IDF special forces rescue 4 Israeli hostages from Gaza

Peloni:  Four hostages which were taken from the Nova Festival have been rescued in a combined attack, reportedly from the land, air and sea.  Noa Argamani, Almog Meir Jan, Andrey Kozlov, and Shlomi Ziv were rescued in an operation which included the IDF, the Shin Bet, and Israeli police.  The hostages rescued from two separate Hamas installations in the Nuseirat area in Central Gaza based on intelligence gathered over the past weeks.  The rescue was reportedly conducted with hundreds of forces involved and one member of the force was injured.  I

June 8, 2024 | 12 Comments »

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12 Comments / 12 Comments

  1. US official: Successful rescue operation complicates efforts to reach a deal
    Ahead of US Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s visit to Israel, the Biden administration seems to see the successful operation, which rescued four hostages, in a negative light.
    Israel National News
    Jun 10, 2024, 7:58 AM (GMT+3)

    And picture of Blitzen glaring. He’s good at that. I guess that’s why Santa Biden picked him to go and threaten Israel with no gifties this year instead of the other 8 reindeer. Maybe this arrogant kapo schmuck should go back to pulling his master’s sled.

  2. @Alex Yes, well, it’s well-known that Gaza has been suffering from the lack of a level playing field for a very long time. Nice to see the IDF engaging in Affirmative Action, if only at a snail’s pace. But, you’re right. No one should be left behind. 😀

  3. The NY Times — Sean Hannity calls it, “The New York Slimes” 😀 – still hasn’t returned the “Pulitzer Prize” its correspondant Walter Duranty got in 1932 at the the beginning of the Holodomor for no less than 13 – count ’em 13 – articles reporting that the Soviet Union was the land of sunshine, smiles and plenty the year before. {Back in the day we promoted Ambassador Davies, “Mission to Moscow” which was also made into a major motion picture.}

    With this in mind, I propose a prize for jihadist “journalism”, like what the “Pulitzer” is to “journalism” and the “Nobel” is to “peace”.

    And I propose to call it

    — wait for it —

    “The Khashoggi Prize”


  4. @Peloni, I believe the key point take is that there are non-Hamas (regular Gazans) who took part in planning Oct 7, participating in the killing, capturing of hostages and also in their captivity.

    Gazans overwhelming support the killing and murdering of Israelis and Jews. They voted Hamas into office in 2006 and support the atrocities of Oct. 7 ,2023.

    I do not mourn them when they die as I am not a hypocrite, as they are my enemy!

  5. Why did the Israelis fail in demolishing the entire building along with its occupants? It was common knowledge that the hostages were being held in that building, making everyone inside complicit in kidnapping.

  6. @Bear
    Yes, as I understand it this is still a developing story even as it is currently being reported, but Ahmed Al-Jama, the reporter in question who was also killed during the rescue of Noa, was only a co-authored on one article in Al Jazeera back in 2019. He did however work for the 501(c)(3) organization The Palestine Chronicle as a journalist, as the Palestine Chronicle has confirmed this fact.

  7. I believe Noa the rescued hostage in the family home of a reporter who wrote for the Palestinian Journal and sometimes was published in Al Jazeera.

  8. I have read that 70 per cent of Gazan civilians are behind Hamas. This confirms with evidence of this Israeli rescue of the 4 hostages. Everyone in Gaza must know where the hostages are kept. But they are on the side of Hamas terrorists.

    He said Israeli commandos, having forced their way in, seized the hostages wrapping themselves around them to provide protective shields before bundling them into military vehicles outside.
    As they left he said they faced fierce resistance from Palestinian fighters.

    Have no illusions. Israel and Jews are facing islamic jihad no less.

    This fact of reality must be brought into the foreground of consciousness

  9. Egypt is condemning Israel’s rescue of its hostages today, and the PA is referring the matter to the UNSC for condemnation.

  10. Maariv is reporting that these hostages were being held with Gazan families, much as were the two hostages who were rescued back in February.

  11. Chief Inspector Arnon Zamora, who was critically wounded during the hostage rescue mission, has died.