The Grin of Evil and the Posts of Cowards

E. Rowell:  Julie Kelly aptly describes all that is encapsulated in Biden’s smug and gloating smirk.  He is all she describes, a formerly smooth talking sociopath but now an empty, mumbling, stumbling, demented shell.  Psychopaths not only do not have a soul, they lack humanness itself.  That is why some refer to psychopaths not as he or she, but as “it.”  The thing that poses as President of the United States while clearly mentally disabled, is still capable of untold destructiveness, because that is its essence.  It can still visit torture and pain on innocent Americans, as it attacks all that is good and decent about our country and countrymen.

Successful tyrants also prevail because their opposition is craven, impotent, and feckless. On that score, Joe Biden again drew the luck of the Irish.

By Julie Kelly, DECLASSIFIED.LIVE    1 June 2024

Joe Biden couldn’t even wait 24 hours before publicly gloating about the history-making criminal conviction of former president Donald Trump.

Under the guise of announcing a proposed ceasefire agreement in the Israel-Gaza war, Biden took to a podium in the White House state dining room at 1:30 p.m. on Friday. He began his statement not with details of the peace plan but rather with a lecture about how the “rule of law” prevailed in Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s case against Trump. “Donald Trump was given every opportunity to defend himself,” Biden said of his 2024 Republican presidential rival. “And after careful deliberation, the jury reached a unanimous verdict.  They found Donald Trump guilty on all 34 felony counts.”

Biden, who recently bragged about circumventing the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn his student loan forgiveness program, further warned his opponent not to criticize the trial’s outcome. “It’s reckless, it’s dangerous, and it’s irresponsible for anyone to say this was rigged just because they don’t like the verdict.”

After several minutes of stumbling through more prepared remarks about the ceasefire proposal, Biden started his signature brittle march out of the room. A reporter asked a retreating Biden to respond to Trump’s accusations that he is responsible for turning the former president into a “political prisoner.”


The Dr. Evil grin sparked immediate outrage on the Right; Trump’s team quickly turned the clip into a campaign ad.

Biden’s signature grin has gotten him a long way in politics—he is little more than a glad-handing blowhard with low-level intelligence and a tad of Irish charm who just happens to know better than almost anyone in Washington how to game the system for political and personal benefit.

But this grin was different. It was not the smile of a dunce once again shocked by his own unearned success and dumb luck, but the sadistic expression of a twisted tyrant gratified by tormenting his political foe and everyone around him.

Like all good Marxists, Biden gets off on the suffering of others. Inflicting pain is how sick freaks like Biden maintain power—the harder the boot on the throat, the bigger the grin. Biden’s depravity is best demonstrated by his making up lies about his own son’s death in order to turn tragic events into a sympathy play for himself.

Everything is about him, all the time.

Unfortunately, Biden Has Plenty to Smile About

Successful tyrants also prevail because their opposition is craven, impotent, and feckless. On that score, Biden again drew the luck of the Irish; with few exceptions, the Republican “opposition” in Washington is a profile in cowardice where milquetoast endomorphs in the U.S. Senate—yes, I mean you Mitt Romney and John Thune and Jim Lankford—spend more time prostrating before one of the most unpopular and incompetent presidents in history instead of defending the country they swore an oath to protect from all enemies foreign and domestic.

After all, where have Republicans been for more than three years as Biden’s ruthless Department of Justice has investigated, interrogated, raided, charged, prosecuted, and imprisoned their own constituents?

Where are indignant social media posts about the 1,400 Americans, mostly Trump supporters, ensnared in the DOJ’s ongoing January 6 prosecution who are trapped in a legal and judicial circle of hell that rivals, perhaps surpasses, what the world just watched unfold in the kangaroo courtroom of Judge Juan Merchan?

Where is the outcry over the Biden DOJ’s perfect conviction rate for J6ers before all Democratic juries in the most liberal city in the country?

Where is the condemnation of the weaponization of obstruction and conspiracy laws to criminalize political dissent?

Where is the denunciation of the DOJ’s use, with the assistance of federal judges in Washington, of terror enhancements to tack on more jail time for J6ers including those convicted of no violent crime?

