I am a constitutional scholar at Georgetown and Princeton: This is not rule of law

E. Rowell:  Colleges and universities have been turned into Communist struggle sessions like those of Mao and Pol Pot.  They create legions of people who are taught they are either victims or victimizers.  As victims they have little to no capacity to regulate their aggression, as they are filled with limitless rage towards those who have been designated the “victimizers,” such as Donald Trump, American patriots, conservatives, the US Constitution, the rule of law, etc.  Anyone who does not agree to be a victim is cast as “victimizer,” and is hounded and attacked without thought or consideration of the consequences.  This is not education, this is full on totalitarian mind control, creating a generation of mindless enraged robots ready to attack on command.  What is to become of our American future with these ignorant haters moving on to positions in the government/media censorship industry and to professions such as the law and medicine?  They are designed to destroy the country that birthed them and gave them all the advantages of peace time while their peers went off to fight and die in wars on foreign soil.  Now it is left to us to retrieve these broken souls and repair the massive harm done to our culture, society, and families.  I cannot imagine what it must have been like for the author to experience this kind of campus from hell.

By Joel Brendon Jacobs, AMERICAN THINKER    4 June 2024

The Biden-Harris administration has declared former president Donald J. Trump a threat to democracy.

Not once, but dozens of times throughout 2024. Now, the former president is a felon convicted of falsifying business records.

To those currently occupying the White House, this is simply the rule of law.

I only wish this latest Stalinist mantra took hold years ago, before I and others have been outcast and harassed by Biden’s supporters for making mention of concepts so westernized, colonizing, hierarchical, oppressive, and racist.

For the last two years, I have been in classrooms at Georgetown University and Princeton University as a graduate student of law and public affairs.

In these hallowed halls, terms such as ‘rule of law’ are triggering, and siding with democracy is grounds for a pretextual disciplinary hearing.

In fact, rule of law is taught to be not possible and a vestige of white hegemony, while democracy is for ignorant, xenophobic ‘Murica-loving fascists.’

When I uttered that humans have inherent rights whether recognized by a state or not, I was deemed antisocial and sociopathic. When I defended constitutional democracy as the social organization most consistently able to ensure maintenance and realization of such inalienable rights, a campaign was led against me to convince the world I am a white supremacist. This, despite being a Jew, the group that real white supremacists reserve for most of their vitriol. Weaponization of government for leftist causes is religiously revered as the highest virtue by this ruling party baked into the university and government milieu today.

Academics and officials whose careers have been spent denouncing rule of law and despising democracy now use it as cover for abuse of power.

As a former representative of the Federalist Society and colleague of the United Nations’ Development Programme, two organizations predicated on advocacy and support for rule of law, allow me to explain the Democrats’ latest example of positing falsities to be incorporated into constituents’ vernacular or else suffer discriminatory harms.

Rule of law is upheld when those with adjudicative sovereign power — including judges, justices, arbitrators, prosecutors, and administrators — apply facts and law without breathing into this process personal bias. Rule of law requires selflessness and restraint. Rule of law was upheld by the number of federal and state prosecutors who review facts and law pertinent to the case and decide against bringing suit, whether due to not seeing any legal infraction or respecting the statutory bar.

A single prosecutor elected to the position to selectively wield prosecutorial powers in an election year against a hated political enemy while choosing to refrain from bringing charges in thousands of cases where violence and bodily harms resulted for everyday New Yorkers under no circumstances falls within rule of law. In a legal system valuing rule of law, mere appearance of impropriety is a violation of professional ethics and grounds for disbarment.

Shamelessly lying to the electorate in a last-ditch effort to invigorate the dying campaign of a senile man (“Whoa!”), at the expense of the frontrunner whom every poll indicates is running away with both the popular vote and electoral college, is the most boldfaced election interference to be public knowledge in this century.

Threats to democracy are coming from inside the White House. In this single presidential term, multiple star presidential impeachment witnesses have been indicted and either fled or been arrested for verified statements, a Congressional committee openly refers to the FBI as corrupt, and a news organization was raided by federal agents for following a lead involving a member of the first family.

Meanwhile, official inflation reports are so dubiously formulated as to be disavowed by economists unable to replicate them as they are released.

And now, the leading political opponent to this executive branch administration is convicted of a felony for constitutionally protected activity.

This, in the same year that antisemitism’s ebullience on campuses nationwide could not be reined in nor swept under the rug.

The ruling party has a fondness for situating and contextualizing happenings through a historical lens.

What is plainly seen by anyone taking the time to follow current affairs beyond headlines is that the U.S.’s inflation and economy are historically atrocious with more people living with and depending on parents than ever before as well as being rejected from even jobs people used to eschew such as dropping fries for McDonald’s or clerking at a gas station, jobs now paying more than $20 an hour.

And, corruption is historically high.

When a sitting U.S. Supreme Court justice indicates with a flag an appeal to heaven, take heed. Do not follow in the footsteps of the German Jews who received state mandates to relinquish rights; to vocalize their acceptance of a dehumanized, guilty, lesser status for maintaining their participation and livelihoods in society. They were ultimately paraded through gates reading ‘Arbeit Macht Frei.’ They did not survive their earnest normalization of governmental actions that officials prescribed as democratic rule of law.

Joel Brendon Jacobs is a 2023 Gleitsman Public Leadership national finalist, U.S. Senate fellow, and policy analyst in the office of the secretary general of an NGO federation. A native of Northern California, he has an economics degree from Cal Poly and studies law at Georgetown University and public affairs at Princeton University.

June 6, 2024 | 1 Comment »

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  1. With regard to E. Rowell’s introductory remarks about the abysmal state of education in U.S. colleges and universities, I wonder why there is so much fuss about the possible adverse effects of electronic AI when the indoctrination going on in our educational institutions today is breeding a crop of “graduates” with human AI who promise to destroy the very foundations of Western civilization.