Fake News Until Proven Real …

Or Real News Until Proven Fake?

By Erik Carlson, BADLANDS MEDIA    10 MAY 2024

Before getting started, I must say I get a lot of joy in seeing how the Biden Administration has painted itself into a corner in regards to Israel, Gaza and Iran. We are now at a point where there is nothing they can say or do without offending a large segment of their base.

The Biden Administration understands it must win a large percentage of America’s young voters to stand a chance against Trump in the 2024 Election, and it’s all falling apart for them.

The Administration is trying to win votes by illegally forgiving student loans, and at the same time, infuriating young people through the Deep State Uniparty banning of TikTok.

Liberal Ivy League professors are being thrown to the ground and cuffed by cops for exercising their right to protest, while billionaire Jewish benefactors are pulling their financial support from the schools.

The Administration can’t show support or condemnation for Israel, Gaza or Iran without upsetting a large segment of their base or losing their funding. By trying to stay neutral, they upset everyone. It’s glorious how deeply the hook has been set in their mouths.

The Uniparty is designed to fail, and its disfunction and insanity is currently on full display.

MAGA and America First, generally speaking, share common interests: put America’s interests over foreign interests, protect freedom of speech and the right to bear arms and freedom of religion … there is unity.

The Uniparty, on the other hand consists of pro-Israel and anti-Israel, Muslims, gays and Trans. Pro war and anti-war, Communists and Capitalists, women’s rights activists and women’s rights suppressors. This type of disfunction can only last for so long, and having to bring together the RINO/Neocons with the Progressive Liberals to fight Trump was purely an act of desperation.

The Deep State is imploding.

Fake News

Here’s the thing about lies—eventually, they all fall apart.

Eventually a liar paints themself into a corner from which they can’t escape.

When a lie is beginning to unravel, the best way to avoid being caught in it is to distract away from the lie with a new lie about something else. But eventually, all lies fall apart.

Whether it’s about WWII, the JFK Assassination, 9/11, Covid or Climate Change, all lies run their course. The Deep State is like a monkey, and lies are like branches that are starting to crack. The monkey must swing from one branch to the next to avoid falling to the ground.

A mistake many people make with the Deep State is in thinking the Deep State doesn’t fully understand that their lies have expirations dates, and that the more people wake up, the shorter those expiration dates are becoming. Lies used to last for decades, and now many are falling apart after weeks, if not days. Spam and Twinkie-like expiration dates are now becoming dairy-like expiration dates.

The elicitation of fear is a main component of most lies the Deep State tells the people. The fear is used to deceive and control the population. Even after a lie is exposed, the initial fear that the lie elicits remains. A residue of fear layers upon other layers of fear. If the Deep State Cabal can create enough layers of fear, the receiver of the fear becomes incapacitated, incapable of logical thought or reaction … traumatized. But if the hearer of the lie never believes the lie, even temporarily, the emotional response of fear never occurs.

Recently, I heard a couple of Badlanders argue about how one should process information that is reported to us from the media. One essentially said that everything should be assumed to be a lie until proven true, and the other said everything should be received from a place of neutrality, and then one should determine whether it is true or a lie. Neither said that everything reported by the media should be assumed true until proven untrue.

In this argument, I would have to side with the former: it is healthier to assume everything the media reports is a lie or manipulation of the truth until proven true.

The media has proven to us they are untrustworthy, and their purpose is to deceive us.

In a court of law, one should be assumed innocent until proven guilty, which doesn’t seem to be the case when Trump is accused of anything, but why should we give this same respect and trust to the media—even the benefit of the doubt? They’ve proved time and time again to be liars. To me, receiving information from the media from a place of neutrality is giving them the benefit of the doubt.

As I mentioned, the Deep State media tells lies looking to elicit an emotional reaction of fear. If we give the media the benefit of the doubt, we are allowing ourselves to be emotionally manipulated through fear, and that fear doesn’t go away once the news is proven to be fake. It’s like stress—the stressful event may be over, but the damage done by the stress has already been done.

