Intifada hurt Democrats

E. Rowell:  Don Surber is a journalist who lives in West Virginia.


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Americans woke up Wednesday morning to scenes on TV of police in blue cities arresting college students who camped on campuses. The action came as Democrats were appalled —

— by their polling numbers.

The internal numbers must be even worse because Chuckles the Clown Schumer, the Senate Democrat leader, took to the Senate floor and said, “Smashing windows with hammers and taking over a university building is not free speech. It is lawlessness. And those who did it should promptly face the consequences that are not merely a slap on the wrist.

“Campuses cannot be places of learning and argument and discussion when protests veer into criminality and those who commit such acts are doing nothing to convince others that their cause is just.”

I do not recall Schumer condemning the BLM riots of 2020. Burning used car lots apparently is covered by the First Amendment.

His denunciation came four weeks after FJB demanded a ceasefire, which is what the students demanded.

This would be the 16th ceasefire in Israel’s 75-year history. The last one was broken on October 7 by out-of-uniform Gazan soldiers who attacked a civilian festival and raped, tortured, murdered and then mutilated the bodies of 1,400 Israelis and foreign visitors. The violations of international law included taking hostage 240 people with Americans among them.

FJB, Democrats and the media, who worked feverishly to free a WNBA player who was arrested in Russia on drug law violations, have ignored the Palestinians kidnapping Americans.

The campus protests revealed to Americans that Democrats are drinking in their Kool-Aid the venom of anti-Americanism and anti-Semitism.

Axios reported before the crackdown, “Democrats enter panic mode as Gaza protests erupt.”

The story said, “House and Senate Democrats’ anxiety is spiking as pro-Palestinian protests on college campuses around the country kick into overdrive.”

The story also said, “Asked about the protests in a brief interview at the Capitol on Tuesday, Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio), said he is ‘not going to talk about the politics of that. People always have the right to speak out and should.’

“Brown, who is facing one of the toughest 2024 Senate races, later followed up in a statement provided by his campaign: ‘There’s no place for anti-Semitism or hatred in our state or in our country.”

Fact check: There is plenty of space for anti-Semitism in America. That space is at Columbia, Harvard, Yale, and UCLA, where the people who want to eliminate Jews from the river to the sea camped out.

And that angers Americans because along with Germans and Israelis, we remember the Holocaust. We also know that if Iran and its Palestinian puppets succeed, we’re next.

Democrats hitched their star to young college graduates — Free Ride Educated Devotees of Obama, or FREDOs for short. They’re idiots. 27% blame Israel for the October 7 attack by Hamas.

What do you expect? These universities preach anti-Semitism. Ivy League schools have a long history of prejudice against Jews.

Caps on admissions of Jews had a curious result. Rejected Jewish geniuses went to City College of New York and produced 12 Nobel winners. In 1963, an Irishman became CCNY’s 13th winner. Knowing all this, the protests did not surprise me.

The backlash has. Rupert Murdoch’s Wall Street Journal condemned the freak show. When you’ve lost Murdoch, you’ve lost the RINOs.

The Journal said, “The clearest example was the post-George Floyd riots of 2020. The left used that murder to trigger, and then condone, riots in numerous cities against what they claimed was widespread police abuse. Looting and vandalism were justified as social-justice rage.

“Fearful of these protests, Democrat mayors and city councils around the country slashed police funding, eliminated cash bail, and stopped enforcing many crimes. Vice presidential candidate Kamala Harris tweeted support for a bail fund for protesters who were arrested in Minnesota. The Democratic convention in 2020 failed to condemn the rioting.

“One result was an urban crime spree that broke out across the country, and cities from Philadelphia to San Francisco are still trying to recover. But in that election year the mob created the impression of disorder that probably hurt Donald Trump’s campaign for re-election. Political mission accomplished.”

But Trump is not in charge now. FJB is, just as LBJ was in charge in 1968 when Democrats rioted in just about every city. They even rioted at their own convention in Chicago, which is the home to this year’s Democrat convention. Democrats lost in 1968. We shall see if that occurs again 56 years later.

In its story, Axios noted:

Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-Ill.) warned that protesters are “already planning on being” at the Democratic Convention in Chicago.

The Gaza issue is looming over the campaign, she said, and “if there is some sort of [ceasefire] in Gaza right now, that would be very helpful.”

Obama and FJB treated Netanyahu like shit. What is his incentive to bail them out with a ceasefire?

Especially after Obama and FJB gave Iran billions of dollars to finance Hamas.

With a ceasefire unlikely and demands by college students making a ceasefire even less likely, Democrat mayors are sending in the police — you know, the guys they defunded — to toss the protesters out.

But FJB is pretty clueless. Consider this CBS report, “White House considers welcoming some Palestinians from war-torn Gaza as refugees.” The protests have made Gaza toxic to most Americans. Palestinian refugees are the stink bugs of politics today.

The New York Post reported, “NYPD raises American flag on City College campus, tosses Palestinian flag away in iconic moment after busting pro-terror protesters.”

Raising Old Glory has to anger Mayor Adams — his administration temporarily banned a flag on a firetruck — but orders are orders and I am pretty sure the White House put out the word to abort the mission because the protests undermine FJB’s efforts to erase college debt.

Derek Hunter wrote, “Blue-collar workers in Pennsylvania, Arizona, Georgia, Nevada and Wisconsin are now seeing at work the intended recipients of their hard-eared tax dollars through student loan forgiveness.

“Democrats couldn’t help but embrace the far left when these protests started. Now they can’t help themselves at all, no matter what happens. Hatred is a great motivator, but the question is always, to what end? Democrats are about to find out.”

And how.

Senator Ted Cruz tweeted, “These radical protesters don’t just hate Israel, they hate Jews.

“And they don’t just hate Jews, they also hate America.

“They are radical Marxists, and their support for Hamas is sick, demented, and evil.”

He left out the part where they also are the core of the Democrat Party. Americans see it now, and even Robert DeNiro is scared of the consequences.

May 3, 2024 | 3 Comments »

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