UK lawmaker stuns parliament with call for members of ‘Covid cabal’ to face death penalty

By World Tribune Staff                                                                                        17 March 2024

British MP Andrew Bridgen / Video Image

British Member of Parliament Andrew Bridgen last week called for the death penalty for Bill Gates and the “Covid cabal” which he said committed “crimes against humanity” during the Covid pandemic.

“Heads of governments around the world and others below them have engaged in what is tantamount to treason against the public,” declared Bridgen in response to a rebuttal from his colleague Penny Mordaunt, who is a long-term World Economic Forum (WEF) member.

During a round of Business Questions in the UK House of Commons, Bridgen said: “I’ve always opposed capital punishment on the principle that it’s wrong to take a life so it can’t be right for the state to take a life in revenge. Events have caused me to reconsider my position.”

Bridgen continued: “So can we have a debate on crimes against humanity and the appropriate punishment for those who perpetuate, collude and cover up for these atrocities, atrocities and crimes so severe that the ultimate punishment may be required?”

Business Questions are the oral questions to the Leader of the House that MPs are allowed to ask.

As expected, UK liberals, including Mordaunt, and media dismissed Bridgen as a “conspiracy theorist.”

“It is appropriate that the finale of this session, which has featured so heavily conspiracy theories, should fall to the honorable gentleman,” Mordaunt said of Bridgen.

Bridgen said he has reached out to the Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police, Mark Rowley and plans to organize a meeting where experts and whistleblowers will present evidence to demonstrate criminal activities conducted by senior members of the UK government and civil service during the pandemic.

Bridgen also said that a senior cabinet minister shared details of a plan to use what he referred to as “turbo cancer” to depopulate the world. According to Bridgen, this revelation unfolded in the tea room at Westminster Houses of Parliament. The unnamed minister allegedly conveyed that Bridgen would be “dead of cancer soon” due to being misled into taking the vaccine during the pandemic.

“You can speak out all you want,” the minister told Bridgen. “It doesn’t matter. You are vaccinated. You will be dead of cancer soon.”

Bridgen, who has served as Member of Parliament for North West Leicestershire since 2010, has become a prominent voice in the fight against globalist authoritarianism in the UK.

Previously, Bridgen called on the House of Commons to call for the UK government to “immediately stop the mRNA vaccine booster program and initiate a full public inquiry into not only the vaccine harms but how every agency and institution set up to protect the public interest has failed so abysmally in its duties.”

March 21, 2024 | 2 Comments »

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2 Comments / 2 Comments

  1. Hi, Inna. Here’s some “wikibackground” on MP Bridgen:

    Andrew James Bridgen[2] (born 28 October 1964) is a British politician and businessman who has served as Member of Parliament (MP) for North West Leicestershire since 2010. He was a member of the Conservative Party until his expulsion in April 2023, having had the whip suspended in January after criticising the efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines and claiming that an Israeli cardiologist told him it constitutes “the biggest crime against humanity since the Holocaust”.[3] He joined the Reclaim Party in May 2023[4][5] but resigned from the party in December 2023.

    In his parliamentary career, he has supported efforts to remove Conservative prime ministers David Cameron, Theresa May, Boris Johnson, and Liz Truss from office.[6][7][8][9] He is a prominent supporter of Brexit. In January 2023, Bridgen was suspended from the House of Commons for five days[10][11] after the house voted in favour of the recommendations of the Commons Select Committee on Standards which found that he had repeatedly breached rules over paid lobbying and declaring interests and that he also attempted to pressure the commissioner investigating his lobbying breaches.[12]

    Considering the parallel abuse of the legal system in the US, I am not distressed by his having run afoul of the “Committee on Standards”. Having been a prominent supporter of Brexit, he seems to be more than a bag of wind. It’s good to see him taking a stand against the WEF and their genocidal agenda.

  2. Maybe finally people all over the world will wake up and listen to medical specialists and researchers who talk about the danger of mRNA so called “vaccines” which are not vaccines at all.