Why has Gallant abandoned Israel’s war goals?

Since the failed peace process began in 1993, the General Staff became a stakeholder in the success of its “partner,” the Palestinian Authority.

Caroline Glick | JNS | May 17, 2024

There was a comical aspect to Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant’s press appearance on Wednesday night. With his best imitation of Patton, he sternly demanded that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu abandon Israel’s war aims and instead adopt America’s, which happen to be Hamas’s war aims as well.

“I urge Prime Minister Netanyahu to make this decision and proclaim that Israel will not impose civil rule on the Gaza Strip; that there will be no Israel military government in the Gaza Strip. And that a [Palestinian] civilian alternative to Hamas in Gaza will be advanced immediately.”

Gantz insisted that the public expects the prime minister to crown the Palestinian Authority leader. “The nation of Israel is looking to us and expects us to make the right decisions.”

Yet since Oct. 7, the public’s expectation has been precisely the opposite of what Gallant proclaimed it to be.

Shortly after Hamas’s invasion and slaughter on Oct. 7, opposition politician and former defense minister Benny Gantz brought his party into the Netanyahu government and entered the new war cabinet along with Netanyahu and Gallant.

The cabinet’s first decision—made unanimously—was to set three goals for the war. First, eradicate Hamas as a military and political body. Second, bring all of the hostages home. And third, prevent Gaza from re-emerging as a security threat to Israel in the future.

The men’s decision did not include specific directions for how to achieve those goals. But for most of the public, the answer was clear: Israel had to conquer and control the Gaza Strip. The only way to dismantle Hamas’s military units and eradicate its terror cells is by controlling Gaza and killing or capturing the terrorists. The only way to dismantle Hamas’s regime is to seize governing authority from Hamas and so cut the connection between Hamas and the civilian population.

Hamas is holding 132 hostages, some of them dead. The Israel Defense Forces has confirmed that 40 were murdered; that leaves 92 who may still be alive. The best way to save them is by gathering intelligence from the locals in Gaza and having military control over the area to conduct successful rescue operations. The only way to reach a hostage deal with Hamas that will not pose a strategic threat to Israel over time is by having sufficient operational control over Gaza to threaten resources that Hamas cannot survive without.

The final goal—preventing Gaza from ever posing a threat to Israel in the future—likewise can only be achieved with Israel in full control over Gaza. Not only does the IDF have to be physically in control over the area to prevent Hamas from rebuilding or from a successor group from emerging, but it must also be present to prevent Hamas from retaining the loyalty of the people of Gaza. Only by denying the Palestinians hope that Hamas will return will they be willing, over time, to accept a non-hostile local governing authority to replace Hamas.

While the vast majority of Israelis recognized that the war goals could only be achieved through the conquest and occupation and civil administration of Gaza, the IDF had other ideas.

Make the regime ‘pay a price’

With Gallant’s full support, the IDF failed to prepare any plans for the conquest of Gaza. Instead, in the immediate aftermath of Oct. 7, IDF Chief of General Staff Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi only prepared plans for a ground manuever in northern Gaza. In the first three months, the dynamics of battle and the competence of the 300,000 reservists brought two-thirds of Gaza under IDF control. Rather than build on this achievement and complete the conquest of Gaza, with no prior warning, Halevi sent the reservists home with a “thank you” card.

Critics rightly warned that Halevi’s move meant that Hamas forces would return and reassert control. Israel has retaken the same cities and towns multiple times now.

Many commentators had assumed that Israel’s first operation on the ground would be to seize Gaza’s international border with Egypt—the town of Rafah and the border zone, which is assumed to be filled with a tunnel network that transports men and weapons unimpeded from Egypt to Gaza. To block Hamas from rebuilding its forces in the midst of the IDF operation, it was self-evident that the first place to strike was the border.

But Halevi refused. Indeed, by January, when the need to seize Rafah and the international border had become inarguable, and Halevi was directly ordered to prepare plans for the cabinet’s approval, he stalled for three months before presenting the plans.

This brings us to the issue of civil governance, which Gallant raised so angrily on Wednesday evening. The U.S. demand that Israel provide humanitarian aid to the people of Gaza was and remains deeply hostile. On the ground, it meant that Hamas would be restocked and capable of waging a war of attrition against Israel.

