WHO chief Tedros has declared war on ‘anti-vaxxers’, vows to get ‘more aggressive’ with them

E. Rowell:  It will be interesting to see the numbers of people voluntarily signing up for another dose of the toxic and potentially deadly shots.  It appears that the WHO doesn’t want to take any chances on leaving it up to the public to decide for themselves.  The goal of the WHO is to have total control of every human, animal, and plant on earth.  That way only they can decide what goes into the bodies of humans and other animals.  As the author points out, the global Communist-Totalitarian movement no longer need worry about subverting individual countries, country by country.  In one fell swoop they have found a way to subvert every country on earth.

This is typical Saul Alinsky tactics being used by a former Ethiopian communist politician who now heads the Bill Gates-funded United Nations World Health Organization.

By Leo Hohman    4 June 2024

The head of the Bill Gates-funded World Health Organization has declared war on so-called “anti-vaxxers.”

In true Saul Alinsky fashion, WHO Director-General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, said earlier this week that “it’s time to be more aggressive in pushing back on anti-vaxxers.”

It was the revolutionary organizer Saul Alinsky who advised his fellow Marxists in his book, Rules for Radicals, to engage in a cutthroat information war against their political opponents.

Alinsky wrote:

“Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it. Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions. (This is cruel, but very effective. Direct, personalized criticism and ridicule works.)”

That is exactly the strategy being used by the head of the World Health Organization, which let’s not forget is an organ of the United Nations.

Even the term “anti-vaxxer” is designed to ridicule. To stir up hatred for the “other.”

Tedros is himself a committed Marxist who, as a politician and public-health official in his native Ethiopia, was a member of the communist Tigray People’s Liberation Front. So he will use any wedge issue to divide people off from one another and smear those who advance a pro-freedom option to his narrative of total government-corporate control over people’s lives.

During a talk titled “Celebrating 50 years of immunization progress,” Dr. Tedros said: “You know the serious challenge that’s posed by anti-vaxxers, and I think we need to strategize to really push back. I think it’s time to be more aggressive in pushing back on anti-vaxxers. I think they used COVID as an opportunity, and you know all the havoc they are creating.”

Dr. Tedros’s divisive comments come at a time when more doctors are speaking out about the harm and devastation being caused by the Covid shots, everything from turbo cancers to stillbirths, strokes and heart attacks.

Recently, one of Japan’s most senior cancer doctors said COVID shots are ‘essentially murder’.

LifeSite News noted in a June 3 article that “the WHO has previously attacked people opposed to the dangerousineffective, and abortion-tainted COVID shots, baselessly smearing critics of the experimental injections as a ‘major killing force’ and attempting to link them to the ‘far right.’”

Have you ever wondered why the globalists are so fixated, so obsessed, with all things related to death? They push abortions during all nine months of pregnancy, euthanasia of the sick and elderly, toxic vaccines, perpetual wars, a climate agenda that includes a war on farmers and a culling of livestock herds while converting food-producing farmland back to its “wild” and unproductive state, all of which is adding up to higher food prices and eventually mass starvation.

It’s time to face facts. What we are dealing with here is, at its core, a death cult.

The LifeSite article added that the WHO and Dr. Tedros “completely disregard overwhelming evidence that the experimental COVID injections have caused millions of deaths and serious injuries and the dramatic recent pronouncement from a former Japanese government minister apologizing for such deaths.”

In his talk, Dr. Tedros repeated the bogus achievements of vaccines in general and childhood vaccination in particular, failing to mention the role of improved nutrition and sanitation in reducing child and maternal mortality.

“More than 14 million children in 2022 did not receive a single dose of vaccine; working together with partners like GAVI [the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization] and UNICEF, we aim to halve that number by 2030,” the WHO chief said.

He praised the Gates-funded GAVI’s role “in supporting access to vaccines around the world” and called on people to donate to its “replenishment letter” program. Both GAVI and the WHO receive hundreds of millions of dollars in funding from the Gates Foundation every year.

LifeSite also noted that prominent critics of Big Pharma and the medical establishment, such as eminent cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough, have stated that surging rates of autism and gender confusion in children may be connected to over-vaccination in early childhood years.

So expect more blowback if you are standing against the poisonous “vaccine” industry, which is really just one facet of the globalists’ depopulation agenda, along with more and bigger wars and the famine-inducing “climate” agenda.

June 8, 2024 | 8 Comments »

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8 Comments / 8 Comments

  1. Felix Quigley

    As mostly irrelevant. But, the Gazan Arabs remind me of the WWII Germans or worse as there is a complete absence of rescuers, of resistance. Absolutely nobody tried to help the hostages, some of whom were captured by civilians and sold to Hamas, and all of whom have been held, starved and abused by civilians, teachers, doctors, fathers and mothers, themselves! h Copies of Mein Kampf in Arabic were found in homes along with the weapons and tunnels. Those refugees who have been protesting Hamas only objected to the way the war has disrupted their own miserable lives and referred to their Jewish captives as “dogs.” They are monsters, devoid of human compassion, like the psyhoopath they revere, Mohammed. . Their lives have no value. As with that generation of Germans. They are not even just fascists but actual Nazis. The real thing.

  2. Sebastien Zorn

    How do you characterise Fascism, the Hitler regime, and the Zelensky government?

  3. Speaking as a former Marxist, tenant’s rights activist, and exploited worker, I can testify to the truth of the old joke – which I think I heard from my father when I was young – that goes:

    Communism is the opposite of Capitalism.

    Under Capitalism, you have the oppression of man by man.


    Under Communism, it’s just the other way around.


