Dominion Voting Machine Fraud?

Peloni: Highly recommended 18min video. More context for the explosive report recently shared by Patrick Byrne regarding the Uppercut submitted to SCOTUS

WolvesAndFinance    March 31, 2024

There have been shocking developments in the court cases with Dominion voting machines. Dominion has been suing anyone who suggests that the company was involved in cheating in the 2020 election. Now, I do not want to be sued. So, I am going to be breaking down what has happened using Dominion’s own words. And we are going to answer the question, has Dominion committed fraud?

**Links to all Source documents for this video are on my website at

April 7, 2024 | 1 Comment »

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  1. Unlikely enough SCOTUS judges would have the cojones to invalidate the last election but at the very least they need to invalidate all electronic voting machines, which are justifiably untrustworthy, in favor of only paper ballots, which of course means safeguarding that much more against ballot harvesting, stuffing, forging, etc., but at least the truth has half a chance of prevailing.
    Unfortunately, the odds of Supremes ruling that way don’t look great.