While hostile, this American demand was also an opportunity. If the IDF were to take responsibility for distributing humanitarian aid, then it could drive a wedge between Hamas and the civilian population by denying Hamas the capacity to deliver required services to the public or give an advantage to its supporters over those less enthusiastic in their cooperation with the terror regime.

By taking on responsibility for distributing food, water and medical care to the local population, Israel would develop networks of informants and supporters itself at Hamas’s expense. Rewarded for their cooperation, they could serve as sources of accurate information about the whereabouts of both hostages and Hamas forces.

Over time, the networks Israel would build in aid distribution could form the nucleus of future civilian leadership in Gaza independent of and hostile to Hamas.

Despite the obvious strategic opportunity afforded by the U.S. demand, with Gallant’s full support, the IDF General Staff refused to take on the task. Instead, they subcontracted it to humanitarian aid groups that operate at Hamas’s mercy. In other words, the IDF itself ensured Hamas’s continued control over the civilian administration of Gaza.

The IDF’s operational notion is that through limited ground engagements, it will degrade Hamas’s forces sufficiently to make the genocidal terror regime “pay a price.” This “price,” in turn, will convince Hamas to release the hostages.

Compel Israel to accept a Palestinian state

This brings us back to Gallant’s demand to install a Palestinian alternative to Hamas (aka, the Palestinian Authority) in Gaza. Since shortly after Oct. 7, General Staff sources have let it be known that they want the P.A. to take over civil governance and even military control of Gaza. In the minds of Halevi, Shin Bet director Ronen Bar and their generals, with the P.A. in charge, Israel will be able to achieve the long-term aim of pacifying Gaza by carrying out occasional, small counter-terror raids against specific targets in operations lasting no more than a few hours.

Aside from the last part about the IDF having the right to enter Gaza to carry out assaults when necessary in the future, the IDF plan is the U.S. one. From the outset of the war, Washington has strenuously opposed an Israeli conquest and occupation of Gaza. It has demanded that Israel only carry out limited attacks against Hamas strongholds and allow Hamas to retain its control over the international border with Egypt.

The United States wants the P.A. in charge of Gaza because the Biden administration views the war as a means to advance its central goal of establishing a Palestinian state.

To push the IDF out, America has overseen hostage negotiations on Hamas’s terms. With the administration’s support, Hamas’s terms involve the release of some 20 hostages in exchange for thousands of terrorist murderers now held in Israeli prisons and the full withdrawal of IDF forces from Gaza—permanently.

Needless to say, if the United States achieves its goals, more than 100 hostages will remain behind in Gaza, and Oct. 7 will be Palestinian Independence Day.

And Hamas will be the ruler of Palestine.

The Biden administration and the IDF present the P.A. as a viable alternative to Israeli rule. But it isn’t. It isn’t just that the P.A. itself is a terrorist group. It’s also that it is weaker than Hamas.

This week the P.A.’s ruling Fatah faction bragged about the role that its personnel played in the Oct. 7 atrocities. Although both the Biden administration and the IDF General Staff have refused to admit it, already on Oct. 7, Fatah released footage of its own terrorists in the kibbutzim slaughtering Jewish families and taking hostages. And this week, Fatah released a statement glorifying its terrorists’ contribution to that day’s slaughter.

Fatah’s move may have been a ploy to woo Hamas. The P.A. and its state sponsors, including the United States, seek to “solve” the “Hamas problem” by integrating Hamas into the P.A. and its governing Palestine Liberation Organization. Since Hamas is much more popular and militarily powerful than Fatah in Gaza, and in Judea and Samaria, the only way for the P.A. to “take over” Gaza is for it to serve as a fig leaf for continued Hamas control over Gaza. Under the protective mask of the U.S.-sponsored P.A., Hamas will be free to rebuild its forces and maintain its total control over Gaza.

In other words, far from serving as a proxy for Israel, as the IDF apparently thinks, the P.A. will serve as cover for Hamas. Even worse, since Washington insists that the P.A. is legitimate and moderate, by operating from within it, Hamas will be protected from Israel by the United States. Any act to dismantle or even diminish Hamas’s military capabilities by Israel in the future will be attacked as a destabilizing move that weakens the “moderate” P.A.—or Palestine government—as the case may be.

Arguably the most dangerous aspect of the IDF’s position is how it will implicate Israel in the transformation of the P.A. into “Palestine.” From the perspective of the administration and the rest of the international community, if the P.A. takes over Gaza, then the next step will be to compel Israel to vacate Judea and Samaria, and enable the establishment of a Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital.