We have all been lied to by the media our whole lives, and many have believed the lies for most of their lives. We are damaged by these lies. Thinking that being awake now means we aren’t still affected by a lifetime of lies is dangerous, in my opinion. It’s the equivalent of a recovering alcoholic who is checking out of rehab for the fifth time thinking it’s fine for him to go back to hanging out at bars with his alcoholic friends, as long as he doesn’t drink TOO much.

It’s ridiculous to think one can endure abuse their whole life and that said lifetime of abuse hasn’t permanently affected them. An abused child can’t and probably shouldn’t trust the way a non-abused person trusts. A recovering alcoholic can’t treat alcohol the same way a non-alcoholic treats alcohol.

Imagine being married for 40 or 50 years, and your spouse suddenly leaves you, and in so doing, you discover everything your spouse ever told you was a lie. Do you think you are now capable of jumping into a new relationship?

You are now awake to the lies, but it doesn’t mean you are unaffected by them.

Many of us are not that far removed from believing the Deep State media’s lies, and many of us still fall for everything until it’s shown to us by others to be fake.

How many people reading this feared for their lives four years ago? It wasn’t that long ago, and many thought they were awake before the Covid narrative was even dropped on us.

The idea of accepting news and information from a state of neutrality—giving the media and government agencies the benefit of the doubt—would have or could have resulted in getting vaccinated early on during the Covid narrative. Later discovering that being jabbed might not have been the best idea might have been a little late; the potential damage has already been done. Yes, maybe one wouldn’t get as many boosters, but starting from a position of distrust from the beginning would have resulted in not getting jabbed at all.

We should understand that a true state of neutrality probably doesn’t really exist in a person’s mind that has been manipulated by lies their whole life, even if that person feels they are starting to see things more clearly.

I believed the media lies for most of my life, and I now choose to receive media information from a position of distrust. By doing so, I am less likely to be fooled by liars, and an emotional reaction of fear isn’t elicited. Without that fear, the mind control falls flat.

Fear is the fuel that powers the engine of control.

While we’ve been lied to our whole lives, we’ve also been warned from early on.

Have you ever noticed how many children’s stories we’ve been taught about the big bad wolf? The big bad wolf is the Satanic Cabal, the Deep State. The big bad wolf is the deceiver who lies to us with the intention of devouring us.

In the fable of The Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing, the sheep didn’t trust the wolf when they recognized it as being a wolf. But once they thought the wolf was one of them, they followed the wolf away from the farmer’s protection. Luckily, the farmer killed the wolf before any of the sheep were eaten. The flock chose to trust the wolf when they thought it was one of them; they stopped thinking and let the wolf tell them what to think. At no point did they realize they had been led astray from the farmer’s protection.

Sound familiar?

When the CIA had an information-collecting operation called “LifeLog”, no one was going to give them all their personal information. But once they transitioned it to a social media site called Facebook, people freely gave them all the information they needed to monitor and control them.

In the fable of The Three Little Pigs, the big bad wolf was looking to devour the three pigs. One pig built a house of straw to protect himself, the second a house of twigs, and the third built a house of bricks. You could look at this as the wolf being the Deep State media.

The first pig didn’t do a very good job of protecting himself from the lies, the second did a little better, but both relied on the third pig’s discernment to survive. The third pig put a lot of effort into protecting himself from the lies.

One could say the first pig watched CNN, the second FOX News, and the third pig got the bulk of his information from Badlands Media. The first two pigs reacted in fear to the news they took in, while the third pig used discernment and had to constantly walk the other two pigs off the emotional cliff after they fell for the propaganda.

In Little Red Riding Hood, the girl goes to her grandmother’s house to visit. She travels through the scary woods and happens upon the big bad wolf. She tells him what she is doing and where she is going. This is the equivalent of willingly giving all your information over to social media, enabling them to better control and deceive you. When she arrives at her grandmother’s house to visit a person she trusts completely, she discovers the wolf has eaten her grandmother and is now looking to eat her. The wolf disguised itself as a trustworthy, harmless old woman, much like the media disguising itself as an unbiased and trustworthy source of information.

