Historical videos by Dr. Mike Yeadon – they were a kind of Noah’s Ark for many.

E. Rowell:  Dr. Mike Yeadon is a British citizen of integrity and courage.  His whole career was spent in creating new drugs.  When he began to analyze the available data on the so-called vaccines for COVID he began to realize that these substances were consciously designed to kill and maim people.  He understood the depth of the evil because he knew exactly how from a pharmacological point of view, these substances could harm human beings.  Over a period of several years he began to speak out in a voice unusual for its clarity, honesty, and horror of the crime he saw unfolding.  He eventually realized, based upon examining the methodology of the field of Virology, that it is a pseudo-science based upon fraudulent experiments.  This article at Suavek’s substack, contains a series of videos Mike Yeadon had made, along with articles he wrote.



by Suavek

For many people, Dr. Yeadon’s historical videos represent nothing less than their own survival story. If you don’t know what’s happening, your chances are slim.

Dr. Mike Yeadon, former vice president of Pfizer and now whistleblower, has been tirelessly warning the world about the “COVID” pseudo-vaccines since 2020. Those who believe him can survive.

Dr Mike Yeadon’s narrative is not just an opinion. It is a statement whose correctness is confirmed by reality every day. The “devil” is in the design of mRNA. The mechanism of action of this genetic substance has nothing to do with medical protection. The toxicity was known before its introduction. The claim of the alleged protective effect was based, among other things, on the fact that the victims of these injections were still recorded in the statistics as “unvaccinated” for almost 1 month (usually 28 days) after their second pseudo-“vaccination”. It was said that the alleged protective effect could not develop before this time. But most deaths and injuries due to this toxicity occurred within 2 weeks of each injection. The stupid claim that this could be some kind of protection is based not only, but also, on this incorrect counting method. It was a fraud that makes any reasonable person hold their breath.

Since 2020, Dr Yeadon has evaluated many scientific studies, conducted research and, as a forward-thinking researcher, has in some cases arrived at new findings that make medical fraud look even worse. Nevertheless, his warnings remain current and so do most of the findings from 2020-2023. You have information here that is of both historical and enlightenment value and that you can put to good use.

The readers of the articles published in this Substack know exactly what is currently going on in the world. But the concept of the Substack and its main idea lie in the practical possibility of sharing information in a compact form where it is necessary. My personal guiding principle is: God helps those who know how to help themselves.” I wish you the best of luck with your enlightenment work.

Dr. Mike Yeadon – Covid death shots is medical murder

Dr. Mike Yeadon : Toxic by design :

Linked to this video are the following two articles that Dr. Yeadon published on his Substack :

My letter to PC Ben Bates

Evidence of criminal activity re: the rollout of the Covid ‘vaccine’

Dr Mike Yeadon

Mar 17, 2024


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June 2, 2024 | Comments »

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