The Dems publicly declare their intent to commit election fraud

By Patricia McCarthy | July 13. 2024

“There are three things in the world that deserve no mercy, hypocrisy, fraud and tyranny.” 

–Frederick William Robertson

On Wednesday, the SAVE Act, Safeguard American Voter Eligibility, was passed by the House despite that fact that 198 Democrats voted against it.

The bill would require proof of citizenship to register to vote; it would prevent illegal residents from voting.

The Democrats have long made clear their support of the open border, the unlimited importation of ten to fifteen million migrants, from around 170 countries.

They are flooding the country with millions of immigrants, dispersing them throughout the nation, in order to boost their representation in Congress where needed.  While they don’t need the migrants to vote to get that benefit, they confidently assume these millions of migrants will vote for Democrats, the party that is transferring billions of dollars of taxpayer money to them; money to feed, shelter, transport and sustain them.

Of course, they will vote Democrat!  How blatant can they be?

Election fraud is their game and they’re good at it.  They’ve been doing it for decades.  They are just getting more brazen.  Refusing to vote for this bill is an overt dismissal of the Constitution and the intentional invalidation of American election integrity.

The reason for their ‘no’ votes?  They claim that no such law is needed because it is already illegal for foreigners to vote in our elections.  Well, of course it is, but it is not at all enforced as the numerous investigations of the 2020 election have proven.

So far, at least ten percent of new migrants have already registered to vote.  Probably more, given that they are automatically registered in states with motor-voter laws that allow illegals to get drivers’ licenses.  Some Democrats claim that the bill is effectively a “poll tax.”  They continue to assert that blacks and Hispanics cannot afford or do not know how to obtain legitimate proof of citizenship!  How insulting is that?

Extremely insulting and extremely racist but then it has always been that the left is racist.  It was the left that supported slavery and fought to keep it.  It was the left which implemented Jim Crow laws throughout the South.  It was the left which opposed the Civil Rights laws of 1965; they were passed by a Republican majority.  It was Joe Biden who relished humiliating the great Clarence Thomas at his confirmation hearings.  Democrats cannot abide black conservatives.  Joe Biden was among the worst.

Again, the reason for their ‘no’ vote on the SAVE Act?  Their contempt for middle class Americans, no matter their ethnicity, is palpable.  We are all deplorables.  They delight in flooding the nation with migrants and could not care less about the crimes they are committing – rapes, murders, DUIs, robberies, assaults, etc.  Their motive is cheap labor and Democrat voters.  Our courts, the courts that have imprisoned hundreds of innocent people who were in D.C. on Jan. 6, 2021, as well as Peter Navarro and Steve Bannon, and which hope to send Trump to prison, release these migrant criminals again and again.  Naturally, they re-offend.  The Biden regime, pro-criminal like the Soros machine that has installed so many pro-criminal district attorneys and judges, has utterly destroyed our once-revered system of justice.  We are fast approaching Stalinist/Maoist territory.

What the Dems’ refusal to support a requirement of proof of citizenship to vote proves is their total abrogation of the Constitution, their total acceptance of Obama’s promised “transformation of America” agenda.

Obama, the Marxist, always wanted to take the U.S. down a peg.  The transformation he promised requires that all illegal immigrants are allowed to vote.  It’s the Democrats’ only path to permanent power and it is power they embrace, not patriotism or the rule of law.  And now, over-confident after the three+ years of the Biden administration, they have given up any pretense of respecting the Constitution and the rule of law.  With their no votes on the SAVE ACT, they’ve declared their clear intention to cheat and steal yet another election.  Even if the bill passes in the Senate, Biden has vowed to veto it.  That is how much this president and the Democrats hate America.  Who will stop them?  Speaker Johnson?  Not likely.  Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell?  No chance.  They are both tools of the left like the rest of the Democrats and those despicable RINOs.

It must be the people.  These traitors must be voted out of office or all is lost.

July 14, 2024 | 3 Comments »

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3 Comments / 3 Comments

  1. To summarize my lost post: Patricia confuses the historical, pre-Obama Democratic party with the ‘left.” the Southern Democrats before the civil war and for many generations afterwards were very conservative, It was they who supported slavery and the “Jim Crow” laws. Southern Democrats only slowly moved to the left, although for many years the moderate left, after the Civil Rights laws of 1965 meant that they now had to answer to the black as well as white citizens of the South. But the Democratic Party did not come fully under the control of radical Marxists until Obama hijacked it in 2008-2016.

  2. Ted and Peloni, Please rescue my post about Patricia’s arrticle from electronic oblivion. I just posted it but it seems to have disappeared immediately.

  3. The “left” was certainly not behind slavery and the Jim Crow laws.The Southerners who supported these institutions were very conservative.Ms, McCarthy confuses the historical Democratic Party with the Democratic Party of today. THe southern wing of the Democratic Party was very conservative until the passage of the civil rights laws of 1965, which gave blacks the right to vote that had been promised to them by the Fifteenth Amendment in 1868, but that had never been enforced in the South. Once the blacks had the vote in the South, Southern Democratpoliticians were very slowly and gradually transformed into liberals. But the full transformation of the Democratic Party into a leftist institution was only accomplished in 2008 with the election of Barak Obama..

    I think Ms. McCarthy is a bit of a fruitcake.