The seeds of Biden’s betrayal of Israel were planted a long time ago

Biden’s rogue’s gallery of hacks, ideologues and jihad enablers.

By Robert Spencer, FPM

An illustrative image of U.S. President Joe Biden. Source: DeepAI.

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen recently warned Israel against cutting off Palestinian banks and spoke about the need to increase aid to Gaza—that is, Hamas—even further. Yellen’s words gained little attention, as the Biden regime’s betrayal of Israel is now old news.

It is widely known that the regime, deeply afraid that it could lose Michigan in November, has brought a 70-year-old alliance perilously close to rupture to gain the Arab vote. Yet the betrayal of Israel didn’t begin when the polls started looking bad for Old Joe. The seeds of it were planted long before Hamas massacred 1,200 Israelis on Oct. 7.

Back during the 2020 campaign, Old Joe vowed: “My administration will look like America, Muslim Americans serving at every level.” Although his career is an appalling record of seven decades of lying, this is one promise Biden has kept.

On May 15, I wrote here at PJM about Maher Bitar, Old Joe Biden’s new special counsel and director of intelligence and defense programs at the National Security Council. Bitar is a longtime foe of Israel and an alumnus of the viciously anti-Israel campus group Students for Justice in Palestine. Bitar, however, is not even close to being the sole foe of Israel at high levels among Biden apparatchiks.

The man to whom the Biden regime has given the responsibility of being its special representative for Palestinian affairs, a particularly important post during this war, has declared: “I was inspired by the Palestinian intifada.” Hady Amr also said that Palestinian Arabs would “never, never forget what the Israeli people, the Israeli military and Israeli democracy have done to Palestinian children. And there will be thousands who will seek to avenge these brutal murders of innocents.” He did not, of course, say a word about Hamas’ long-established practice of launching jihad attacks from civilian areas, so that retaliatory fire could be used for propaganda purposes.

Yet despite his obvious bias, Amr has been the regime’s point man for Israeli and Palestinian issues from the beginning. Before getting his present job, he was deputy assistant secretary for Israeli and Palestinian affairs at the Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs within the State Department.

When reading about the regime’s latest accusation that Israel is violating human rights norms, it’s useful to keep in mind that the State Department’s undersecretary for civilian security, democracy and human rights is Uzra Zeya.

According to JNS, Zeya has “worked for the magazine Washington Report on Middle East Affairs and its publishing group, American Educational Trust. The Washington Report has questioned the loyalty American Jews have to the United States; published accusations against the ‘Jewish lobby’; claimed American Jews control the media; and accused the Mossad of perpetrating the assassination of former President John F. Kennedy and the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.”

Bihar, Amr and Zeya had plenty of company, but some of the Israel-haters have now departed the regime. Most notorious among them was Robert Malley, who served as the regime’s special envoy to Iran until June 29, 2023. He is not on the Biden team at the moment because his security clearance was revoked and he was put on leave over his alleged mishandling of classified information.

Malley’s support for Iran’s Islamic regime and pronounced distaste for Israel had raised eyebrows for years. The Washington Times revealed in February 2021 that back in July 2019, “Iran’s smooth, English-speaking foreign minister, Mohammad Javad Zarif, met with Robert Malley, who was President Obama’s Middle East adviser, in an apparent bid to undermine the Trump team and lay the groundwork for post-Trump relations.”

Malley has made clear for years that he was hardly an unbiased mediator. An Israeli security official noted in February 2008 that Malley “has expressed sympathy to Hamas and Hezbollah and offered accounts of Israeli-Palestinian negotiations that don’t jibe with the facts.” Obama dropped Malley in May 2008 after it came to light that he had met with representatives of Hamas, but six months later sent him as an envoy to Egypt and Syria.

