The Betrayal Papers

E. Rowell: Despite the date of this video and report, if you watch the video you will see that it could have been made today.   The Biden Administration’s treatment of Israel is the fruition of years of efforts between post-world war II Nazis inside the CIA who joined with genocidal Islamists to bring us the US/CIA foreign policy of the late 1940’s to the present.  Formerly hidden from Americans, this foreign policy to strengthen Islamic terrorism at the expense of Israel and western civilization was made overt by Obama and Biden.

By THE AMERICAN REPORT      10 July 2015

The Betrayal Papers, Part I-Under Obama the US is captured by the Muslim Brotherhood

The violence in the Middle East and across North Africa is a direct consequence of the Muslim Brotherhood’s effective control over American foreign policy in the region.

The Betrayal Papers are a series of articles detailing the betrayal of America and western civilization through direct actions and efforts of former President Barack Obama to employ member of the MB throughout the federal government.

They operate also through civil front groups and educational institutions such as Georgetown University and the Brookings Institution.


April 7, 2024 | 2 Comments »

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  1. The people must wake up… I believe this process is now in its infancy. Too many people are unaware of the fate that awaits them via muslim “peace efforts”.
    October 7 in Israel revealed islam as it REALLY is.

  2. Yes, this is also happening here in the UK. Lots of members of groups like the MB are employed by our civil service, and are refusing to carry out the government’s instructions regarding illegal migrants, supporting Israel, and so on. We are curently deluged by Muslim migrants and their families, and I sometimes wonder if Barack HUSSEIN Obama is the most evil person in the world today, but I think he ties for that position with George Soros. And in the UK there are more than 3 million members of the religion of peace, and fewer than 300,000 Jews.