President Trump Challenges ‘Crooked Joe’ at Massive Rally in Democrat Stronghold of New Jersey

Peloni | May 11, 2024

In a massive campaign rally on Saturday night, Trump addressed the issues of antisemitism, the astroturf riots on university campuses in the US, and the funding going to Democratic coffers from antisemites, and anti-American donors.  Here are the relevant excerpts from Trump’s speech:

Just think about this – this week he announced that he will withhold shipping weapons to Israel as they fight to eradicate Hamas terrorists in Gaza.  Now was shocking to hear, even while there are still American hostages being held by Hamas.  And they’re saying October 7th never happened.  You know they say that and Biden has fallen for it.  Crooked Joe’s action is one of the worst betrayals of an American Ally in the history of our country.

I support Israel’s right to win its war on terror… you got to do what’s right you got.  It was a terrible attack, October 7th was a terrible attack.  I don’t know, it’s probably bad politically but I don’t care.  You have to do the right thing.  There would have been no war in Gaza with me in the White House.  There would not have even been a chance you know.  Iran was broke when I was President.  I said if you buy oil anybody buys oil from Iran they can’t do business with the United States.  They were totally broke.  Now they have $250 billion.  They made it all in three and 1/2 years.

When I was President, we had peace in the Middle East like never before and I got the Abraham Accords done when nobody thought it was possible, and they’ve done nothing with them.  We had four countries done.  We would have had, every country would have been signed up in my opinion, including Iran because they wanted to make a deal so badly.  Now they don’t have to because they’re a rich country.

Crooked Joe surrendered to the terrorists just like he surrendered to the Taliban and now he’s surrendering our college campuses to anarchists jihadists freaks and anti-American extremists who are trying to tear down our American flag… The chaos and violence happening on our college campuses right now is all because crooked Joe Biden doesn’t know what the hell he’s doing.  Joe is weak he’s only good at cheating on elections.  But it’s not him he’s surrounded by fascists around the Oval Office – it’s not him he’s not he’s not doing it.

Very good at cheating on elections he doesn’t stand up to our enemies abroad and he does not stand up to the extremists in his own party.  The Democrat Party is becoming radicalized, it’s becoming radical left, and they’re going to lose our country.  I always talk about we have enemies on the outside and we have enemies from within.  The enemies from within are more dangerous to me than the enemies on the outside.  Russia and China we can handle, but these lunatics within our government that are going to destroy our country and probably want to.  We have to get it stopped.  And by the way, by the way, they’re not on the right they’re on the left.  They’re not on the right they’re on the left.

It’s time for a president who will once again show unyielding strength, we have to have peace through strength.  The very same people who are funding the violent campus uprisings are also funding Joe Biden’s campaign.  Do you believe this?  Those people that you see putting up all that money for all those signs you know you can always tell a fake protest when every sign is beautifully made by a printer…Tonight I’m officially calling on Joe Biden and the Democrat National Committee to return the donations of All antisemites, American haters, and financiers of chaos who have funded the chaos on our campuses.  Return the money, Joe!  They raised plenty of money.  When I’m President, we will not allow our colleges to be taken over by violent radicals and if you come here from another country and try to bring jihadism or anti-Americanism or antisemitism to our campuses, we will immediately deport you.  You’ll be out of that school on day one of my new administration.




May 13, 2024 | Comments »

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