Democrats panic over Jewish voters

E. Rowell:  We do not yet know the extent to which American Jews are deserting the Biden Administration.  But in the wake of the 7th of October, it is possible that American Jews who were firmly in the Biden camp may be having second thoughts.  Up until now many non-Orthodox Jews, including Zionist Jews, were firmly in the “anyone but Trump” camp, which I see as due to the effective progressive propaganda campaign that has made Trump out to be a racist.  It is difficult to maintain that view of Trump as racist when you see him campaigning in neighborhoods of color and being so warmly greeted by thousands of people there.  The former head of the Black Panther party has come out in support of Trump.  He explained that Trump has always been a friend to the Black community.  I think the veil is being lifted from Jewish eyes in America because no Jew can now deny the genocidal intent of Hamas and all Hamas supporters.  Jews then look to Biden and Trump:  who will be a better protector of the Jews?  We await their answers to that question in November.

By Daniel Greenfield, INN    7 June 2024

Photo:  iStock

After tossing Jewish voters overboard to accommodate the Hamas supporters of Dearborn, Michigan, the Democrats are starting to get nervous about the choice they made.

Despite the rollout of the campaign, beginning with Senator Schumer’s floor speech blasting Israel, and various liberal Jewish surrogates, including Rep. Jerry Nadler, vocally opposing the campaign against Hamas, the Democrats did not manage to sell Jews on Biden’s betrayal.

Biden’s declaration that he would stop providing military support to Israel if it continued to pursue Hamas into Rafah touched off a major backlash from donors, like Haim Saban, from celebrities, like Michael Rappaport, who has said he could vote for Trump, and ordinary Jews.

While there’s no accurate polling of Jewish voters because there are too few Jews in much of the country to be captured by conventional polls, and polls specifically surveying Jews are usually run by leftist groups (there is a vast difference between the voting choices of Orthodox Jews and Reform Jews, although there are more of the latter) Democrats have suddenly begun to sweat the Jewish vote.

And that speaks volumes.

The Jewish Democratic Council of America, which usually complacently assumes that Republicans are not actual competition, has been sending out a series of panicked emails the latest of which is headlined, “How to Persuade Your Friends that Trump is Not the Answer”.

It concludes with, “Our work to ensure the Jewish electorate supports Joe Biden and Democrats has never been more important.”

It doesn’t take much to read between the lines and smell the fear.

A story at the militantly anti-Trump site The Bulwark described Biden’s betrayal as “an inflection point” in the presidential race that sent Jewish donors to Trump. And even those who aren’t backing Trump increasingly aren’t backing Biden.

“The conversations I’ve had with donors is that they want to stop donating to Biden or Democrats,” Rep. Jared Moskowitz related. “They’re not talking about turning on the spigot for Trump, it’s turning off the spigot for us. Some are billionaires. Some are millionaires. And a few have told me they’re not contributing to Trump but they might vote for him. The question is whether this is irreparable. I hope not. The next several months will determine that.”

After Biden’s refusal to help Israel defeat Hamas in its stronghold in Rafah, the JDCA initially issued a statement backing him up only to later backtrack and claim that “there are reasons to disagree with the administration’s recent decision to halt a single arms transfer to Israel.”

The JDCA had clearly lost the argument even among its own supporters and donors.

When Sen. Schumer arrived at the JDCA leadership summit which was meant to pitch Jews on the party, he had left behind the attacks on Israel’s campaign against Hamas, and the ‘born again shomer’ blasted Hamas and the media.

“Jewish voters have always found a home in the Democratic Party year after year,” Schumer pleaded. “Make no mistake, this year the Jewish American vote will make all the difference.“

In the JDCA newsletter, Democrat political consultant Steve Sheffey shakily argued that, “considering voting for Donald Trump because you’re concerned about something Joe Biden did is like asking how the chicken is cooked. But that’s what the loud low-information segment of our community is telling us to do when they tell us to vote for Donald Trump.”

What he was really revealing was that there is a movement of Jews switching to Trump.

