John Spencer & Arsen Ostrovsky: The World Should Thank Israel Now

Peloni:  There was a time in which killing terrorists was heralded as a mark of stability.  Yet in an age in which the leader of the free world is itself financing terrorists, such assassinations are characterized as destabilizing an entire region, when in truth, the action which is destabilizing the region is the by the international community’s mimicking US support of terrorism rather than condemning such illicit actions.  When such support for barbarity finally evaporates, the Middle East will have a chance to return to some fraction of its former stability, but til then, we will have terrorists feeling empowered to threaten the entire world, as is taking place currently at this very moment.

August 4, 2024 | 1 Comment »

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  1. I agree 100% with the attached comments on X.
    The people who are responsible for those acts of barbarism on Oct 7 must be punished, starting at the top and working all the way down. If there is anyone who committed these crimes by authority, personally or by encouragement and thinks they were doing the right thing, they need to be reeducated in the only way they understand, namely by termination. Nothing less will be a punishment that fits the crime. For all those in USA and EU, not to speak of Russia, China and inevitably Iran, who continue to bolster these devil’s patsies, beware of what you ask for.