Also now departed, as of July 28, 2023, is the former Biden regime Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman. Before her work with her Bidenite comrades, Sherman was the lead negotiator of Barack Obama’s disastrous nuclear deal with the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Then there was Reema Dodin, who until her resignation on June 16, 2023 was a deputy director of the White House Office of Legislative Affairs. According to The Jerusalem Post, “During the Second Intifada, in 2002, Dodin spoke about the Palestinian-Israeli conflict with residents of Lodi, California, saying that ‘suicide bombers were the last resort of a desperate people.’” Also, “In 2001, Dodin took part in a demonstration at UC Berkeley calling for the university to divest from Israel. … The demonstrators compared Israel to apartheid South Africa.”

Colin Kahl was undersecretary of defense for policy until July 17, 2023. Israel Hayom reported that, like the others, Kahl had “quite the anti-Israel record. He thinks the bombing of the nuclear reactor in Iraq was 1981 was a mistake. In 2012, he acted to remove the recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital from the Democratic Party’s platform. In 2015, he was among those to formulate the Iran nuclear deal. In 2016, at the end of his term, then-U.S. President Barack Obama tasked him with enlisting support for the anti-Israel U.N. Security Council Resolution 2334 that determined Israeli communities in Judea and Samaria were a violation of international law.”

It’s quite a rogue’s gallery of hacks, ideologues and jihad enablers. With so many of them still in place, the only surprise is that the Biden regime didn’t betray Israel even sooner.

June 29, 2024 | 7 Comments »

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7 Comments / 7 Comments

  1. @stevenl
    Also, LA County, where the riot outside the synagogues took place, has a Soros DA. So there will be no prosecutions of any of the violent rioters.

  2. @stevenl

    A left-wing dark money group funded by billionaire George Soros will provide bail and legal support for the anti-Israel activists arrested after blocking major roads and highways nationwide this week, according to an online fundraiser.

    Groups behind Israel-bashing protests backing Hamas attacks got $15M-plus from Soros

    Published Oct. 28, 2023, 2:01 p.m. ET

    Bad Investment – The Philanthropy of George Soros and the Arab-Israeli Conflict – How Soros funded groups increase tensions in a troubled region

    “…The evidence demonstrates that Open Society
    funding contributes significantly to anti-Israel
    campaigns in three important respects:
    1. Active in the “Durban strategy;”1
    2. Funding aimed at weakening U.S. support for Israel by shifting public opinion regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and Iran;
    3. Funding for Israeli political opposition
    groups on the fringes of Israeli society,
    which use the rhetoric of human rights to
    advocate for marginal political goals.

    The first category comprises large and extensive
    Open Society Foundation grants to Palestinian
    organizations such as Al-Haq, Al-Mezan, and
    Palestinian Center for Human Rights, as well
    as Israeli political NGOs, including Yesh Din,
    Breaking the Silence, and Adalah. These groups
    are active in promoting the Durban strategy by
    attempting to portray Israel as a “racist” and
    “apartheid state” that commits “war crimes.”
    A primary goal of such demonizing language
    is to isolate Israel internationally, leading to
    the implementation of sanctions. Many of
    these NGO recipients are also leaders in the
    international boycott, sanctions, and divestment
    (BDS) and “lawfare” campaigns, including the
    filing of international lawsuits aimed at harassing
    Israeli officials.
    This report also examines contributions
    from Soros to international NGOs such as
    Human Rights Watch ($100 million)2 and
    Amnesty International, both of which focus
    disproportionate and biased attention on
    Israel. The Soros gift to Human Rights Watch
    came after a series of scandals, including fundraising in Saudi Arabia to promote its anti-Israel
    campaigns and support for the Ghaddafi family
    as “human rights reformers.” Concurrently,
    founder Robert Bernstein publicly renounced
    Human Rights Watch, and a number of core
    donors also withdrew their support.
    In the second category are organizations that aim
    to shift U.S. public opinion regarding the IsraeliPalestinian conflict. The report examines the
    role of the Soros family in supporting U.S.-based
    organizations such as J Street, Media Matters,
    the Center for American Progress, the National Iranian American Council (NIAC), and the
    Institute for Middle East Understanding. These
    groups share the goal of influencing American
    public opinion and leaders on Middle East
    policy issues, and reducing domestic support
    for Israel. NIAC seeks to enhance the public
    standing of the Iranian regime and shield it from
    efforts to prevent the illicit acquisition of nuclear
    In the third category is funding for Israeli
    political opposition groups on the fringes of
    Israeli society. This includes gifts to organizations
    such as Adalah, B’Tselem, Breaking the Silence,
    Gisha, and Yesh Din. These organizations
    promote a narrow, marginal political agenda that
    is far outside the Israeli consensus, often join in
    promoting the Durban agenda, and in some cases
    reject Israel’s existence as a Jewish state. Other
    grant recipients are large foundations, such as
    the New Israel Fund, which in turn support
    many of these same Israeli organizations.
    In these funding policies, and in contrast
    to the name and stated values of the Open
    Society Foundation, the Soros family and the
    recipient organizations often act in a manner
    that is inconsistent with the pprinciples of
    transparency and accountability. Support for
    Al-Haq, Adalah and other organizations is not
    fully transparent. The relationship of the Soros
    family and OSF leadership in New York to
    OSI-Zug is also opaque, but the involvement of
    senior Open Society Foundation officials Aryeh
    Neier and William Newton-Smith as OSI-Zug
    trustees suggests that the Swiss entity does not
    act independently. Similarly, the efforts to hide
    donations from the Soros family to J Street are
    far from consistent with the ideals of an “open