“There are two types of people in our community: Those who desperately want to believe the worst about Biden and those who feel relieved, not cheated, to find out that in reality, Biden is good for Israel,” the Democrat consultant condescendingly tried to persuade Jews.

Jews tend to vote Democrat. Where did this sudden influx of Jews who “desperately want to believe the worst about Biden” come from? They came from Biden’s betrayal of the Jews.

And now Jewish Democrats are frantically lying, spinning and gaslighting Jews.

Schumer wouldn’t have to tell Jews that they will make “all the difference”, and the JDCA wouldn’t have to send out talking points for friends thinking of voting Trump if it wasn’t happening. And rather than honestly addressing it, Jewish Democrats have been gaslighting.

The JDCA’s Sheffey insisted that Biden’s arm embargo was just “one non-critical arms shipment designed to send a signal” after he had previously promised that the “White House has no red lines that would trigger restrictions on arms to Israel”. But now arms have to be restricted because Israel finishing off Hamas was “a major disincentive for Hamas to enter into any peace deal”.

And for any Jewish Democrats still not convinced that by cutting off arms to Israel to force a “peace deal” with the butchers and rapists of Oct 7, Biden had Israel’s best interests at heart, he quoted Jennifer Rubin urging Jews to “rethink knee-jerk objections to Biden’s efforts”.

There’s no way that Biden is “trying to mollify some anti-Israel fringe in the Democratic Party”, Sheffey insisted, even as the Hamas campus riots were in full swing. “Biden’s support for Israel remains ironclad… The Democratic Party remains staunchly pro-Israel. Good politicians know their base. Biden has been in politics for decades. He knows his.” This is wishful thinking.

He urged Jewish Democrats to ignore any “references to arms embargoes, loving Hamas, betrayal” and to “delete them and don’t engage — those people cannot be reasoned with.”

The common theme among Biden loyalists is that American Jews should ignore their eyes and ears, and stop being so picky, that they need to trust the party and ignore all the red flags.

And yet after months of going on the offense against Trump, Dems are playing defense.

Jewish Dems have been struggling to justify Biden’s betrayal and, like Sheffey, they’re terrible at it. Forced to actually defend Biden’s record, instead of just attacking Trump as a threat to democracy, they flail, condescend, and insult their own base while trying to avert a crisis.

And the crisis is a catastrophic Jewish loss of support for Biden.

Biden was never popular among Jews. Many just voted the party line. But like other parts of the Democrat base, including black and Latino voters, the allegiance is fracturing under stress.

Facing blowback, the Biden administration has dialed back its criticism of Israel, but there are signs that this is a temporary maneuver meant to reassure Jews long enough to win an election.

On a Project Veritas video, Sterlin Waters, a National Security Council policy advisor told the undercover reporter that “there’s a huge, powerful Jewish influence in Republican and Democrat politics” and that Biden is waiting for a second term to confront them and to oppose Israel.

Bill Ackman, a liberal Democrat hedge fund manager, who had come out against Biden over wokeness and his Israel policy, responded by tweeting, “Unmasking the Biden administration Israel strategy. I respect his candor.” While some Jews may be fooled, others are waking up.

And the Democrats are panicking because they’re in trouble with voters they’ve taken for granted since FDR. A poll from earlier this year found that a majority of Jews in New York were backing Trump, and while he won’t win New York, the Jewish vote twice helped him win Florida.

A Voice of America story warned that “more Jews have been voting Republican in recent elections” and that “Jewish voters could sway the presidential election.”

Biden’s betrayal of Israel may end up costing him the election.

Daniel Greenfielda Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical left and Islamic terrorism.

June 8, 2024 | 26 Comments »

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26 Comments / 26 Comments

  1. The plot thickens.

    Will a Holocaust survivor’s daughter unseat a Democrat in NY?
    Just when you thought miracles couldn’t happen, a strong Jewish woman comes along and decides to save a county. It might sound like Purim to you! Opinion.

    A Holocaust survivors’s daughter, running as an Independent, could unseat Democrats in the coming NY Congressional vote

    Just when you thought miracles couldn’t happen, a strong Jewish woman comes along and decides to save a county. It might sound like Purim to you!

