Rabbi Herzog: This is what will happen in #Syria.


This is what will happen in #Syria. The info below comes from my sources in the region .

#Assad will remain in power until the end of 2025, his role is to stabilize the status quo until God until a further notice. He will leave by prior agreement, and you will not know his whereabouts,he will be forgotten…. Syria’s situation is on hold until change hits #Jordan, this country is the key. When you see a #Palestinian becoming the President of Jordan and you see him unleashing the treasures of that country as if it were Switzerland, then rejoice in the change of Assad and Syria.

Syrian activist #Fahd_Al_Masry is a kind and respectable person who has excellent ideas, he is not the first choice among the higher ups to become Syria’s next leader, because he is not a “HYENA”… Syria needs a hyena as they say in their slang, a man who scares all other men. The more likely candidate is Manaf Tlass whose father is Syria’s former Secretary of Defense, and his family has a dark family history with the Syrian people, but he is Sunni and is able to put Syria back on track . In any case, the choice is still open between the two, and what will happen in Jordan determines who will rule.

Until Assad steps down, we will eliminate the last Iranian military installation in Syria.

Advice to everyone who aspires to rule Syria: Do not try to pressure us by offering normalization and the Golan, as normalization with Syria is not a priority to us, and the Golan will never let it out of our hands. Don’t play these cards.

The new Syria will be in love with Jordan, and then Lebanon will follow the love affair. The army of the new Jordanian ruler arrives in Damascus first and stands on the outskirts of Beirut before that.

Crazy prosperity in Syria after Assad’s fall, to the point that Syrian Jews will think about investing in Syria, and many Syrians will return from Europe within ten years, in the millions.

The keys to the Syrian are in both Riyadh and Jerusalem. This is all begins after the change in jordan.

By the way, Bashar al-Assad has been begging to leave the country for some time, but the “big wigs” want him temporarily so that the situation remains as it is for now.

July 20, 2024 | 8 Comments »

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8 Comments / 8 Comments

  1. @Edgar–I think what he is doing is what in ultra-orthodox circles is called being a “seer” rather than a fortune-teller. Daniel is said to have been the first and greatest seer. A seer can foretell the future, read “signs” in his environment and have remote viewing of things in distant places. Yes, this is superstition. But there is a superstitious element in in the belief-systems of some haredi groups. Some even value amulets that have been blessed by a rabbi they consider exceptionally holy, and wear them as necklaces.
    Also, Herzog e has apparently been accepted as a courtier in the court of Saudi prince MBS,and seems to be in residence much of the time. I think it doesn’t hurt to have a Jew in the prince’s court. There he can pick up some genuine “human -origin information about what is going on in the Middle East, and relay that information to his Lubavitcher contacts in Israel (of which he is a citizen). The Lubavitchers would then most likely relay his information to Israeli officials, with whom the Lubovitcher movement has a good relationship.
    Also,, he can relay some of the concerns of the (apparently) large number of Jews who have become more or less permanent residents of Saudi Arabia-even though legally non-Muslims are allowed to live in the country, except American soldiers at military bases. He also may even be able to conduct occasional prayer meetings with some of the resident Jews behind closed doors (no non-Muslim prayer meetings are legal), which some Jewish residents may find reassuring and a way of connecting with their roots.

  2. @Skeezix

    Require Extraordinary Proof.

    Well, I am not sure what extraordinary proof would look like, but within hours of Herzog mentioning

    The issue of a ship in Bab al-Mandab is interesting. The Houthis aim to cut off the Suez Canal in Egypt, and this has happened. The new incident will be a show of force, nothing more.

    the Houthis blew up a ship in the Bab al-Mandab.

    Also, Herzog’s warning of July 2 that

    The Sultanate of #Oman is showing strange positions, contrary to its usual calm.

    was followed two weeks later with an attack taking place inside Oman.

  3. John Galt 111

    Jordan’s main export is ……sand. They have loads of it, and very little else. the potash from the Dead Sea, maybe a few dried camel haunches and dates…..maybe, not even sure of that. I’m just guessing.

  4. ADAM-

    I think he’s more than a little weird. I’ve written about him when he appeared as a super-dooper prognosticator. Suddenly out of nowhere.

    Another Shabtai Zvi, I think and with like results.
    Imagine having intelligence that Israel Intel doesn’t have, that alone tells what he is………Crazy. (like a fox) as are all fortune tellers.

  5. “When you see a #Palestinian becoming the President of Jordan and you see him unleashing the treasures of that country as if it were Switzerland, then rejoice in the change of Assad and Syria.”

    1) When I see a Palestinian Muslim do anything remotely intelligent I will be surprised and grateful. Have not seen that anywhere in the world up until now so not holding my breath.

    2) What exactly are the “treasures” of Jordan? Phosphate and Potash? That’s about it for exports. Israel’s GDP per capita $53,000 and Jordan is at $4,700. Jordan produces very little oil or natural gas. So where is the future for their economy.

  6. Rabbi Herzog is a little weird but he is obviously keyed in to developments through the Middle East. He does seemtobe an ally of Mudar as well, What he says about the future of Syria is interesting.