    “Norton: Why can’t I go into business with you?
    Ralph: You wouldn’t understand the proper exploitation.
    Norton: Waddya mean i wouldn’t understand the proper exploitation? I know all about exploitation. I been exploited all my life! ”
    – “The Honeymooners”

    “The Moral of the episode is: When a barefoot fellow tells you he is revolting against tyranny, watch out; he’s only after your boots. There you have the class struggle in a nutshell.” 😀

    – Paddy Chayefsky, “The Passion of Joseph D.”

  4. EvRe1

    Sorry for misspelled name in last.

    I don’t agree with the comment about the Antisemitism of Marx also racism. Will have to deal with it at another time. It is important though.

  5. Evri

    We can learn from the experience of your parents

    This is one of the issues that Trotskyism has got to confront everyday and because the issue of leadership is so sharply critical for Trotskyism as indeed for everyone else in politics.

    When you talk with Jews who are communists it is necessary to do some figuring out on dates. The absolutely critical moment for Stalin v Trotsky was the defeat of the German revolution of 1923. A number of issues combined. First was the last Testament of Lenin who denounced Stalin and told the party leadership to remove him and strip him of power. Stalin was shattered

    At this very point though the defeat of the German revolution in 1923, to which Russia looked to with bated breath to aid it to break out of isolation, gave an enormous push to Stalin and especially to Stalinism..

    This is very complicated and every aspect of this is covered in the most interesting way in the relatively new Isaac Deutscher TRILOGY. In this biography of Trotsky’s life there are I suppose hundreds of such moments and the issue with Deutscher is that is extremely detailed yet very understanding in a nuanced way. He is no poodle of “Trotskyism”.

    In any case it’s safe to say the defeat of the German revolution began the creation of a new ideological lie machine, the writing out of history of Trotsky, as well the horrors of the Moscow Trials,
    and more defeats under Stalin which in turn every defeat caused by Stalin strengthened Stalin and Stalinism. Like an orchestra the CIA would later enter as well to play their own tunes in this complicated tragedy. Deutscher does the 1923 German Revolution (if I remember really just Saxony) … In a terrific analysis

    To understand your parents history in Russia or elsewhere in my opinion it is not one incident or event it is the many events in the course of a vast panoramic history. This is not easy. This is why I suggest reading the new book by Deutscher. It is the previous three books of the Trilogy, the life of Trotsky and it is also, truth be told, the life of everything political inside an enormous epoch

    (combined the three books into one and the kindle edition is so cheap it is ridiculous)

    Isaac Deutscher
    The Prophet: The Life of Leon Trotsky
    English Edition
    4.6 4.6 out of 5 stars 89
    Kindle Edition
    Available instantly

    Soft cover

  6. @FelixQuigley, point taken that Marxism differs from Maoism in certain ways. The quote you took from the article was written by the author, not by me.

    Marx, though he has long since passed from this earth, gave his critics much to work with, including his virulent antisemitism and racism against Blacks that he called n—s. Somehow those on the left who insist on taking down western civilization for its supposed structural “racism,” give Marx a pass.

    I have heard the arguments for Communism and against capitalism my whole life, having had two parents who met in a Communist youth group at ages 13 and 15 respectfully. They remain committed Communists.

    I was taught by them that there is one right way to view the world and all other ways are ignorant. By that they meant, the Communist view of the world was correct and any other view of the world was ignorant.

    I nevertheless began to look into and study macroeconomics and attempted to understand what fiscal and monetary policies lead to a growing economy and which policies lead to a stagnant economy.

    I am not an expert on economics, Marxism, or Maoism. I am open to learning and desire to learn from others’ viewpoints who differ from me.

    From my reading of history Communism as a political system is a totalitarian political system, despite the original goals of freeing workers from their chains.

    Indeed, there were important gains in labor laws in the US as a result of union formation, but unions have revealed the downside of organizing to represent workers, i.e., in their pursuit of ever better wages and working conditions, they have often driven manufacturing out of this country, leaving workers without ANY job, where they previously had good middle class jobs. You can blame the “bosses,” but the “bosses” paid their salaries and health and disability insurance until the labor unions drove the businesses into choosing between bankruptcy and leaving the US. I think it is important to be realistic instead of idealistic and romantic about the labor movement for the sake of the workers themselves.

    While we may disagree on these issues, I can live with that.

  7. Another quote from the article presented by E.Rowell:

    “Tedros is himself a committed Marxist who, as a politician and public-health official in his native Ethiopia, was a member of the communist Tigray People’s Liberation Front. So he will use any wedge issue to divide people off from one another and smear those who advance a pro-freedom option to his narrative of total government-corporate control over people’s lives.”

    In this paragraph making use of every trick to attack Marx and the theories of Marx and his followers.

    Tedros and the TPLF

    Sunday Times columnist Rebecca Myers wrote in October 2017.
    “Chinese diplomats had campaigned hard for the Ethiopian, using Beijing’s financial clout and opaque aid budget to build support for him among developing countries,” she added. ” (Keywiki)

    I presume this is how he won a vote to become a big wheel in the UN.

    And what is the argument being made that he is a Marxist. Non argument. That is not Marxism but Chinese Stalinism or Maoism. This writer and E. Rowell does not point out that Marxism has got no agreement with Maoism. She is most likely totally unread and ignorant of this or she and the writer of article don’t care. At least I see no evidence she understands this.

  8. The Pandemic did not just happen out of the blue. The Chinese people had experience of another scary situation which was Sars 1 ( Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) is a viral respiratory disease caused by a SARS-associated coronavirus) it happened in the Fall of 2002. So this about 18 years later was called Sars 2. I think those attacking doctors who are not believing of your theory that we have to question even that viruses exist, that science cannot prove that viruses exist, should start from the study of these two happenings. Science also works from the gathering of empirical facts, such as these two happenings and other events in human history, many, including smallpox and HIV.