Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades, a wing of Fatah: We participated in the October 7 attack

Peloni:  Fatah is Hamas.  They are both genocidal terrorists whose rule must be ended, their organizations must be eliminated, and their leadership must be executed.  This should be the only role offered to them and their like in pursuit of peace.

The Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades, the military arm of Fatah led by Mahmoud Abbas, confirms that its fighters participated in the brutal attack on Gaza surrounding villages and IDF bases on October 7th and kidnapped ‘many Zionists.’

Dalit Halevi | INN | May 14, 2024

Kibbutz Be’eriTomer Neuberg/Flash90

Abu Muhammad, the official spokesman for the Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigade, the military arm of the Fatah movement led by Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen), confirms in an official statement that the organization’s fighters participated in the October 7th attack on Gaza surrounding villages and IDF bases.

On October 7th, our heroes in the brave unit participated in the invasion of the colonies (settlements) in the communities surrounding Gaza and the (military) positions known as the Gaza Division, and together with our brothers in the Palestinian struggle organizations captured many Zionists, some of them were transferred to us and some are still in our hands,” said Abu Muhammad in a video message published last week.

Abu Muhammad mentioned that the fighters of the Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades are participating in the fighting against the IDF forces in the Gaza Strip and have carried out over 470 “military missions” since October 7th.

He added that, “The Al-Aqsa Brigades conducted more than 190 direct exchanges of fire with the “enemy”, hit more than 50 IDF vehicles, launched more than 220 rockets, carried out 170 attacks on IDF forces, carried out 25 sniping attacks on IDF soldiers, thwarted four landing operations on the Gaza shores and carried out 23 interception operations of UAVs.

“We emphasize that using the rifle and confrontation are the only and appropriate ways to liberate Palestine and remove the usurpers (of the land) from our entire land. We will never give up our weapons, no matter how many challenges multiply and sacrifices intensify, because this is the honor of our people,” Abu Muhammad stressed.

The Al-Aqsa Brigades channel on Telegram reported that in the past few days, Al Aqsa Brigades fighters fired an anti-tank missile at a tank in the Jabalia camp, set off an explosive device aimed at a tank south of the Zeytun neighborhood, and launched rockets at IDF forces at the Netzarim junction.

May 15, 2024 | 2 Comments »

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  1. All the Palestinians Organizations want the destruction of Israel. Hamas is affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood and is an Islamic terror group. Fatah the biggest group in the PLO which is in essence now the PA is a more secular kleptocracy which has been vying for intra Palestinian power with Hamas for a long time.

    Israel can not allow either of them to govern Gaza or militarily control any of the Land of Israel west of the Jordan River as they all have been involved in terrorism for many years.

    So who do Gantz or Gallant want to control Gaza after the military defeat of Hamas? This can not be another mowing the lawn exercise as we have seen in the past. The only valid point Gallant makes is if Israel is militarily bogged down in Gaza that limits what we can versus Hezbollah and Iran. It is a serious problem.

    Ben Gvir had the correct idea start allowing for the voluntary emigration of Gazans. I propose Israpundit use its contacts to setup GVE Company (Gaza Voluntary Emigration). An NGO to assist Gazans emigrate to any Arab, African or South American Country.

    Wait on resettling Gaza until the Northrn Communties and Gaza envelope communities have been resettled in their original homes and Gaza has had a serious emigration.