    Dr. Miriam Flisser was born in Eastern Europe and smuggled out hidden under a mail truck, through Germany, by my parents, who were active Partisans in WWII. could become the next congressional representative from NY-16 after Jamaal Bowman spent his tenure attacking Israel and supporting those inciting antisemitism and has just lost the primaries to George Latimer.

    Flisser is the former Mayor of the Village of Scarsdale and its Fire Commissioner, the Police Commissioner, and a member of the Village Board.

    Dr. Flisser is on staff of Columbia Presbyterian Hospital Westchester, where she was Chief of Pediatrics for 15 years, and served as the first woman President of the Medical Staff.

    She is a current member of the Federal Emergency Management (FEMA) Medical Rescue Committee of Westchester, and the Medical Director of The Bronxville School District, where I was able to keep our schools open during the COVID Pandemic. Bronxville has received commendation for its academic performance.

    A registered independent, Flisser won her three elections in Scarsdale on an independent “Non-Partisan” ballot line. In 2022, she ran a spirited challenge against the current incumbent Congressman, Jamaal Bowman, and looks forward to building on that base this year. A dedicated public servant and trusted pediatrician with crossover appeal, Dr. Flisser’s message resonates with voters of all walks of life who embrace common sense solutions to rein in an out-of-control federal government.

    Said Flisser, “From inflation to border security, to crime, to parental rights, our federal government has failed the American people. We need a new voice in Washington who will stand up for our values. The Democrats offered the voters of the 16th Congressional District a choice between a Defund the Police, anti-Israel radical who gives aid and comfort to terrorists, and a career politician who has raised taxes at every level of government in which he served over the past four decades. Both would continue the failed policies currently on display in our nation’s capital. I am a pediatrician – not a politician – and my campaign will offer the voters an obvious choice that embraces common sense to build consensus, and rejects the current dysfunction and incompetence of our federal government and its representatives.”

    As a member of Friends of Israel, Flisser has provided p ediatric medical assistance locally to families who are refugees from October 7th and her son, a surgeon, just volunteered in Israel helping injured soldiers.

    Her family has been part of the membership in Temple Israel of White Plains for 49 years. Her father was President of The Lida Holocaust Society, and she continues the tradition as a lifelong member. “My children all had their Bnai Mitzvot at the Western Wall in Jerusalem, Israel. Holocaust survivors came from all over the world to join us. Many family live in Israel, and my cousin is the Dean Of Students at Technion University in Haifa.”

    “My son, a surgeon, has just returned from volunteer work in Israel. As a member of Friends of Israel, I have provided Pediatric medical assistance locally to families who are refugees from October 7.

    “It’s too bad that Washington politicians have put ideology ahead of common sense and made Americans less prosperous and less secure. I will try to help fix our country’s problems with common sense and personal attention as if each constituent is a patient.

    “When I served as a village mayor, I learned to listen and build consensus. As a public school medical director, I kept classrooms open despite COVID. In Congress, my only personal and political interests will be yours: a brighter, more secure future for all,” stated Flisser.

  2. Next door in the 69th Assembly District, Micah Lasher — a longtime government hand and former aide to Gov. Kathy Hochul, former Attorney General Eric Scheiderman and former Mayor Michael Bloomberg — seemed poised to win the five-candidate race for an open seat covering Morningside Heights and the Upper West Side on Tuesday evening. Lasher, aided by an endorsement by the district’s popular Rep. Jerry Nadler, had a 2,400 vote lead out of 12,493 cast as of Thursday evening over Eli Northup, who had the endorsement of the retiring Assemblymember, Danny O’Donnell.

  3. The antisemitic, Hamas supporting squad member, Jamaal Bowman, was just defeated in NY 16 Congressional District!

  4. Solidarity PAC is a state-focused committee of a larger pro-Israel political group that works to support Democratic opponents to candidates endorsed by progressive Democratic groups, particularly the Working Families Party and Democratic Socialists of America. The Working Families Party endorsed Northrup in its latest slew of endorsements on March 1.

