Donald Trump slams ‘brainwashed’ anti-Israel protesters in LIVE TV interview

Former president Donald Trump has blasted “brainwashed” anti-Israel protesters arrested by the NYPD after the Columbia University campus was raided on Tuesday night (local time).

NYPD officers dressed in riot gear were filmed climbing through the window of the university campus which was being occupied by anti-Israel protesters.

“When you have people out there protesting, denying that October 7 ever took place, they are either brainwashed and in a certain way I really think they are brainwashed,” Mr Trump told Fox News. “You look at some of the comments they say none of this stuff happened and we want Israel back.

“The fact is you have to get Israel back where it belongs because what is happening in Israel right now is really not sustainable either.”

He also hailed the New York Police Department for “clamping down” on the Columbia protesters and raiding the campus.

May 1, 2024 | 6 Comments »

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6 Comments / 6 Comments

  1. Hi, Honeybee. You said,

    peloni1986 & Michael S Darlins, I love yawl.

    I accept your compliment, even if I have to share it with Peloni.

    I told Laura I would get back to this after breakfast, but I have not. Sorry, Laura. Lunch is reheating in the microwave right now, I generally give President Trump the benefit of the doubt. As Peloni has said, he has a good track record.

  2. @Laura

    Why do I always have to decode what Trump is saying.

    Perhaps it is because you listen to him as a spurned wife might listen to her faithless husband, when in fact Trump has been the most faithful ally to Israel in the entire of Israel’s history. In other words, you are looking for evidence of his fidelity to Israel to substantiate your support, when the truth is that Trump does not need to substantiate his support for Israel, as his record of support for Israel has never wavered. This has been true both during his first term and since the anti-Israel cabal illegally overthrew his presidency and began re-establishing the anti-Israel policies which were in place before Trump, anti-Israel policies which notably predated Obama and were bipartisan in nature. Also, as Edgar has noted many times, this support did not begin with Trump descending the Golden Escalator, but has been demonstrated by Trump and also by Trump’s father decades prior to his entry into politics. He is a good an true friend to Israel, even as his opponents on both sides of the aisle have tried to diminish the nature of that support (this latter statement is not intended to indicate you, just FYI).

    As to what he meant by this statement, I suggest you listen to the clip which was posted rather than reading the phrases listed. Here is exactly what he stated beginning at the 10min. mark:

    The fact is you have to get Israel back where it belongs because what’s happening in Israel right now is really not sustainable either. We have to let Israel complete their war on terror. It’s a horrible thing, but they have to do it, and they have to do it fast, and we have to get back to order, and people have to respect Law and Order in this country they don’t respect it anymore…

    War is not a healthy form of existence for any nation or any people. There are inherent risks involved in war, so lengthening any war would only serve to prolong and expand those risks, while diminishing the benefits of any victory which might eventually be won. Contrasting with what is going on now in Israel, as we are now months later still waiting for the assault on Rafah, Trump is calling for a quick, decisive victory for Israel in its war on terror and a return to its position of dominance in the region, on the eve of an expanding peace arrangement with its Sunni Arabs.

    You have a different perspective regarding Trump, so perhaps you will disagree with me, but I believe that this is a fair understanding of what he said in any event.

  3. Hi, Laura

    I’m about 2/3 though the video, and so far he sounds pretty clear:

    1. Trump is 100% in favor of Israel being allowed to complete its war against Hamas.

    2. He blames Hamas’s actions on Oct. 7, as well as Israel’s need for self-defence, as justification for the current IDF activities.

    3. He doesn’t have very nice thoughts toward Chuck Schumer.

    He’s got my vote on this, literally. I don’t think I’ve gotten to the “sustainable” part. I guess I’ll have to look into it after breakfast. I personally don’t think what Israel is doing is “sustainable”, in the sense that I understand the word, but as I say, breakfast awaits.

    No, the current situation there is not sustainable: nobody has come up with a satisfactory solution.

  4. What does this mean? Why do I always have to decode what Trump is saying.

    “The fact is you have to get Israel back where it belongs because what is happening in Israel right now is really not sustainable either.”