Two Cheers for the Mossad

by Rafael Bardaji | Voz | July 31, 2024

Since 1967, Israel’s strategic and military orientation gradually marginalized the option of preemptive strikes, and anticipation gave way to a defensive concept that essentially relied on the ability to discover what the enemy was up to, rely on warning signs and be able to react in time.

This system, as is logical, placed the emphasis on good — excellent — intelligence, both via external, internal and military channels. And this system, as we know, dramatically blew up on Oct. 7, when Hamas, against all expectations from Israel, launched an invasion on Israeli soil in a spree of blood, barbarism and destruction. There are still many today who wonder how such a failure of intelligence was possible, unable to correctly interpret the signals coming out of Gaza and prevent such a large-scale attack. As in the U.S. with Al Qaeda on 9/11, I imagine that part of the responsibility lies in groupthink, lack of imagination and bureaucratic reluctance to confront disruptive options.

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August 4, 2024 | 2 Comments »

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  1. There is major glaring red light question that no-one is asking so I’ll ask it for you: If Mossad knows where all those top-level terrorists are staying in Qatar, why are they not being dispatched in Qatar, that country that has been bolstering the terror organizations forever? This would also send a message to those super-rich sheikhs that they are not safe there either. It’s time to take the gloves off!