PM Netanyahu delivers speech before Congress

Peloni: Netanyahu spoke before a resoundingly supportive crowd, with half the Dems missing from the gallery.  Yet, his real audience was not the Dems and not the Reps.  It wasn’t Biden, and it wasn’t Trump.  It was the American people, and to them he provided a clear picture of what Israel has endured in this war and in the Simchat Torah Massacre.  He explained that this was a war between civilization and barbarism, and that the party responsible for this barbarism is Iran, a nation which is focused on the destruction of America as well as Israel.  He explained to the American people that the interests of America and that of Israel are aligned, and that a strong Israel provides for a strong America, and that providing Israel with the arms and means to face off the enemies of America in the region makes America safer and American involvement unnecessary.  This was the message which the terrified Dems dreaded being put before the American people as it will resonate with the American people, who still remains to be Israel’s true ally in the US.

July 25, 2024 | 1 Comment »

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  1. A rousing speech delivered in a Churchillian manner. BUT: He did not have to mention, and should not have mentioned, the name of the demented fool in the White House. That creature is no friend to Israel. Bibi could have referred to the ‘Administration’ if he felt he had to deal with this aspect at all. Let’s put aside the lovey dovey references to support and friendship. I will again repeat de Gaulle’s statement: Nations do not have friends; they have interests. And the interest of Israel requires it to get out from under its dependence on US military aid and therefore the necessity of considering the US interest. The sooner, the better — for both countries, especially the US with the possibility of having a giggling nonentity as president and one who is no friend of Jews.