This week, the “moderate” Arab states met in Bahrain to discuss American efforts to install the P.A. in Gaza. These “moderates” released a set of conditions for agreeing to the administration’s plan. Conditions included the deployment of an international force in Gaza, and Judea and Samaria; international condemnation of Israel’s control over the Rafah border crossing to Egypt; acceptance of “Palestine” as a member state at the United Nations; an international peace conference charged with dictating the terms of a “peace” deal between Israel and the Palestinians; and recognition of Jordanian custody over the Temple Mount in Jerusalem—that is, rejection of Israeli sovereignty over Jerusalem.

By backing a P.A. takeover of Gaza, the IDF is also supporting the U.S. plan to use the war to compel Israel to accept a Palestinian state, effectively controlled by Hamas not only in Gaza but in Judea, Samaria and Jerusalem.

More rigid axioms of the peace process

The question is why is the IDF ignoring the obvious fact that the only way to achieve the war aims set forth by the cabinet is to occupy and control Gaza? In an article this week in Tablet magazine, Michael Doran and Can Kasapoglu of the Hudson Institute placed the IDF’s doctrinal delusions in the context of the post-Cold War determination by NATO and U.S. strategists that the era of large conventional wars is over. Worth reading in full, the article makes clear that Israel’s national security elites’ attachment to Western counterparts detached them from their immediate surroundings and encouraged them to ignore the operational imperatives of life in a country surrounded by forces ideologically dedicated to its physical eradication.

But there is a more local cause as well for their refusal to countenance basic realities of military science in their stewardship of Israel’s national security. Since Israel’s establishment 76 years ago, the IDF General Staff has operated as a closed gentlemen’s club. Only those aligned with the zeitgeist of Israel’s secular, leftist elites have been permitted to enter. In the initial decades of the state, the social and ideological uniformity of the General Staff wasn’t that significant. Israel had no option other than fighting to win.

But since the United States transformed Israel into a military client in the 1970s, membership in the club involved embracing a doctrine of subservience and dependence on the Pentagon and the American liberal political establishment.

Moreover, since the failed peace process with the Palestinians began in 1993—and negotiations were led by members of the General Staff—the General Staff became a stakeholder in the process and in the success of its “partner,” the P.A. This position rendered the General Staff’s already rigid framework for viewing local threats through the prism of how various responses would affect the IDF’s relationship with the United States even narrower. Now generals also need to align their strategic lens with the even more rigid axioms of the peace process. Among those axioms is the determination that controlling the lives of the Palestinians is a disaster. The fact that militarily the opposite is the case is irrelevant.

By attenuating its relationship to military realities on the ground first through its U.S.-centric filter and second through its P.A.-centric filter, the actual realities are, at best, a third-order consideration for the General Staff.

Gallant’s speech enraged the political right. A Channel 14 poll Thursday showed that 73% of right-wing voters want Netanyahu to fire him. Overall, Likud is leading Gantz’s “Stateliness” party by five seats, and Netanyahu is leading Gantz by nine points in a head-to-head matchup.

Buoyed by those numbers, Netanyahu would be well-advised to ask Gallant to present his plans for transferring civil governance to the P.A. to the security cabinet, which will reject his plan. Then Gallant might just resign.

The state of affairs where the General Staff is aligned with a hostile administration in Washington against the prime minister and the public doesn’t allow for any major strategic initiatives. Israel must proceed slowly towards achieving its war goals. And its supporters must stand with it, step by plodding step as it moves to achieve them.


May 18, 2024 | 23 Comments »

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23 Comments / 23 Comments

  1. Bear

    In other words Bibi is PM and has been for a longtime and he is being blamed for Israels ills. People want someone else. Someone to improve things.

    But here is the point you are not addressing. The question is not if Bibi is responsible, or if he is popular. The question is whether the public would choose to surrender to the death squads fo Hamas and Hezbollah just to spite him, as is what is needed to go to elections during the war. As you say, the people want victory. But this betrays the inconsistency put forward in the polls which claim that they want early elections, and that they would support the surrender moves made by both Gallant and Gantz.

    This war is not close to being over, and right now Bibi is acting in concert with the goals of the people, ie victory. It is inconceivable that they would support Gantz after he has moved to surrender to Hamas, something which you yourself acknowledge is not supported by the public.

