Remembering Jewish gangsters – fondly

Peloni:  From the article: “There was no choice but to go outside the law, and to find a man willing and able to hit back by any means.” 

The lack of fidelity between the people and the govt in America today would seem to lead people to make such non-choice choices as are referenced above.  Indeed, it would appear that we need another Lansky to fill the void which might enforce a return of order in today’s society, and not just with regards to the antisemitic riots which we are referencing here.  Yet, I would argue that we are dealing today with a different situation than existed in the 1930’s.  Indeed, is there anyone reading this who might be deceived into believing that if some modern-day Lansky ordered his bully brute squad to march on Columbia armed with bats and mob violence to chase off the genocidal jihadi worshipers, that the US govt would remain idle as these events unfolded?  In fact there would be an instantaneous response by the Feds, who would likely manipulate the situation to increase the power of the growing tyranny in America against the American people and its American Jewry.   So, while a call to violence might seem to be the reasonable response to the growing breach between the American govt and the American people, and more specifically the American Jews, I would argue that the consequences for making a choice such as was made nearly a century ago would likely lead to far greater tragedies for the wrong people than we have seen to date.  Do recall the justice which was meted out for January 6, and notably, the Feds provided most if not all of the agitation which took place that day.

Still,  it would be interesting to read the opinions of others on these matters.

Once I wrote: ” Where are the Jewish gangsters when we need them?” And we need them now. On college campuses. Op-ed.

Been getting messages from readers asking me to revisit a column i wrote last November…” Where are the Jewish gangsters when we need them?”

Writes Marv from Brooklyn: “Yo, Jack. Just finished your book Compulsive. Five stars, man, just like your column on Lansky and company. Are you afraid to run it again because it harms the image of us as nice Jewish boys? Too bad. You once wrote Tough Guys Don’t Dance. So stop dancing and revisit for us an article so timely.”

Okay, here goes, as follows:

Meyer Lansky…. we could use him today at a time in America when Jews are under assault on and off campus.

Sparked by Israel’s war against the brutes of Hamas, the antisemitism is everywhere.

So it was in the 1930s when Lansky was Public Enemy Number 1, a so-called gangster, the main attraction for The Jewish Mob.

He ran the largest gambling operation here and everywhere and he had associates, men with guns and muscles, to see that all debts were paid.

He was the real Bogie.

Around the late 1930s, emboldened by Hitler in Europe, Made in the USA antisemites came out of the woodwork parading with swastikas.

They crowed, “death to the Jews.”

Sound familiar?

Americans… especially Jews…were amazed and horrified that such Jew-hatred existed in the land of the free, home of the brave.

The movie “Gentleman’s Agreement,” would expose that in 1947.

But this was still around 1938, and Jewish leader Judge Nathan Perlman, alarmed at what was taking place, decided that it was time to do something.

But whom to turn to? The Jews then, as today in America, were a studious, law-abiding people.

There was no choice but to go outside the law, and to find a man willing and able to hit back by any means.

He found Meyer Lansky…and other Jews prominent within the National Crime Syndicate, but Lansky was the toughest of the tough.

Would Lansky agree to do some work not quite kosher?

Lansky’s response? I’ll do anything. Just ask.

Most active at that time were the Bund, German American Nazis who rallied everywhere with banners of Hitler and threats to exterminate the Jews.

Sound familiar Harvard, Princeton et al?

The question was…how to disperse these hateful mobs? Don’t worry about it, said Lansky, I’ve got ways.

But Perlman was worried. As conveyed in this book, Perlman wanted no killing. Lansky got the message.

You mean, he said, you don’t want them iced, only marinated.

So it was. Using no guns, but baseball bats, Lansky and his associates marinated them from one rally to the next.

The Made in the USA Nazis ran like chickens until they were no more. They disappeared into their caves.

Now, they are back, and as they rally so smugly with kill the Jews, I think back to when Lansky scattered them after “I cracked a few heads.”

Wouldn’t that be glorious.

Later, Lansky explained: “I am a Jew, and I feel for the Jews of Europe who are suffering. They are my brothers.”

A brother like Lansky we can use again today.

