Dr. David Wurmser: Israel – A Kinetic Front of World War III

Peloni:  This is a must watch video.  Many people fail to appreciate the degree to which Israel has been compromised, captured by the undue influence of the international community upon Israel’s most vital institutions, such as its military leadership and even moreso within the judiciary.  This is why placing Judicial reform on hold was not a bad idea, but rather it was a national capitulation to the international community and their globalist ideology, which is completely antithetical to the existence of a Jewish State.

July 13, 2024 | 2 Comments »

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  1. Extremely brilliant presentation. Crammed full of important facts, many of which I never knew before. For example, that it was impossible to rent an apartment in Israel in the 1950s unless you were a member of the Labor Party. Otherwise you had to live in a shack. The proliferation of NGOs in Israel after High Court of Justice seized power, from 5 to 150. Prospective “flag officers) (what is a flag officer?) having to attended a course taught by teachers from Soros-funded NGO before they could become officers. Of course I knew the “big picture” before. But getting a moredetailed, close-up view of the situation in Israel is still shocking.