  5. “New York State Assembly District 69 candidate Eli Northrup condemned opponent Micah Lasher two days after Solidarity PAC endorsed Lasher on Tuesday.

    Solidarity PAC is a state-focused committee of a larger pro-Israel political group that works to support Democratic opponents to candidates endorsed by progressive Democratic groups, particularly the Working Families Party and Democratic Socialists of America. The Working Families Party endorsed Northrup in its latest slew of endorsements on March 1.”

    In NYC, the Dem primary is the real election. The general election is just a formality, with rare exceptions.

  6. <blockquoteNew York State Assembly District 69 candidate Eli Northrup condemned opponent Micah Lasher two days after Solidarity PAC endorsed Lasher on Tuesday.

    Solidarity PAC is a state-focused committee of a larger pro-Israel political group that works to support Democratic opponents to candidates endorsed by progressive Democratic groups, particularly the Working Families Party and Democratic Socialists of America. The Working Families Party endorsed Northrup in its latest slew of endorsements on March 1.

  7. The Dem primary is tomorrow and I got a text asking me to vote for the Working Families Party Candidate. This was my reply:

    “I’m voting for Lasher. I stopped voting for WFP when it became the anti-Israel party.

    And Lasher is for tenant’s rights. Both issues are litmus test issues for me. Somebody was handing out fliers for him. Since then I have read articles about this race. I usually ignore primaries like this.

    Please go back to just advocating working class bread and butter issues and stop shilling for anti-semites.

    Thank you. Have a nice day.”

    Not a typo. This is another race. His name is Micah Lasher. And I looked up two of the many candidates for delegates to the judicial convention who had possibly Jewish sounding names and it said they were pro-Israel: Noah Kaufman, and Aaron H. Mendelsohn. Says you pick 16. Too many to google. I’ll vote for these.

  8. The Dem primary is tomorrow and I got a text asking me to vote for the Working Families Party Candidate. This was my reply:

    “I’m voting for Lasher. I stopped voting for WFP when it became the anti-Israel party.

    And Lasher is for tenant’s rights. Both issues are litmus test issues for me. Somebody was handing out fliers for him. Since then I have read articles about this race. I usually ignore primaries like this.

    Please go back to just advocating working class bread and butter issues and stop shilling for anti-semites.

    Thank you. Have a nice day.”

    Not a typo. This is another race. His name is Micah Lasher. And I looked up two of the many candidates for delegates to the judicial convention who had possibly Jewish sounding names and it said they were pro-Israel: Noah Kaufman, and Aaron H. Mendelsohn. Says you pick 16. Too many to google. I’ll vote for these.

    “Eli Northrup condemns Solidarity PAC endorsement of Micah Lasher
    Northrup and Lasher are two of four candidates campaigning for the open assembly seat in District 69.”

    “Solidarity PAC is a state-focused committee of a larger pro-Israel political group that works to support Democratic opponents to candidates endorsed by progressive Democratic groups, particularly the Working Families Party and Democratic Socialists of America. The Working Families Party endorsed Northrup in its latest slew of endorsements on March 1.”

  9. Latimer holds wide lead over Bowman in tense New York [Dem] primary: Poll

    17 points! Latimer is pro-Israel. Bowman had just brushed off his anti-Israel credentials, after a brief hiatus, to apply for readmission to the Squad. The winner will be the presumptive winner of the General Election in November, as is the case in 99 percent of all races in NYC. And since we have closed primaries, you have to be a member of The Party to vote. We have Soviet-style elections here. 😀 Though to be fair, in the Soviet Union, you had to be invited to join. Here, you’re just disenfranchised if you don’t. And the post office might mess with your mail. The primary is June 25th with some early voting in the week preceding.

    My late Shoah survivor father didn’t believe in political parties. Neither did George Washington.