May 3, 2024 | 13 Comments »

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13 Comments / 13 Comments

  1. Most Jews of the diaspora have almost always been on the left of the center to the far left!!!
    And they will pay for their lack of understanding of human nature after nearly 3,000 years!
    Apparently, it is not enough for them to assimilate!
    They are treated like “the scourge of humanity”!

  2. The main contribution of Lansky and other Jewish gangsters was their use of their influence on the stevedores “on the waterfront,” the docks of New York Harbor, tp ship arms , ammunition, and other supplies to Israel, evading the Truman administration’s embargo on all arms and ammunition shipments to Israel. This mob intervention on Israel’s side counted for much more than the occasional clubbing of pro-Nazi rallies with baseball bats ten years earlier.

  3. The desire for “tough Jews” to once again be “the cavalry” may sound enticing, but given the dangerous political climate at the moment I’d caution any Jew thinking that way to be careful what you wish for.

    Given the:
    1) millions of illegals that have streamed across the southern border only a tiny fraction (a few dozen or at most a hundred) of which would be required to wreak massive havoc in countless ways in numerous cities that could dwarf 9/11 (an event still shrouded in mystery);
    2) Intelligence Community’s propensity for “facilitating” lawbreaking ostensibly by “domestic terrorists” (read: White Christians aka Trump supporters); and
    3) previous entrapment schemes, from the Gretchen Whitmer kidnapping plot to January 6, where hundreds of IC provocateurs were the real lawbreakers

    it doesn’t take much of an imagination to foresee a terrorist plot or plots being perpetrated against Jewish targets à la Timothy McVay’s attack on the Federal Building (possibly another facilitated plot) to appropriate even more power (think: a new, improved and more draconian Patriot Act) at the expense of yet more Constitutional rights and protections.

    If this were to happen I could see those behind the attacks using them to amp up the “antisemitism” angle ostensibly to “protect” Jews when the effect, if not intent, would be to alienate, demonize and harm Jews who’d be blamed, given the many members of the Democratic Party and permanent Washington who at best couldn’t care less about and at worst hate “The Jews”. Hope I’m wrong.

  4. TED-

    This is the second post in a couple of days which had not been printed. It was about Myer Lansky. I don’t know why it happens, but I’m sure you’ll come across it. I posted it twice, but only once is enough.

  5. This is a load of nonsense. Lansky was never Public Enemy #1. He was the Mob’s financial wizard and advisor. He never was a gang leader , always just the financial innovator and genius..

    His only involvement in personal violence was during the war, against the Nazis in the US and the Bund where the Jewish gangsters used to break up the Bund meetings and rallies.

    He lost all his money in Cuba, invested there in luxurious Casinos shortly before Castro came down from the hills and took over.

    With a Federal indictment looming he went to live in Israel, but they eventually deported him back to the US where in his trial he was found NOT GUILTY. If they had any evidence to the contrary, they’d have gladly used it.

    Israel made a HUGE mistake there , because he’d have been able to set up their finances to last for decades of prosperity.

    He retired to Florida and lived modestly on Social Security until he died. His wife said that her Meyer never hurt anyone, acted only as an organiser and accountant. They had a very happy, simple married life.

    I have a well researched biography somewhere, although I recall very little of it.

  6. Lansky was never really “Public Enemy Bi 1” in any sense. It was based on a song of that name.

    He never had people killed , that was for the strong arm boys , and people under Al Capone and his like. His forte was money and making it.

    He was purely an accountant, an advisor, a wizard with numbers and figures, very big in gambling but never a gang king pin.

    He was glued to the Mob, and when things got very hot for him, and a Federal indictment loomed, he went to live in Israel. They eventually deported him back to the US They made a HUGE mistake when they rejected him. He could have revitalised their total economy with both eyes closed .He had prodigious mathematical gifts..

    He was later found NOT GUILTY in his US trial. If there was the slightest chance of convicting him, it would have been done.

    He retired to Florida where he lived peacefully on Social Security until he died. He was basically penniless, having lost all his millions in Cuba when Castro took over the country.