  2. Now these totalitarian kapo bastards are gunning for Channel 14.

    Israel’s Channel 14 has a lot of problematic content – opinion
    Channel 14 has the right to exist as a right-wing network, but with constraints on its disturbing content, says writer.
    APRIL 30, 2024 04:31


    “Likud bloc wins most seats in new poll”
    “The Channel 14 poll contradicted polls of the other major Israeli TV channels three weeks ago, which showed the opposition leading by a wide margin.”

    (April 1, 2024 / JNS)


  3. @Seb & Peloni. yes the Israelis are not in favor of selling or giving in Hezis or Hamas or surrendering. They want to defeat them. You are misinterpreting the meaning of the polls.

    Bottom LINE Bibi is NOT popular at all now. Gantz is appealing to more at the moment in-spite of all three of us view him as not good for Israel to be simplistic!

    Try to focus just on the following to understand why and not extrapolate.

    Bibi has been blamed even by many former voters of his as having responsibility for Oct 7. Many blame him for not getting the hostages back (right or wrong).

    Many blame him right or wrong for not having finished the war in Gaza long ago. Many ask why was Rafah so long in the waiting to be attacked.

    In other words Bibi is PM and has been for a longtime and he is being blamed for Israels ills. People want someone else. Someone to improve things.

  4. @Bear

    the pollsters in Israel across the board have a good record since the two years of multiple elections.

    So how do you countenance their reliability when they don’t agree, across the board? Also, when you suggest that they are accurate, the only accuracy with which they have to compete is in the weeks leading upto the actual election. Beyond that, as in now, they can leverage their opinion polls to manipulate the public as they like. Glick recently noted the fact that the Direct Poll survey was significantly out of step with the other polls, even as it surveys a greater number of voters.

    In any event, I am very much in agreement with Sebastien, as I do not believe that the Israeli people are supportive of surrender, nor of maintaining the Hamas threat in the South and the Hezbollah threat in the North, not even in exchange for the kind consideration of the US State Dept.

    The notion that they will sell out to the US simply to get rid of Bibi and get a few of the hostages back, very few from what I am reading, is something which I simply do not believe, and personally, I find the polls put forth as evidence to the contrary to be hardly persuasive. Indeed, it defies credulity that the Left have increased their hold on the country as consequences of the ultimate vision of the Left was demonstrated on October 7. As you say, you can believe it or not, but I do not. Time will tell, but as I said before, Bibi is not going anywhere, and I would argue that it is for the best that this continues to be so.

  5. @Seb, the pollsters in Israel across the board have a good record since the two years of multiple elections.

    Gantz is consistently poll very high now in virtually all polls. Consistently the number one vote getter.

    Bibi is taking the heat for many problems Oct 7 and not getting hostages back by many people. You may not believe it or want to believe but I think that is what is going on.

    You are correct the government has 64 seats without Gantz’s party.

  6. Caroline Glick cites channel 14 and sometimes Direct Poll.. All the others are leftwing, no? I think they are all lying. No way I’m going to believe that the Israeli public favors capitulation. They are using polls to shape public opinion. I say, ignore the polls which change almost every day, anyway. No way Ganz or Gallant would get 30 seats. They passed the budget. The no confidence vote failed. They have more than enough seats without Ganz and Gallant. Bibi won by an overwhelming majority in the Likud. This is all smoke and mirrors. This is all the Biden/Blinken color revolution in action but other than the Deep State, media and technocratic elite who are subservient to the U.S., are opposed to Israel remaining a Jewish state, and want to give away the store to the enemy, Israelis aren’t having it.

  7. Poll: 71% think Netanyahu should resign either immediately or right after war
    Surveys by two top news outlets find half of Israelis want early elections, most think government not doing enough to bring hostages back from Gaza
    By Stuart Winer

    Opinion polls show nearly three-quarters of the Israel public want Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to resign against the backdrop of the ongoing war in the Gaza Strip, with half the country also preferring earlier elections for the Knesset.

    The Kan public broadcaster and Channel 12 both published surveys on Sunday to coincide with the six-month milestone since the war started on October 7 with a devastating attack on Israel by the Palestinian terror group Hamas.

    Both polls showed the current government being ousted if elections were held immediately

    Both polls reflect the perception I get from individuals I talk to and when I listen to the Hebrew News on a few different networks in Israel.

  8. @Peloni with the right leader the Likud could be possibly be stronger without Bibi. I do not know how many Israelis you talk to on a daily basis or how much Hebrew news you watch but the sentiment I hear from a clear majority is he has to go. That is the clear perception I have obtained for months now.

