Rabbi Herzog: “Today’s news, from major sources”

See translation below tweet


Rabbi Herzog:

Today’s news, from major sources in Riyadh, Washington, Jerusalem and others.

The Sultan of #Oman has power and you messed with the wrong person, Rambo of the Arabs. The Sultan will open the gates of hell on you unless my master Mohammed bin Salman intercedes on your behalf. Otherwise, I see your name evaporating from existence itself. Mohammed Dahlan will not get any political position, neither in Gaza nor the West Bank nor Jordan nor even India or Karatina in Jeddah. He has disturbed many people and will soon pay the price with the most precious thing he owns.

The emergence of a strange and incomprehensible disease that affects the psychological system, but not as dangerous as Corona, and that will be at the end of the year.  When will the bad guys stop messing with germ weapons? You’ve disgusted us, you lunatics . I do not rule out the recurrence of the real estate bubble in Dubai, as happened in 2008. It is very likely. I advise preserving the properties and not selling them if that happens, as the market will return to balance, but the boom time is over.

The US Treasury will renew money laundering control procedures on several countries, including two Arab countries, one of which is known for laundering mafia money.

Advice to the Arab Rambo and Sisi: Stay away from what is happening in Jordan before the volcano that will surround King Abdullah II hits you. Hussein, the son of the King of Jordan. Take care of yourself, my son, and there is no power or strength except with God.

The number of Hamas fighters remaining capable of fighting has become less than 800. There are 15,000 volunteers who do not know how to fire a gun and are easy to destroy. The issue as a whole is difficult for Israel, but it is winning despite the losses. Hamas will end before the end of the year. It may be preceded by a certain change in Jordan, that country afflicted with its rulers who have become a cornerstone in everything now.

Israel will never withdraw from the Rafah crossing. Egypt will not rule the Gaza Strip. Abbas will not rule the Gaza Strip.

The opening of the first Jewish temple in the Dabouq area in Amman next year, where the new Jordanian president will pray the Muslim prayer in the corner of the temple at the opening and give a sermon urging religious tolerance.

Yes, there is mineral wealth in Jordan. It will not appear now. Sisi is afraid of his officers and is arranging more black magic and focusing on his ring full of talismans. Mr. Abdel Fattah, your fate is over. If I were you, I would have fled myself, but as they say, infidelity is stubbornness.

January 25 will not be repeated in Egypt. What is coming is different and danger is looming over the entire Egyptian military establishment. I see the angry Egyptian people dragging officers from their deep sleep in luxurious villas and looting all their contents. Oh God, protect us. The American military will deal with the disgusting scene in Libya. The move is in 2025 but unannounced, and Haftar and the Government of National Accord will be thrown into the dustbin of history, and Saif al-Islam Gaddafi will rule Libya in a few years. And he will return it to the paradise of North Africa.

An escalation in the quality, not the quantity, of terrorist acts against Israel, unfortunately. We know when and how and we are not afraid, and we promise everyone who gets involved against us that we will cut off his head, even if he is a moderate Arab ruler as he claims. A former Saudi journalist whose loyalty is not to his country and he thinks he is a trickster and clever. Enjoy the last year of playing on the ropes. Welcome to Thursday.

Al-Sinwar’s end is stranger than anything you expect and works like an Indian movie and you will see with your own eyes. Honestly, you are all being laughed at.


Abedalelah Almaala:

Greetings, Your Excellency Rabbi Yaakov, may God protect and preserve him. You have entered Arab and Islamic history through its widest doors, as you have become very close to the Arab and Islamic world, and Jordan in particular. Regarding the temple in Dabouq, it will be a religious symbol that embodies your great history, the history of the Prophet Moses, peace be upon him, who was mentioned in the Holy Quran 26 times, and the Children of Israel were mentioned ??more than 40 times. The clan of the million Bani Hassan and the clan of the Children of Israel, we will be hand in hand and pray to the one and only God. We are united by religious, social and historical customs and traditions. We were partners in the past and we will be partners in the present and the future.

July 21, 2024 | 1 Comment »

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  1. Fascinating, although I don’t know what to make of either Rabbi Herzog’s comments or his relationship with AbedAmaala. Since Amaala is part of Mudar’s coalition, I have to assume that Rabbi Herzog is close to Mudar as well.