Col. Douglas Macgregor : The West Strikes Russian Territory

June 6, 2024 | 1 Comment »

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  1. According to Western sources such as the blogger who calls himself “Joe Bloggs.”, Russia is running short of money to finance the war in Ukraine. For two plus years,
    Russia has been able to finance the war mainly from its revenues from the sale of petroleum products and natural gas. However, While Russia has had little difficulty finding new buyers of petroleum products, their new customers, of which the biggest are China and Russia, have “screwed them over the barrel” (literally as well as figuratively ) when it comes to what they pay for the oil. While China and India have given Russia political and propaganda support for its war in Ukraine, they have taken advantage of the Western sanctions on Russia to demand very big “discounts” for the oil and natural gas that they buy from Russia (sorry to double cross you. Vladimir Vladimirovich, but we all have to make a living, dont we?). The Russians have not been able to find an alternative way to fund the war except by raising taxes on their own people. They have already raised taxes one, and they have publicly announced that there are more tax increases coming. In a Western country like the United States, this would be more of an annoyance than a catastrophe. But for Russians, who have never really recovered from the economic disasters of World War I, the subsequent civil war, the collectivization of agriculture infrom 1929-32, the vast destruction of the country’s infrastructure and the immense loss of life in World War II, and the enormous shock caused by Yeltsin’s sudden replacement of socialism with capitalism in 1991, tax increases will be painful for many “ordinary” Russians.