  9. Gallant should not have the option or be allowed to resign. The action MUST come from the PM to show Israel where his heart lies. Public Opinion, especially in a war, is more fickle than a discontented 5 year old,

    It must be shown by the PM that HE is the leader of the country and has it’s best interests placed before his own political progress.

    If he lets this opportunity go, his political life will be very short from then on.

  10. @Edgar

    Netanyahu MUST fire him immediately.

    Gallant’s public attack against his own PM, which provided Gantz an opening to further attack Bibi and undermine the govt, has been a serious abuse of his office. The fact that this politically coordinated attack in league with the opposition took place during an ongoing war, in the midst of an ongoing political struggle with the US served to make this abuse of his office all the more distasteful. Whether he resigns or is fired, and I agree that he should be fired, I can not see how he can be left in the significant role in which he has leveraged these attacks. He must go, and the sooner the better.

  11. @Bear

    I am hoping that the Likud come up with a plan to replace Bibi prior to the next election.

    You think Likud would be stronger without Bibi? I doubt it. In any event, Bibi isn’t going anywhere.

    And Gantz is even more closely tied to the pathetic military and security leadership which failed the country than Bibi, as it was Gantz who appointed most of them. In addition to this, Gantz to deal with the implications of Qatargate as well as bulking up and revitalizing the PA and many other scandals. As you say, Gantz would be a disaster, but this is nothing new, and I am not sure if he will stand so well in any coming election, which I would argue is actually not likely to come for some time. But we shall see.

  12. Bibi has been blamed even by many former voters of his as having responsibility for Oct 7. Many blame him for not getting the hostages back (right or wrong).

    Many blame him right or wrong for not having finished the war in Gaza long ago. Many ask why was Rafah so long in the waiting to be attacked.

    These questions or critiques fair or not is what is going on. This reflects in polls and when I talk to friends both who are politically involved and those that very casual observers of the politics in Israel at best.

    If an election where held now Bibi would not win and most likely Gantz would win.

    Since in my mind Gantz would be a disaster, I am hoping that the Likud come up with a plan to replace Bibi prior to the next election.

  13. ADAM-

    Caroline has a deeper grasp of information as well as better informants than Arutz 7 with it’s poorly paid reporters and op eds.

    I’d back her take on nearly every subject over Arutz.

  14. “Gallant might just well resign” Far to chancy. With a 73% Public Backing Netanyahu MUST fire him immediately.

    This would likely cause Gantz and Co. to collapse, dissolve the “unity coalition” and seal Netanyahu’s premiership for the indefinite future, as well as bolster LIKUD to greater heights and support.

    As well, they should immediately “attend”” to the illegal city that the PA is building right under our noses in YESHA. It might take an armoured Brigade for an implied threat, and the real threat of a dozen bulldozers,

    After the “attention” the next step would be to encourage Jews wishing to settle in Yehuda & Shomron be given encouragement and favourable terms, with a city all ready for them to move right in.

  15. Possibly I misunderstood Caroline’s poll figures. She may have been commenting only what right-wing voters told pollsters. But even so, the results are troubling, They would seem to show that even among right-wing voters, Gantz. with his overtly surrenderist and capitulationist position, has considerable support.

  16. Arutz Sheva reports the latest poll readings show the exact opposite figures from those reported by Carolyn. The latest polls allegedly show Gantz defeating Bibi, and the collaborationist parties defeating the patriotic alliance, by a huge margin. Presumably, many Jewish voters have been brainwashed by the press into hating Netanyahu. The families of reservists are desperate to have them excused from further combat assignments, The economy is near total collapse, The free-the-hostages-at-any-price crowd are adding to the pressure on the government to accept the USGs surrender terms and end the war on the PLO and Hamas’s terms. Of course the Arab voters, who are included inthe latest polls, want the same thing. So Gantz’s defeatism and surrenderism has a certain degree of supportfrom a desperate public.

  17. Thank you Carolyn Glick for expalining and helping us to stay positive amidst what otherwise seems so debilitating.

  18. Ganz and Gallant are obviously to be working to become the American candidate for the office of Prime Minister of Israel.

  19. Gallant and lead Gantz, never wanted to defeat Islamic Jihad. For crying out loud!!! GANTZ and his generals coalition was and is based on an Islamic Party.