Where are promises to defund and investigate the perpetrators of this continued travesty? The day before the Manhattan jury convicted Trump, Matthew Graves, the Biden-appointed U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia, announced the arrest of a South Dakota man on five charges related to his participation in January 6.

To be sure, some Republicans attended the last few weeks of Trump’s trial in a show of support for the former president. Commendable, I guess.

But why hasn’t a single Republican congressman or senator walked across the street from the U.S. Capitol to watch one J6 proceeding in the more than two years since jury trials began in Washington? Not even when Trump confidants Steve Bannon and Peter Navarro stood trial for bogus contempt of Congress charges.

Marco, Let Me Tell You a Story…

In response to the verdict in Trump’s case, Florida Senator Marco Rubio denounced the “political show trial conducted by an openly pro-Biden judge…a jury from the most liberal county in America, absurd and ridiculous charges and outrageous jury instructions that guaranteed guilty verdicts.”

Hey Senator Rubio, wait until you hear about what has happened to 100+ Floridians since the events of January 6, 2021.

Florida is home to the greatest number of J6 defendants, some of whom have received the harshest sentences.

Last September, I sat in the D.C. courtroom of Judge Amit Mehta, appointed by Barack Obama, as Florida grandmother Connie Meggs begged for mercy.

Mehta had earlier sentenced her husband, Kelly, a member of the Oath Keepers, to 12 years in prison for his conviction on charges of seditious conspiracy and other nonviolent offenses. Connie Meggs, 62, spent roughly 20 minutes inside the Capitol on January 6; she was found guilty of obstruction and interfering with police during a separate March 2023 trial.

Assistant U.S. Attorney Troy Edwards handled the government’s prosecution of Connie Meggs and her co-defendants.

Edwards is the son-in-law of former FBI Director James Comey.

Calling January 6 a “crime committed against the citizens of the United States,” Mehta insisted the four-hour disturbance at the Capitol had “altered the social fabric in a way a normal crime does not.” While Mehta did not grant Edwards’ request to throw Meggs in prison for between eight to 10 years, the judge did sentence her to 15 months. “We don’t have January 6, it does not happen, without people like you,” Mehta scolded.

Not only did Marco Rubio have nothing to say about those court proceedings, but chances are also that to this day he still doesn’t know any of this happened to Americans in his own state, Americans who probably helped put him in office three times.

Disgraceful. Sadly. Meggs’ story has played out over and over for other J6 defendants for almost three-and-a-half years to the deafening silence of Republican leaders.

Compare the GOP’s weak and bordering-on-complicit approach to how Democratic leaders swooped in four years ago to defend the far more violent and destructive rioters after convicted felon George Floyd died as a result of health issues and a drug overdose.

And that is why Biden grinned his megalomaniacal grin. What’s not to smile about when your political opposition continues to sharpen the knives used to stab their own supporters in the back?

If you were Joe Biden, you’d be smirking, too.


June 3, 2024 | 4 Comments »

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4 Comments / 4 Comments

  1. @AJ

    What’s wrong with imprisoning the January 6 defendants?

    Are you referencing those defendants who were falsely convicted of entering the capital after being waved in by the Capital Police, or those defendants who have been arrested and have been waiting for years now without trial in solitary confinement? Or perhaps it is the charges which are now being pursued against people who did not even enter the capital building.

    The law must be equally enforced for it to be legitimate, and yet the swarming of the Capital by Leftist goons during the Kavanaugh hearings resulted in no arrests, not a single charge for a single person. Who was it again who stated

    to my friends, everything; to my enemies, the law.

    Indeed, such unequal treatment under the law, is not even the limit of the outrage of January 6, as the govt acted in concert to forego the needed forces to contain the expected crowd specifically so that their psyop against the country would help hide the chicanery which permitted the stolen election to be falsely certified while tragically abusing those who resisted such an outrage with the loss of their liberties and the consumption of their wealth in making their own defense.

    In fact, there is so much wrong with imprisoning the January 6 defendants, that it should chill our blood to even read your words questioning why they should not be imprisoned.

  2. Well said! I am a little worried how Trump will manage the country with this gaggle of incompetents.