasion. If the majority of the English people ever became convinced that they had no choice but to make an insurrection against their own government, these territorial and local militias could definitely be mobilized., The condition of the nation were to actuallybe become this horrible, many regular Army and Navy soldiers would probably join such insurrection, and take theirs arms and ammunition with them into “the field.”

  3. I also think he is wrong to think that Britain can’t have a civil war because we are a “disarmed people.” When people become convinced that they must fight for their freedom, they have a way of acquiring the weapons that they need. When Americans of the Thirteen Colonies began their revolt, they had very few weapons and even less ammunition. But they succeeded in acquiring the weapons they needed, mainly from their allies Farance and the Netherlands, partly by converting their own factories from peace time production to production of weapons and ammunition, and partly by seizing the arms and ammunition that the British had stored in their arsonals..Where there is a will there is a way.6

    If Englishmen come to believe that their contry has become a Marxist-Lenist-cum-Islamist tyranny. and government policies cannot be changed through elections, they will find a way of obtaining the weapons and ammunition they will need to restore their democratic institutions,

  4. I agree with most of what Starkey says here, But I was grossed out by his praise for that monster Henry VIII. He is also very wrong about being an “atheist.” Nothing meaningful can be accomplished in this world without faith in God. His heroine Margaret Thatcher understood this. That’s why Thatcher repeatedly sought the advice of Britain’s chief rabbi at the time (I can’t remember his name) and even appointed him to the House Of Lords. Earlier, she had sought advice from the Archbishop of Canturbury and other Anglican priest, but found their advice unsatisfactory, And so she turned to Judaism for the wisdom that she felt was lacking in her own church’s leaders. Be that as it may, she believed, was certain in her own heart, that she could accomplish nothing without the help of God. Starkey should realize this as well.

  5. Absolutely brilliant analysis – so sad but true. As an Englishwoman I completely agree with everything he says. I would add only that our national betrayal of Israel has accelerated our downfall, because G-d is very angry with us.