Democrats Dilemma: They’re Running Out of Time!

Morning Intelligence Report

MG Paul E Vallely, US Army (Ret)

Democrats Dilemma: They’re Running Out of Time!

by George Mcclellan  July 27, 2024

Time is against Democrats. Joe Biden, who, for whatever reasons, publicly capitulated his candidacy, not his presidency, endorsing Kamala Harris to succeed him, is gone. Both are idiots. She can’t succeed him unless he’s dead or surrenders. He didn’t surrender, and he’s not dead yet, so we know that Kamala cannot simply become the party’s candidate by fiat of party leaders without a vote of DNC delegates. Her candidacy is an open question that complicates democratic procedures. To do otherwise is to sweep the cherished principles of democracy they have steadfastly championed all these years out the door with Joe. There is a process that the DNC must follow if they intend their candidate even to appear to be legitimate. For Democrats, some better candidates could be offered, but there is so little time to get them. BTW, Gavin Newsome is not one of them, not now, not ever, never!

For the DNC they need to find an acceptable candidate who Americans can rally around. To not embrace the primary process when they need it is to perpetuate the continuing belief that voting fraud is their standard operating procedure! Their convention in Chicago starts on August 19, and they lack a legitimate candidate. In desperation, the Democrats may have to throw over the rules of selection and proceed with Kamala “the unfit.” If they continue down this path, they will double down on their tried and true methods of stifling dissent: accuse all who oppose her as racists because she’s half Indian and sexists because she’s of the female gender. Her other half, as we all know, is African-Jamaican, a singular fact that effectively removes from her the claim of an African-American heritage she so desperately desires. She is neither entitled to reparations nor the job she covets.

The RNC just finished its very successful convention confirming a living Donald Trump as their presidential candidate and JD Vance as VP and heir apparent. The convention speakers focused their ridicule on the record of the hapless Democrat candidate, Joe Biden, but since then, Joe left the game, and Kamala, because she is his VP, seems to be the logical choice. But others disagree. Time is running out, and the residue of her political career will swirl around her as she attempts to avoid drowning in the campaign rhetoric that is sure to swamp her. Democrats can do better than Kamala. Her record confirms she is a committed radical, anti-semantic Marxist who is unprepared, unskilled, and inept. She will drown in the swirling political waters that will engulf her.

In light of the DNC’s apparent self-destruction, its internal struggle to throw Joe under the bus but keep the bus tracks from showing up on Kamala’s back, the RNC must redirect its campaign strategy from attacking their idiot personalities to focusing on the absolute destruction Joes’s policies have brought to America since he became president. It’s impossible to compare Joe’s Bidenomics with Donald Trump’s four successful years of raising the economy, creating energy independence, and increasing real employment numbers, especially among minorities, even as they slapped him with spurious accusations and investigations during his 2016 campaign, his presidency, and his renewed 2024 campaign to return to the White House. The Democrat real dilemma is that “Trump Lives.” A last attempt to get him on an open field also failed, and so we are now all faced with the dilemma of increasing violence.

It won’t stop! We must be alert as the Democrat propaganda machine, the legacy media, and their political action committees rev up their campaigns to re-invent Kamala Harris enough to be sellable to the mass of idiots who will vote for her. They must reframe her Marxist, anti-American remarks, reconfigure her antisemitic support of the radical Democrat agenda, their scheme to replace Americans with illegal invaders released from prisons and mental institutions in countries all over the world, repurpose her support of abortion on demand for population control, support the excellent climate hoax to abandon gas and oil in favor of breezes and sunbeams to maintain our manufacturing sector and, sustain life’s little comforts like heating, air conditioning and freedom of movement. That’s where we must attack. Kamala is just the face of destruction.

Remember, freedom is the goal; the Constitution is the way. Now, get involved.

Help save America.

July 28, 2024 | Comments »

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