    I recall reading that his wife said he was a soft hearted, homebody who never physically hurt anybody. Of course she was biased, but it seems that they had a happy married life.

  7. Meyer Lansky…. we could use him today at [such] a time [as this] in America

    Correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t the Mob and other such organizations start out as self protection societies, usually overseen by one powerful man in the neighborhood, who would assure that debts were paid, scores were settled, and that justice was done, when the authorities would not do their jobs? Every ethnic group had their own version. Order was kept, frequently in a brutal way, but it was quick and effective. The system worked.

    But, as always happens, power corrupts. The groups who once protected their people began to oppress their people. They operated in ways that only benefited them, while hurting their own people. It turned into a reign of terror. The people then turned to a more powerful group for relief, and the FBI was born. For a while the situation was restored to a state of equilibrium.

    Now, the people are being oppressed again by a new gang of criminals who have immense power. Their henchmen have destroyed our cities, our economy, our safety, our health, and even our very way of life. So what are we going to do? Vote them out? Ha! Think again. We need another Lansky, or a Don Corleone, or maybe some New York Billionaire.

  8. At UCLA the night before UCLA Administration and law enforcement decided to evict and arrest the Hamas Camp, many Jews had decided they have had enough of these anti-Semitic thugs taking over UCLA and basically had a physical confrontation with them.

    It was reported that 15 people were hurt some seriously. Some in the media speculate this is what promoted UCLA to finally evict the Hamas Camp.

    Actually it is perhaps time a new JDL was formed to confront those that are accosting Jews and if the authorities are not protecting them, as it appears in many cases.

  9. @Vivarto
    Very nicely explained, though I question how many of the Jews who were anti-Israel on October 6 remain so today. The change which came from that terrible event is even today still unfolding as the children of those anti-Israel Jews are being subjected to open proscription by the very power structure in the US to which they have placed their trust, ie the Dem Party and the enforcement of the law. So we will see in time how these events, which continue to challenge their survival strategy as you well described it, particularly as their rights are stripped away as a whim by their former Dem allies.

  10. The difference between 1930s and 2020s is that
    in 1930s
    1. there was no Israel.
    2. most Jews know that they were a separate nation living in exile
    3. antisemitism was more honest expressly targeting Jews

    In 2020s
    1. Existence of Israel forces American Jews to deny their nationality and idenfify as “Americans of Jewish Faith”, or as Americans with “Jewish cultural heritage”.
    2. Today’s American Jews live the a lie that they ancestors were Russian, Hungarian, etc. who came to America because of religious persecution. The truth is that their great grandparents were not considered Russian, Polish, or Hungarian, they were a separate nation living in exile.
    3. Today’s sophisticated antisemites deny being against Jews. They claim to be merely against the policies of the Israeli government, against occupation, against apartheid, against Zionism, but not against Jews. Therefore todays Jews have found the survival strategy of joining the antisemites. Majority of American Jews vote for anti-Zionist, anti-Israeli pro-Palestinian Democrat party.

    Lansky tactics would not work because of so many American Jews are anti-Israeli.

  11. Ben-Gvir considering: Israeli-backed security response teams for diaspora Jews
    The National Security Minister asked the Police Commissioner to draft a plan to create emergency security response squads to protect Jewish institutions outside of Israel. ‘Our Jewish, national, and moral obligation.’
    Hezki Baruch
    Hezki Baruch
    Apr 24, 2024, 7:10 PM (GMT+3)
    Itamar Ben-Gvir

    Minister of National Security Itamar Ben-Gvir (Otzma Yehudit) has asked the Police Commissioner to draft a plan to assist in the creation of emergency security response squads to protect Jewish institutions outside of Israel.

    “Diaspora Jews are currently suffering from a harsh wave of antisemitism in communities and on campuses in the US, Europe, and around the world,” Ben-Gvir wrote.

    “I asked the Police Commissioner to draft a plan to aid in the creation of local response teams that will protect Jewish communities and institutions overseas, through professional tutelage, including a training program and technological solutions for security,” he added.

    The minister explained that “everything, of course, would be in cooperation with the local police and relevant authorities.

    “Our Jewish, national, and moral obligation is to help them!” he concluded.