That said, I think The Boy Who Cried Wolf is the most interesting of the children’s stories about a wolf.

In the story, the boy cries wolf and the townspeople react in fear and panic over and over again until they no longer believe him, and the boy is actually eaten by a wolf. In this story, the town’s people would be the American people, and the boy is the media. The boy elicited fear and control until the town’s people stopped emotionally reacting to his claims. The townspeople continually had emotional reactions to the boy’s news, but once they stopped allowing themselves to be emotionally affected by the boy’s claims, those claims no longer had any power over them. The machine of control had no fuel.

By not emotionally reacting to the news, the deliverer of the news died. The only way to avoid emotional reactions is to not believe or trust the news from the very beginning.

The lying media is not defeated at the point the media’s lies eventually fall apart; the media is defeated when the people stop having emotional reactions when the lies are first told. Unearthing old lies doesn’t defeat the Deep State unless it leads one to rejecting the new lies from the moment they are told. The media is defeated when the people avoid having a fearful reaction altogether.

Imagine if the majority of Americans rejected the Covid narrative from the moment it was forced on us. It would have never caught traction and took hold. I suppose the BLM riots would have happened a couple months earlier. Because enough people didn’t fall prey to the narrative, the narrative started to unravel.

The people who protected themselves from the media immediately saw through the propaganda, and eventually convinced enough other people to no longer fear as well. The Covid hysteria was supposed to last through the election of 2020, but because it quickly lost so much steam, they had to pivot to race riots. (Race riots are pulled out of the Deep State’s bag of tricks at least once a decade. It’s one of their old stand-by’s.)

Imagine if one didn’t trust the 9/11 story from the moment the planes hit the towers.

The emotions it produced played a major role in people believing the story. The anger and fear it created allowed the Deep State to take away American’s rights, while creating support for multiple wars.

If enough Americans didn’t believe the Ukraine Conflict from the moment it was reported, billions of dollars and thousands of lives might not have been wasted. Because so many Americans believed the Ukraine story from the start, thousands of Ukrainians have died.

Americans’ gullibility is responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths.

If one heard the initial reports of 10/7 and distrusted all of it from the very beginning, no hate and fear would be created. We wouldn’t be experiencing what we are experiencing today.

An initial emotional reaction of fear and anger is necessary to control us. It is necessary to create the hypnotic state that is used to brainwash us.

In many cases, that initial reaction of fear and anger is all the Deep State Cabal is looking to get. They don’t care if you continue to believe the narrative a month from now, or a year from now. They are just looking for the initial emotional response. Once the people figure out the lie, the Deep State has already moved on to the next lie. It’s a perpetual cycle of control.

Who cares if someone figures out that they’ve been lied to if they end up falling for the next lie, if they have another emotional response to the next story?

I fell hard for 9/11, but I didn’t believe Covid, the Ukraine or Israel Conflict was as reported, not for a second. Without my initial reaction of emotions, their mind control has little effect on me.

It’s not insensitive to question reported claims of inhumanity; it’s wise. It is stupid to trust people who have proven to be untrustworthy.

It’s not callused to hear from the media that babies have been put in ovens and decide you need more proof before believing it. It’s not delusional to hear that flying go-carts have invaded the most impenetrable borders in the world and not question the believability of the narrative. It doesn’t make you a conspiracy theorist for wondering how Iran can shoot an array of missiles at Israel and none of them seemed to do any damage, but that a guy in a Toyota pick-up truck can bring back hostages to Gaza.

Let’s face it—there are still many who believe people who couldn’t pilot Cessnas could somehow precisely fly into towers designed to withstand anything, flying jumbo airliners into the exact right spot to take them down, with another building untouched by the planes randomly falling down as well.

