Jew-Hate and ‘Inquisitions’ in Canada

By Robert Williams, GATESTONE                                                           22 March 2024

Anti-Israel protesters at Dorchester Square in Montreal, Canada, on November 18, 2023. (Photo by Alexis Aubin/AFP via Getty Images)

  • “I would walk in every single day and I would see ‘f–k you Jews,’ ‘you are not welcome here,’ ‘we hate Zionists,’ and ‘kill yourself.'” — Samantha Kline, student at the Ontario College of Art and Design, Vancouver Sun, March 6, 2024.
  • In 2022, the Canadian government invoked the Emergencies Act to shut down the so-called trucker convoy protests, in which thousands of truck drivers and their supporters rallied to call for an end to the federal government’s COVID-19 vaccine mandates.
  •  Last year, in a move reminiscent of Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin’s “rehabilitation psychiatric wards,” the celebrated psychologist, Professor Jordan Peterson, was ordered by the College of Psychologists of Ontario to be “disciplined” in a “Soviet style re-training camp” or lose his license, simply for having expressed personal opinions about a variety of subjects, from obesity to transgender ideology.
  • The same Canadian leaders and officials, however, evidently see no need to comment on the mobs calling for the genocide of Jews.
  • As a final blow to Canadian Jews, the Canadian government has decided, at this time of all times, to implement new standards that will effectively end the practice of kosher slaughter in Canada.
  • Is Canada trying to get rid of its Jews? And its freedoms? It might just succeed in doing both.

Since the October 7 massacre in southern Israel, Jews in Canada have been under constant attack. Shooting attacks against schools, firebombings of Jewish institutions, boycotts and vandalism against businesses owned by Jews, imams inciting and telling their congregations that Jews are “vermin”, and the constant marches of pro-Hamas activists chanting “long live the intifada” and “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” — a euphemism for annihilating a democratic member of the United Nations, Israel.

In Montreal alone, police recorded 38 reports of hate crimes and other incidents targeting the city’s Jewish community in the weeks following October 7. According to Shimon Fogel, CEO of the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs:

“There is a reason the Jews are being targeted on the streets of Toronto or Vancouver or Montreal. There’s a reason that schools and synagogues are being firebombed. And it’s because the antipathy is for the Jewish people, and the Jewish state is only an extension of the Jewish people, not something independent and separate.”

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March 22, 2024 | 6 Comments »

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6 Comments / 6 Comments

  1. @John Galt III I agree.
    Leftist Jews never pushed back against their “hero” Obama, and this is what they have sowed.

    They made their synagogues into organizations to support the Palestinians and made Israel the 2nd class citizen in terms of their interest. I know. I was there. I left the temple because of this.

    This is what they have to show for their abandonment of their people, their heritage, their homeland, and their religion.

    Now there are many conservative websites I have visited in the past that were supportive of Israel and suddenly I see anti-Jewish content and anti-Israel content.

    How did it infect so many people all of a sudden?

    Is this a PSYOP created by the globalists to divide us further?

    It is like a fire that has started and cannot stop.

    I am concerned in a way that I never ever felt before in my life.

  2. But just remember everyone this is the Amalek-Haman story happening right now!
    Why do they hate us? They hate us more than their own destruction.

  3. Trudeau is a PURE, Cluster B Narcissistic Personality Disordered psychopathic yes, dickless, devient. His wife can’t stomach him.

  4. Canadian ex-pat here. The filth in charge, who was a former high school theatre arts teacher, is continuing the rot his damnable father originally began by his calculated policy of opening the borders to essentially uncontrolled immigration. Now we have imported an ever-increasing glut of people who are doing everything possible to render Canada as vile as the countries they left because Muslim culture had rendered them unlivable.

  5. Jews for many years thought that Christians were their enemies in the New World English speaking countries of Canada and the US. So they voted Left. The Left is replacing Christians with Muslims and other Jew hating 3rd world people by the millions. No one on the Left is objecting. The Jews of the New World made a huge mistake. They have been replaced decisively in all Leftist political parties, in schools, in colleges, in large corporation – in fact in all institutions.

    Since October 7th not one of some 30 odd US Jews in Congress has switched parties or denounced anyone supporting Hamas. Bill Ackman a civilian has, but he has remained a Democrat, so in the end has learned very little. Removing Claudine Gay at Harvard was great but she will be replaced by someone just like her.

    A teaching moment or a rather learning moment has occurred as they say. Will the Jews of Canada and America learn?

    I prefer the Jews figure this out fast. I want them on my side – the anti-Communist, anti-Islam and anti-postmodernist side of freedom, liberty and the Constitution. It’s no too late. The Leftist Jews of Israel have finally woken up – time for all remaining Jews to do likewise. Your life and very existence depends on it.