“A determined liar”: Minister Shikli closes accounts with the former prime minister

Peloni:  Chikili’s tweet is actually far more effective than this article in articulating his outrage at Bennett for expressing regret to only having made promises which he later broke and for which he has tried repeatedly to marginalize both the scope and consequence of having done so.

Minister Shikli attacked former Prime Minister Bennett. “Naftali Bennett, you said this morning that you broke an election promise and made a mistake in choosing people. Shamelessly, when you build on mostly forgetting, you continue to lie with a determined face,” Shikli wrote

Maariv Online | May 19, 2024

Diaspora Minister Amichai Shikli published a tweet this evening ( Sunday ) on the social network x (formerly Twitter) in which he attacked former Prime Minister Naftali Bennett . “Naftali Bennett, you said this morning that you broke your election promise and made a mistake in choosing people. Shamelessly, when you build on mostly forgetting, you continue to lie with a determined face,” Shikli wrote.

“This is not one promise that doesn’t exist, Naftali, but a very long series of promises, let’s go over some of them,” Shikli continued. “You promised not to demand a prime ministership with six mandates, but at the moment of truth nature got the better of you and the only thing you saw before your eyes was the prime minister’s chair.”

“You promised to establish only a national government, in practice you established a government with all the parties of the left and the Muslim Brotherhood, while you gave your hand to the contemptible boycott of the entire public of the right-wing parties, including the Likud and its leader,” he added.

He then wrote: “You led the demand to disqualify Ra’am (you mentioned that it is a sister movement of Hamas) but at the moment of truth, in order to become prime minister, you gave them the chairmanship of the Interior Committee and huge budgets amounting to tens of billions of shekels. These funds were used to support associations affiliated with Hamas “.

“You promised that under no circumstances and in any way would you crown Lapid as prime minister,” he continued. “Actually, Lapid was prime minister here only because of you. For years you told us that you were a man of the whole Land of Israel. In fact, after you stole the prime ministership and stood next to Lincoln for the first time at a press conference, all of you brave and trembling, you called that beloved region by the derogatory name : “The West Bank”. You stood there like a scolded child and remained speechless when Blinken spoke for the first time about settler violence. Since then, and due to your lax conduct, the American administration has hardened its positions against our wonderful settler population.”

“You have declared so many times about a heavy-handed policy against our enemies. Some words, some idle talk. In practice, you did not stand up to the slightest pressure from the left and the Americans, and contrary to the Shin Bet’s demand – you opened the entire envelope for the entry of Gaza workers and Hamas terrorists. The information that they collected on your watch, they translated into the 7.10 massacre,” he added.

“For years, you sold stories to the right about your commitment to a dramatic change in the justice system. “Shaked will win over Beget and Bennett will win over Hamas.” In practice, you did nothing on the issue during your entire term. 8. You appointed Gali Beharev Miyare as prosecutor. You remained silent for a whole year , when the left-wing protesters burned the country and this was due to attempts to reform the judicial system, a gentler reform than the one you sold to the right for a whole decade.”

“You remained silent even when the refuseniks on the left raised their heads. You remained silent because you are weak and spineless. Lacking ideology. Only the chair is important to you. As Shimirit Meir, your tight-knit advisor, was amazed to describe: “The grip on the chair is so strong, that the chair breaks.” 9. In countless conversations with right-wing people, I heard you explain how important it is to promote combat and militant officers to the General Staff.”

“For years you complained that they were being kicked out of the military due to “right-wing” thinking. You could have easily appointed Brigadier General Ofer Winter as your military secretary and made him a general in the General Staff, thereby ending the freeze on the promotion of the most combative officer in the army. In practice, you did not want to quarrel with the army. You were afraid “Let them take you out boy” and damage your status, which was also very precarious. You are to blame for Winter’s non-promotion.”

“In the past, before you betrayed the right and before we found out that you were a right-wing fake, you often tweeted about the existential risk involved in relying on the joint list, the supporters of terrorism. As Minister of Defense you attacked Boogie Ya’alon, Gantz and Yvette Lieberman, for their intention to lean on the joint. In practice (as Shmarit Meir admitted, the close advisor), after Auerbach and Silman abandoned you and your left coalition, you relied on the joint.”

In her words: ‘I realized that he (Naftali) doesn’t hear, doesn’t want to hear. They rely on the joint venture and bribe Ra’am and then Zoevi. I understood that the plan for the seat is to rely on cooperation with the joint list and Ahmed Tibi, after all, the government does not have a majority.”

“Last but not least, Sinwar. You broadcast to everyone that you would eliminate Hamas and its leaders (in the election slogan mentioned above) in practice, when you were prime minister you were presented with an operation to assassinate Sinwar and senior Hamas officials and you immediately decided to cancel the operation. You feared, rightly, that Mansour Abbas would resign and dismantle your government The left. The throne… only the throne bothered you. Even your recent childish briefings that “Kochavi Isham because he did not agree to the elimination” indicate that you are not qualified for a senior position, because you cannot accept a decision in front of a chief of staff who thinks otherwise.

“By the way, also on a personal level – for years you have tried to convey that you are a rich person and the last thing you are interested in is the government’s motives. In practice, we were all amazed to discover, right and left alike, the Walt bills and food purchases that you burdened the taxpayers and the renovation that was done in your private home, for millions of NIS.” In short, Naftali, you can go on and on. The fact is that you have betrayed the people who put their trust in you. Our memory is not that short.”

May 20, 2024 | Comments »

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