Kontorovich: Some Things to Keep in Mind Regarding ICJ Advisory Opinion

Peloni: This is an important thread discussing the value, or lack thereof, regarding the ICJ ruling today.

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July 20, 2024 | 3 Comments »

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  1. @ Frank Adam. Israel has no way of solving the “self determination of the Arabs problem.” It has repeatedly attempted to resolve it by offering the PLO “deals” that would enable the Palesinians to form an independent state “alongside” Israel. But every time made such offers to the PLO, Arafat and his successor Mahmoud Abbas not only turned down these offers but resumed the Palestinian terror war against Israel. Israel even tried to make peace with Hamas by repeatedly sending them money to rebuild Gaza, working with Qatar for this purpose. But Hamas showed no interest in making peace with Israel, but instead used the money Israel and Qatar gave them to build their network of terror tunnels. Israel has as a result had no way of resolving the Palestinian’s “self-determination problem” since the only kind of self-determination the Palestinians have showed an interest in is “from the river to the sea, all of Palestine shall be free [of Jews}.

    The reaon I accused the Israeli elites of treason is that they have shown far more interest in removing Netanyahu and the Israeli right from power than in fighting Israel’s external enemies–Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis, and all of Iran’s proxies. In the middle of a war in which Israel’s very existence is in question, they are demanding an election to remove Netanyahu, and directing their rhetoric against him, not against the Islamist enemies who are waging war
    of annihilation against Israel. Worst of all, they are advocating a “peace” with Hizbollah , Hamas and Iran are the enemies’ terms, not Israel’s. A peace that would leave Hamas in control of Gaza, and Hizbollah in control of southern Lebanon.

  2. Reconsider. Pre- Begin Israeli PR was in the name of Israeli self detemination and left the Arabs beyond the Green Line to take the blame for not organising their state. Since the Begin and especially Netanyahu governments Israeli PR has reverted to the Bible – which does not count to Moslems – and refused to tackle the self determination of the Arabs problem. That the Arabs have been medievally uncompromising did not help them but it also does not help us.
    The currency of international relations – apart from might – is currently the Enlightenment qv the US preamble to the D of Independence and the preamble to the Constitution. Also the French Rights of Man especially Arts I & III.
    Finally Israel’s elite are NOT traitors but they do face the problem of dealing with those beyond the House of Israel – like the later Biblical kings – without overwhelming strength. The IAF flies US aircraft and should be turning over to its own drones a good deal more quickly by NOT buying more US aircraft.

  3. Important observations by Kontorovich. One of the reasons why the GA is so hostile to Israel, although of course not the only one, has been the almost complete absence of Israeli counterpropaganda and international information warfare. That in turn is related to the tragic fact that much of Israel’s ruling elite are supporters of Israel’s enemies. In affect traitors.