There are people who still believe a magic bullet struck multiple people in a moving car, in multiple parts of their bodies, changing directions multiple times.

The only way people can believe unbelievable stories is if these stories elicit fear and anger. The hypnotic effect of these emotions allows one to believe the otherwise unbelievable.

If we stop allowing ourselves to become emotionally affected by initial claims, the stories quickly fall apart. So, stop having emotional reactions to initial claims …

It really is that simple.

May 12, 2024 | 6 Comments »

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6 Comments / 6 Comments

  1. @Laura

    It’s not even a ban actually, just a requirement they sell it off.

    It is far more than this. The law provides the president with the power to choose who can and who can not own social media companies. Musk may be targeted next, or Trump, at the sole discretion of the president. This is complicated by the fact that only those who would be approved by the president would consider investing in social media going forward due to the potential threat of having to lose their company in a fire sale under the president’s mandate. There is a reason why Trump opposed the Tic-Tok law, and this was the reason. Also, this, rather than the fury of the youth who will not lose their access to the manipulation provided by Tic-Tok, is the reason why the Tic-Tok law should have been opposed. In fact, now the govt will pick up where the CCP left off in indoctrinating the youth with its own predesigned messaging. That law needs to be repealed, and Tic-Tok needs to be shut down, and the president should not be entitled to determine who can and can not control such media infrastructure as the current law does provide to him. This is especially true with the Big Guy in the White House, but it should be true no matter who is in the White House.

  2. tiktok is CCP controlled app which China is using to indoctrinate our youth against us. Conservatives should NOT be defending it. As for infuriating young people, too damn bad. We should not be pandering to ignorant children throwing temper tantrums when they don’t get their way. Youths have far too much control. Most of them shouldn’t even be allowed to vote. As you see from the campus chaos, there’s every reason to ban tiktok. It’s not even a ban actually, just a requirement they sell it off. I don’t have any confidence though that our government will follow through on its threat. I have no idea why some conservatives have taken to defending tiktok, which by extension is siding with China. It’s especially confounding when we see how toxic an influence tiktok is having on young people, brainwashing them to hate America, support communism, pushing CRT and the notion that we are systemically racist and all the rest of the putrid crap.

    The Administration is trying to win votes by illegally forgiving student loans, and at the same time, infuriating young people through the Deep State Uniparty banning of TikTok.

  3. Not surprising. Conspiracy theorists are almost always antisemitic. I’ve had enough of these kooks. Conservatives need to consider the people they are promoting. There are certain red flags that allow me to spot antisemites. And frankly they are also anti-American.

  4. tiktok is CCP controlled app which China is using to indoctrinate our youth against us. Conservatives should NOT be defending it. As for infuriating young people, too damn bad. We should not be pandering to ignorant children throwing temper tantrums when they don’t get their way. Youths have far too much control. Most of them shouldn’t even be allowed to vote. As you see from the campus chaos, there’s every reason to ban tiktok. It’s not even a ban actually, just a requirement they sell it off. I don’t have any confidence though that our government will follow through on its threat. I have no idea why some conservatives have taken to defending tiktok, which by extension is siding with China. It’s especially confounding when we see how toxic an influence tiktok is having on young people, brainwashing them to hate America, support communism, pushing CRT and the notion that we are systemically racist and all the rest of the putrid crap.

    The Administration is trying to win votes by illegally forgiving student loans, and at the same time, infuriating young people through the Deep State Uniparty banning of TikTok.

  5. Wait a minute. Is this guy saying he doesn’t believe October 7th, April 15, or 9/11 were real? Found another article he wrote. He’s slick but he’s clearly no friend of Israel or of Jews, going all the way back to the Balfour Declaration. And, everything is a conspiracy according to him, including WWII. He thinks WWI was a Jewish conspiracy. And he thinks Israel is completely illegitimate. He believes the land rightfully belongs to the Arabs. In short, he’s an antisemite, though he’d undoubtedly deny it.
