Elections 2024: What elites are MISSING about the working class

Peloni:  This is a very sharp conversation between Jonathan Tobin and Batya Ungar-Sargon relating the various campaign topics of the 2024 election, including the more Jewish related topics on Israel, antisemitism, and Jews voting for the Dems per rote.  Regarding the 2024 election, Batya expresses some concerns about Trump running against Harris.  She expresses the point that while Trump is acting on behalf of the working man and woman, it is easy to forget that many of the working class men and women might be easily insulted  by some of the campaign rhetoric being used to fairly characterize Harris.  Batya warns that Harris will use these attacks on herself to mobilize anger against Trump from the very working class base which he has grown in support of his MAGA agenda.  

August 4, 2024 | 1 Comment »

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  1. There is no problem with Trump campaigning against Harris. He’ll kick her ass…easily The problem comes in the voting. Trump will be hard pressed indeed to overcome the Democrat’s entrenched election cheating machine.