  10. Latimer holds wide lead over Bowman in tense New York [Dem] primary: Poll

    17 points! Latimer is pro-Israel. Bowman had just brushed off his anti-Israel credentials, after a brief hiatus, to apply for readmission to the Squad. The winner will be the presumptive winner of the General Election in November, as is the case in 99 percent of all races in NYC. And since we have closed primaries, you have to be a member of the party to vote. We have Soviet-style elections here. 😀 Though to be fair, in the Soviet Union, you had to be invited to join. Here, you’re just disenfranchised if you don’t. And the post office might mess with your mail. The primary is June 25th with some early voting in the week preceding.

  11. @Harris Correction. The Jewish Caucus of the 51 member NY City council has 5 members. They have a web site. And the Congressman from the 12th district, including the Upper West Side and Central Manhattan is Jerold Nadler who is awful, as you know. I’m further up though I was born and raised on the Upper West Side. I think that’s it. Other than mayor, I rarely vote in city elections. Just rubber stamp Dem machine politics. Hardly anybody in my district bothers to vote in those elections.

  12. @Harris

    Why the Jewish vote matters

    “…First, American presidential elections have often been dramatically close…

    “…Second, Jews happen to reside in states that any successful candidate wants to carry in a presidential election. Some 85% of Jews live in 20 critical metropolitan areas; the four states with the largest Jewish communities (California, New York, Florida and New Jersey) carry 128 electoral votes of 270 needed to win an election. In addition, numbers of Jews also dwell in historic swing states that often decide American elections, particularly Florida, Pennsylvania, and Ohio. This dramatically elevates the significance of the small Jewish vote…”

    “…Third, Jews are known to turn out and vote in high numbers on election day — more than almost any other ethnic and religious group. Some 85% of Jews vote in key presidential elections. Asian Americans and Latino Americans, by contrast, turn out at a rate of less than 50%. As a result, although they are but 2% of the population, Jews may approach 4% of the electorate…”

    “…Finally, Jews contribute to political parties in totally disproportionate amounts…”


    New York State is home to more than 2.2 million Jews, constituting approximately 11 percent of the state’s total population

    Wikipedia “History of the Jews in New York”


    “Majority of New York Jewish voters intend to vote for Trump says new poll
    Jews have overwhelmingly voted for Democratic presidents for more than 100 years

    Andrew Bernard

    FEBRUARY 22, 2024 12:55”

    on the other hand,

    “Donald Trump Stung as New York Poll Shows Massive Drop in Jewish Support”

    Also citing a Sienna Poll but from April, a drop from 53 percent to 38 percent support. Still, that’s a lot in a close race. How often does a Republican candidate get 38 percent. Not just among Jews. In New York City, where Jews represent 16 percent of the population, there are no elected Republican officials except for a couple of city council people in the outer boroughs. None. Not judges, nobody. Apart from Mayor, there’s usually no Republican primary. Republicans don’t even run for Congress in my, admittedly very gerrymandered, district. That’s something like double what he got in 2016! And polls are fickle. They sometimes change daily.

  13. “The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”
    ? George Orwell, 1984

    He might as well have been speaking about the Democratic Party.

  14. @Seb & Adam when I read the Pew research numbers on what Seb posted I view Jews as very largely supporting Israel and not Hamas.

  15. I do not trust Biden or the Democrats. American Jews dislike Israelis because the Israeli Jews make Americans look like wimps

  16. A poll of American Jews found that a majority supported Biden-Blinken’s position for an immediate cease-fire in Gaza. Also, the majority were critical of Netanyahu and supported Biden’s criticism of him, and supported his removal from office. Only Orthodox Jews showed solid support for Israel.

  17. No need for the Dems to panic. I read in a reliable source (I forget which one, but I think it is one that was published by Israpundit) that wealthy American Jews, who are also mega-donors to the Democratic party, have been funding the anti-Israel protests throughout the United States.

  18. @vivarto

    the only way Biden can win the election is through fraud.

    Quite true. And it would appear that they feel quite at ease as they move against Israel while the pro-Israel support is repeatedly polling at or near 80%.

  19. Jews or no Jews, the only way Biden can win the election is through fraud.
    I don’t think many Americans are excited to vote for a corrupt, senile, walking corps.