FBI Orchestrated Jan 6 Riots ‘to Entrap MAGA Americans,’ Explains Congress’ Homeland Security Chief.

By THE NATIONAL PULSE    5 April 2024

Rep. Clay Higgins (R-LA), who chairs the Homeland Security Committee’s border subcommittee, is claiming Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) agents entrapped the U.S. Capitol rioters on January 6, 2021. The four-term Louisana Republican, speaking with the Implicit Bias podcast, said he reached his conclusion after conducting his own investigation into the matter.

According to Higgins, the protestors were incited to violence by “ghost buses” filled with FBI agent provocateurs. He added that when the House of Representatives finishes with the process of releasing the security tapes from that day, the federal prosecution of the January 6 rioters will fall apart.

“The whole thing was a nefarious agenda to entrap MAGA Americans,” the Congressman said. He added: “The original seeds of riotous or illegal or occupation behavior amongst these groups were planted by the FBI-embedded agents in those groups.”

While there has been no conclusive evidence that the FBI instigated the January 6 riot, several law enforcement officials have admitted that federal agents were among the crowd on that day. The National Pulse reported in August of last year that former Capitol Hill Police Chief Steven Sund had told Tucker Carlson in an unaired Fox News interview that “there was a fair amount of law enforcement” in the January 6 crowd. Sund said in the days after the riot, he discovered that the FBI had at least 18 undercover agents in the crowd.

In May of last year, an FBI whistleblower told the House Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government that the bureau withheld further CCTV footage from the riot over fears of outing “undercover” agents present in the crowd. In January 2022, FBI Executive Assistant Director Jill Sanborn refused to deny the FBI’s involvement in the January 6 violence.

April 8, 2024 | 3 Comments »

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  1. This is just one more piece of evidence that the government is the enemy of the people. So, what are we going to do about it?

  2. Here is my take on the events of January 6, 2021.

    Within one week of the November election, more than 1,000 poll workers and other persons involved with the mechanics of the election, from both parties, had filed affidavits, in most cases accompanied by documentary and/or video evidence of fraud, cheating, and serious irregularities. As each day passed, the situation became more serious, and the Democrats’ friends I the media could no longer hush it up or make it sound inconsequential. In other words, the massive fraud and cheating used by the Democrats and their globalist masters to steal the election was about to be exposed. What to do? Well, Mr. Trump walked right into and unwittingly gave the Democrats and The Deep State the perfect opportunity to draw attention away from the stolen election. A plan was made, with Soros, Obama, Schumer, and Pelosi right in the middle of it since all of their necks would be on the chopping block should the truth about the election ever be exposed. With the help of Deep State members within the Trump administration, a plan was concocted to turn a peaceful, Constitutionally-protected protest into an “insurrection.” There were likely hundreds of government agents and hired outsiders in the crowd with orders to start trouble, which they did. Based on reports and information which has become available, at least 95% of the violence was committed by the planted provocateur, not the Trump supporters. As for “breaking into the Capitol,” I have seen numerous videos clearly showing Capitol police moving aside the barricades, opening the doors to the Capitol, and waving in the protestors. It would seem that no one at all actually broke in. In any case, this event gave the controlled media all the ammunition they needed to completely ignore the stolen election and keep “the insurrection” on the front page from that day on, where it remains today, and with likely 98% of those charged with offenses supposedly committed that day completely innocent of those charges. And the goal all along was to keep the events of January 6, 2021, falsely reported on from that day through today, in the headlines to taint Mr. Trump in a blatant example of election interference. And it was kept going by the illegal and unconstitutional formation of the kangaroo court January 6 Commission, which hired people to lie, refused to listen to anyone telling the truth, hid all the physical evidence showing what really happened that day, and ignored all of the election affidavits and what led to the protest of January 6.

  3. The federal involvement in the coup which reversed the 2020 election was pivotal, from the head of the CISA claiming that the election was the most secure in history despite the charges against Iranian agents who hacked multiple state elections, to Bill Barr claiming that there was no substantial election fraud after forbidding any investigation of fraud in the election. Yet, the most pivotal element of the federal govt’s coup against the people’s choice of leadership came during the Jan 6 psyop. This was the final act of the US coup and involved such disparate elements of the govt as the Vice President, or at minimum some element of his staff, the leaders of the Congress who refused to allow the National Guard to secure the capital while also coordinating the Capital police with the most radical elements in the crowd, which were obviously connected to the the federal assets placed in the crowd by the FBI. None of this is becoming less clear, but rather is becoming ever more obvious for all to discern.

    And one of the most useful voices in establishing this clarity is Rep. Clay Higgins, who has proven himself to be a true patriot and a valued ally to the American people in this age in which the land of the free and home of the brave is being ruled by unelected American Oligarchs rather than by the consent of the governed.