    From May 2013!

  3. @stevenl

    Two of the organizers supporting the protests at Columbia University and on other campuses are Jewish Voice for Peace and IfNotNow. Both are supported by the Tides Foundation, which is seeded by Democratic megadonor George Soros and was previously supported by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

    <blockquoteSoros Group Gives $60 Million to Super PAC That Boosts Democrats
    Donation is second largest in the presidential election cycle

    Joe Biden’s ‘TikTok Army’ received hundreds of thousands from George Soros to push left-wing causes, bash conservatives

    George Soros is paying student radicals who are fueling nationwide explosion of Israel-hating protests

  4. When & where does Soros enter in this antisemitic plot?
    “The mufti of W DC” surrounded himself with a significant number of antisemitic Jews. Many have remained in Bho III Adm.
    It makes no difference who replaces Joey for the Bho’s program will remain in place.
    The main question is: “the Cheat & Steal remains in place”.
    What dirty trick is available?
    What about the Intel?

  5. I believe the rot set in even earlier, with the first presidential term of Barack HUSSEIN Obama. He supports Iran and hates Israel. And he’s the one running the show. We must all vote for Trump in November if we want an Israeli-friendly America again.

  6. I don’t think Poor Old Joe is going to make it to the election. Heck, he may not even make it to the Democratic convention. The debate is certainly going on right now, behind closed doors. How can Joe be taken out of the way, so as to gain the maximum amount of sympathy, and positive spin for the Democratic party? It will happen.

    The other issue being debated right now behind the same closed doors is who is going to take his place? It has to be someone who is charismatic and articulate, meets all the woke litmus tests, is already well known, and most importantly, is close to Barak Obama. A new face could surface, but with only three months left until the election, such a person would be a real long shot.

    Maybe we don’t need to worry about Old Joe or the Democrats at all. They may have fatally shot themselves in the foot, at least for this election cycle. I recently read that the Democrats are going to have trouble coming up with enough fake ballots to put Joe over the top. We’ll see. Never underestimate the Democrats’ capacity for underhanded shenanigans.

    Anyway, the most interesting fly in everyone’s election ointment is Robert F. Kennedy Jr. He is sounding very appealing and may take so many votes from both the Democrats and the Republicans that it could be anyone’s game. It’s like playing basketball with three teams on the court at the same time. Can’t imagine it? Neither can I.

  7. President of the ZOA: Biden Has Never Been A Good Friend to Israel | JNS TV

    My comment: From 4 months ago. Great interview though he omitted any mention of how actual international law recognized all of “Palestine” as the inalienable national birthright of the Jewish People, only talking about divine right.