“It’s Non-Negotiable!” JD Vance GOES OFF on his Support for Israel

Peloni: Nice analysis by Yishai Fleisher

July 19, 2024 | 3 Comments »

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  1. The entire Democrat party hates Vance.

    The entire Democrat Party hates Trump.

    Trump and Vance must be doing something right.

  2. This was helpful information. If you have read Sundance’s post on J. D. Vance, “The Mirror,” you will know that Vance has changed his name several times, is a biopharm venture capitalist, is close to Peter Thiel, and Silicon Valley high tech titans some of whom have funded his campaigns, and was a never Trumper before he became supportive of Donald Trump.

    I became concerned about the choice of him as V.P. after learning about his biopharm investment in mRNA technology, a technology that has benefitted Big Pharma by billions if not trillions of dollars at the expense of millions of lives lost across the earth.

    Having listened to and watched this video I thought J. D. Vance put forth the foreign policy Trump has advocated so far, and Trump acted on during his presidency.

    These policies are not policies that globalists want to hear. Globalists wanted the war in Iraq, which destroyed an ancient Christian community, cost thousands of lives including Americans, and ended up not creating democracy but an Iranian proxy. The globalists don’t care, they wanted it so they got it. The globalists want the war on Israel to succeed, yet J.D. Vance told the globalists listening he was intending to help Israel become strong not by making Israel into a client state or puppet, but by forming a constructive alliance with Israel so Israel and her neighbors could police the Middle East SO THAT THE US CAN TURN TO EAST ASIA. He did not elaborate on that latter, but it could mean he sees our primary foreign policy challenge as standing up to China. The globalists think China should be the model for every country, when they take control over the earth it will be the model for every country. Countering China is the opposite of what they want, especially if it is done without firing a shot. They make money whenever there is war.

    So in this talk J. D. Vance did not appear to be a deep state plant. But then again, if you were a deep state plant, would you want to appear as one?

    The very point of Sundance’s article was that J D Vance is not what he appears to be.

    I do not know J D Vance, so I do not know what is in his heart. What is at stake is America, and whether or not Trump can survive long enough to create a template for a return to a Constitutional Republic, which is a very complex set of problems to tackle especially with deep state opposition that will be ever present.

    The other point made by Sundance was that J D Vance’s life mirrors that of Barack Obama: a man who suddenly went from nobody to Senator then President very rapidly, with the help of powerful people. Both men were brought up without fathers. It is of concern that Obama presented himself in his speeches as if he stood for the essence of “democracy,” when he then went on to create a Soviet style surveillance state tracking his political rivals with the goal of destroying them. In other words, he was not and is not as he appears to be.

    Whither goest J. D. Vance?